
first meeting

I was nervous as hell, but I managed to get through high school and college. I was finally able to live my life without feeling like a victim. We had our first meeting and I was just about to leave when she said, "Hey, I know this is short, but can we get a meeting to plan your college career?"

I was surprised, but I agreed. We had a meeting and I was able to discuss my goals and what she needed to do to help us get there. She was able to give me a plan that would work for both our interests and our lives.

I couldn't believe it. All those years of feeling like I didn't belong, like I wasn't good enough, were finally paying off. I had made it through high school and college, and now I was standing on the brink of a new chapter in my life. And the best part? I didn't feel like a victim anymore.

As I walked out of my first meeting with my college counselor, my mind was racing. I had never felt so focused, so driven, so alive. I had always been nervous and anxious in situations like this, but somehow I had managed to pull through.

But then, just as I was about to leave, she stopped me. "Hey," she said. "I know this is short notice, but can we schedule another meeting to plan out your college career? I think we could really make some progress if we work together."

I was surprised, to say the least. I had never had anyone show this much interest in my future before. But I knew that if I wanted to succeed, I would need all the help I could get. So I agreed, and we set a date for the next week.

When I arrived at our second meeting, I was nervous all over again. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do with my life, but I had no idea how to get there. But my counselor was calm, collected, and ready to help.

We talked about my interests, my skills, my strengths, and my weaknesses. We went over my grades, my test scores, and my extracurricular activities. And then, bit by bit, she started to piece together a plan.

She showed me which classes I needed to take, which clubs I should join, and which internships I should apply for. She helped me make a timeline, a schedule, and a list of goals. And by the time we were finished, I felt like I had a solid plan for my future.

But even more than that, I felt like I had a partner in this journey. Someone who believed in me, who was invested in my success, and who was willing to help me every step of the way. And for the first time in my life, I felt like I wasn't alone.

So I went out into the world with a renewed sense of purpose. I tackled my classes with renewed vigor, I joined clubs and groups I never would have thought to before, and I applied for internships with confidence. And it all paid off.

Years later, as I stood on stage, holding my diploma, I thought back to that first meeting with my college counselor. I knew that without her guidance, her support, and her belief in me, I never would have made it this far. And for that, I will always be grateful.