
I was blessed by both Goddess & Demon King, I decide to fight humanity

"I hate humans." After I say those words I involved in a accident where I got brought to the underworld to meet the demon king and receive his power and my soul got called to heaven where I meet the goddess and receive the blessing from her too, resulting in me possessing a huge amount of dark and holy power resulting in me getting a power close to the "God". I got the skill to create an entirely new world. I decided to abandon my humanity and use my power save monsters from different species to escape the twisted humanity, by keeping them in the world that I created and helping them get their revenge on the human that torture them.

YabureAki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 03 : Perfected Through Suffering

After waking up I find myself alone in the middle of forest lying on the ground, I didn't feel anything different from me. I though to myself

"Hmmm.... strange.... Did the ritual failed? Why can't I notice the different that happened on my body? "

I remembered seeing a window popped up when I was unconscious, and I can't remembered how to make it re-appeared. I try to hold my hand up to the sky and say "「Status」", Then I see a window popped up again and seeing my status

----------------------------- ---------------STATUS-----------------------------------------------Name : Masayuki Kisei

Age : 18

Title :「▯▮▮▮▯▮▯▮ ▯▯▮▯▯▯▯ ▮▯▯」

Race :「Unidentified」

HP : 「Analyzing」

MP : 「Analyzing」

Skill(s) : 「Analyzing」▼

I'm shocked to see my status window because a lot of things that still don't understand, and also feel confused as my race is still unidentified. Suddenly there's a rustling behind me, I turn around and taking a stance to fight. With no knowledge about magic, no weapon, and no ability to fight, I'm getting ready for whatever that's gonna come to me.

"Oh, It's just a man"

"You're right, It's just one man though."

I saw 4 person coming together towards me, all of them were well equipped, 3 of them are a guy, and one of them is a girl, they looked like around the same age as me. One of the guys is wearing a full suit of regular iron armor and chainmail under the armor with sword on the hand & shield on the other, one of the guy only uses a hood to cover himself and have a pair of daggers, the last one only wear an cloak and mask covering his lower face and carrying a bow on his hand ready to shot with an arrow and quiver full of arrows on his back, and the girl looks like an healer of the party she wears a cloak similar to the guy with dagger, and holding a staff with blue glow on the top.

"Are you from here? Are you lost?" Asked the guy wearing the armor

"Yes, I'm just a beginner adventurer and I lost my way back towards the city. May I ask you to guide me back towards the city?"

"Yes, don't worry we will escort you back to the city. Marco, Ivan, make sure he doesn't get even a tiny scratch. Sarah make sure he didn't get hurt. We need to bring him back without immediately!"

"Yes, Ricki!"

We started walking on the roads through the forest, then a group of slimes looking towards me while hiding behind the trees. The adventurers notice and started to walk towards the slimes while lowering their guard.

[The Slimes : They have a round shaped appearance, a translucent in color, they can appear in different color and have a round thing in the middle that seems like their "Core". The core have a white color and sphere shaped.]

"Look at this, looks like we will have our self some stress relieving toys right here." Said Ricki.

Seeing the adventurer coming to their way, the slimes began to run and attempt to hide behind the trees and bushes. The adventurer were quick, they quickly catch up with the slimes. I could only see from behind, I see them killing the slimes as some sort of fatigue reliefer they were laughing and joking when killing those slimes. The slimes looks like they were crying for help, begging for mercy but the adventurer keeps on torturing them, they stretch the slime until they rip apart, they kick them and play them like a ball until it explodes, the little slimes were collected at one place and got trampled by the girl while she gave off a happy expression as she trampled the slimes. The slimes were trying to run and some of them got away but one of the slime come to me and as I look at it, the slime seems different from the other slimes. Instead of white core in the middle of their body, this one has golden color instead, it looks like want to tell me something but I don't understand what it means. I quickly take the slime and hide it underneath my cloak, not long after they finally satisfied and looking towards me, I was holding my anger as I see them killing those innocent slimes getting killed just for entertainment only. Now I know what Nemesis word means, still because I got no clue where am I at the moment, the only thing I can do is follow them.


"Alright, we've arrived." Ricki said.

"Excuse me sir, but this is in front of a huge cave, this is not what you promised to me." I replied.

"You still don't understand? Now I feel bad of doing this for you." Marco implies.

"DANIEL , we got a goods here for you!" Ricki yelled into the cave.


Not long after a huge man came out from the cave and come towards us accompanied by 4 men on his back.

"So what did you bring me this time rick?"

"I got this boy right here, he's healthy and will fetch a good price. Just sell him to a slave dealer in the city or to some sort of corrupt noble, I don't care."

"Hmmm, he looks weak, I'm gonna have my men to inspect him first before we got our self a deal rick." The Daniel put his face close to mine, as he looks into my eyes.

"Alright make it quick, I don't have all day here."

"Alright, alright. Busy man as ever, huh."


Daniel's men take me to deeper part of the cave, inside is a huge cavern filled with wooden box, cage, chains, a lot of bottle of booze on the floor and wooden keg. It smells like blood and feel so damp inside, the smell got even worst as we