
Passage of Time

Powerful bonds of friendship, cooperation, and love had been one of the key ingredients that allowed humanity to reshape not only the Earth of Andrew's birth, but many other Earths and other planets throughout the omniverse. Humanity's success against creatures of cosmic power had often come down almost exclusively to the potency of the bonds that unified them in the face of the horrifying power and planet-shattering might.

It was his knowledge of those bonds that drove Andrew to do some of the things he did. Whether it was the act of rewarding Alma Madrigal's heroic nature by resurrecting her husband, or uplifting even the people who had the least to give him on the Earth of his birth, Andrew was driven to act by his knowledge of the power of friendship, cooperation, and love.

As he acted in various worlds those whose lives felt the potent impact of his actions were filled with joyous gratitude towards him.

Alma would quietly swear an oath of eternal devotion even as Andrew blessed her with eternal youth, various priests and priestesses swore their loyalty to the dragon who towered over them and remade their village, and even an artificial goddess would silently pledge herself to the stranger who had given her the ability to well and truly live for the first ime in her long life.

In Elderia Almalexia, herself an artificial goddess, and Andrew's twin dragon-pets watched in mid-air as he continued to powerfully remake the quaint village he had claimed for himself, even while he watched his companions with a curious and warm gaze. The three of them gazed at his new home as he performed a true demonstration of his might for the very first time.

Reality itself refused to resist the will of the arguably mad dragon, changing to better suit his machinations. Buildings that had taken years to make were effortlessly remade in ways that better suited the whims and schemes of the incredibly large dragon.

At the very same time the dragon began to slowly reach out to singular members of his new retinue using his potent telepathy. This differed from his command to the dragon-priests and other members of the local dragon cult because he was reaching out to these individuals on a one-on-one basis.

The first individual to receive one of these messages was a strange man who was dressed from head to toe in dark metal armor. The man was named Thandamere, and he had had a strange wish; to have a chance to kill a magician who he had already slain, so that he could once more sate the rage that lurked deep within him.

Andrew had fulfilled that request, and during the few moments between Thandamere's wish being fulfilled and him arriving in Ixtacotek, the mage-killer had been temporarily warped to a space-time dimension where the mage who had slain his family was given life anew. The mage-killer gleefully took his time torturing and slaying the mage once more.

Andrew was about to offer him a chance to experience a wholly different emotion; joy.

"Thandamere… I wish to perform a miracle. May I see your locket?" The dragon mentally uttered, his powerful voice filling the witch-killer's mind with ease. Beneath his helmet the warrior's expression changed, and he momentarily hesitated as he wondered whether or not to oblige the dragon.

The word "Miracle" caused the terrifying warrior to hesitate. Long ago he had beseeched none other than Andea herself, this world's goddess of light and order, to resurrect his fallen family. They had been the victims of a deranged mage, one who killed them all aside from Thandamere himself. Years later Thandamere would track down the mage and slay him with his own hands.

In the years since, the former devotee of Andea quietly muttered fervent prayers in which he asked Andea to resurrect his family so that they may live in a world that he would remake in her image. For reasons unknown to him she never answered, not even to offer a reason why she refused his heartfelt request.

There was a quiet, tense moment while Thandamere considered the dragon's request. Eventually, though the knight subtly nodded and approached the edge of the dry portion of the shore. When he was right at the very edge of where the low tide reached he opened his breastplate and revealed a glittering locket. The dragon was silent for a moment as he distantly studied the thing. And then he began to inhale.

For a scant few seconds the sound of the dragon's inhalation could be heard. The noise was tremendously loud, and yet it was dwarfed when the dragon actually ceased inhaling and began to exhale. What the dragon exhaled was not air, it was something wholly different.

The dragon exhaled a potent jet of green spiritual energy. The jet was a thin, precise beam of radiant power that was not aimed at Thandamere but at his locket.

The metal keepsake began to glow as the few hairs within it, which the mage-killer kept close to his heart for sentimental reasons, were infused with vast life-force. The hairs flew out of the locket and onto the sand beside the warrior, which made him gasp in shock and concern. Before he could move to pick them up, the hairs began to fly into the air, causing the warrior and those watching him to freeze out of sheer surprise.

The hairs floated in the air and began to spin in place. As they did they began to grow, lengthening and widening as they formed the basis for a potent miracle.

The widening and lengthening hairs all became the basis from which the deceased members of the warrior's family were spontaneously resurrected! In a matter of seconds faces formed, muscles and bone were built, and even bones were grown, for the sake of fully and perfectly resurrecting the family of Thandamere. The warrior himself fell to his knees when he saw the faces of the figures that Andrew had resurrected.

Beneath his dark magic-resistant helm Thandamere began to weep tears of joy as he was suddenly reunited with the family he lost many years ago. As he wept the dragon responsible for this joyous moment began to speak, audibly this time.

"Thandamere… I offer you this gift freely and without expectations of reciprocity. I have seen into your life, thanks to my nature as a divinity of afterlives and judgment, and deemed that you deserve to be reunited with your family. I give this to you as a friend, and as a fitting reward for a life of kindness, of justice, and of courage." Andrew uttered, his draconic voice itself a powerful thing that filled the air for hundreds of meters in every direction.

The mage-slaying knight was overcome with joy, with gratitude, and he quietly devoted himself, truly, to Andrew. The sight of the powerfully built being weeping as he was reunited with his once-slain family was a deeply emotional one, one that made some of the dragon's other new companions themselves teary-eyed.

The dragon's words weren't lies either. Andrew's powerful judgment-based powers allowed him to peer into the lives of every single one of his new companions. He had already used these powers on them and had been rewarded for this due diligence by attaining a powerful and intimate awareness of the lives of his companions.

The dragon's selfless actions did a good job of impressing upon his allies and companions what he wanted to impress upon them; his nature as a well-meaning, altruistic entity. The creature gazed at his companions, before slowly beginning to activate even more of its mighty powers.


The power that the mighty Greater Dragon was activating was a potent one. In order for it activate fully it would require that reality itself be warped!

The essence in question was named "The Essence of the Supernatural Organization". This powerful essence's activation warped reality across no less than three different worlds in three separate universes.

The first world that was warped was the world of Earth-782. That Earth was warped subtly, with a single office building appearing in the heart of Eaglesville. As this building spontaneously came into existence history was rewritten to accommodate its existence, with millions of dollars being funneled into the economy of Eaglesville just to allow the glamorous office building to exist in a way that was a little bit reasonable.

The building was the localized headquarters of Prosperity Incorporated, the innately significant organization that Andrew was willing into existence. As the organization came into existence Andrew succinctly defined its perimeters and made it a simple organization that was devoted to enacting his machinations.

The organization and all of its members were being created ex nihilo thanks to essence, and fiat, power. He was not possessing existing beings, if he had been he'd have allowed them to retain some measure of free will, but instead, he was simply creating both matter and life freely so he didn't mind indelibly marking their souls and property as belonging to him.

In the world of Encanto the organization spilled forth and warped reality in the area behind the luxurious estate owned by Fernando. Reality was rewritten to state that they were created by Fernando's family and served as a general store for the town, a reasonable enough explanation though the very nature of Encanto meant that little of value would be found there.

Where the organization spilled into the nuanced world of Elderia it took the form of a powerful dragon-cult dedicated to the proliferation of belief in and worship of Andrew. They appeared in the same village that Andrew had touched and changed with nothing more than his proximity and presence.

The organization's emergence into the world of Elderia was enough to significantly bolster the village that housed the dragon and his companions. Entire stone walls exploded into existence to surround the village in each cardinal direction, and so did modern infrastructure such as medical centers, manufacturing plants, armories, and even modern gymnasiums for the training of various soldiers, laborers, and others who used their bodies.

Nevertheless, this took a toll on the powerful being. This was reality-warping, backed by his own power, and it was significant reality-warping for someone who had never truly warped reality on his own. The creature, quite unexpectedly, fell asleep standing up.

The dragon, still partially in the depths of the ocean, abruptly shut his eyes and his body stiffened. As he froze his mind shut off, which was an unexpected and sudden infliction of a potent status condition. Members of his cult, both those truly native to the world, and those who had come into existence due to the potency of the essence Andrew had used to create an organization from the ground up, reacted to this strange sight by panicking and scrambling to his side.

The cultists, all of whom were humanoids ran to the edge of the shore and began to cast potent spells to dash across the water undisturbed by water resistance. They effortlessly reached the dragon and studied him up close. As they did Zep, the flighty wind-elemental quickly began to zip around the gigantic sleeping dragon. She quickly confirmed that the beast was fine, and was only unconscious.

"Mister Dragon is fine! He's just… sleeping. I think." Zep shouted, utilizing her powers over the wind to make her voice echo across the vast distance that separated her from the other followers of Andrew. This was heard by the dragon cultists, many of whom internally breathed a sigh of relief.

That news did not stop the cultists, who kept dashing toward the dragon and who proceeded to cast spells on themselves to bolster their collective strength. For the next few minutes, the people on the beach would watch as dozens of cultists proceeded to use their enhanced strength to move the sleeping dragon out of the water and onto the beach.

From there they would collectively gather around the creature and set up an impromptu camp. For the next two days, the Greater Dragon would sleep, protected by allies or otherwise left undisturbed, while the worlds he had been active in had a chance to react to the changes he inflicted on them, be they subtle changes such as the emergence of the two camps of the cult in Eaglesville, or massive ones such as the resurrection of Pedro Madrigal in the Encanto.

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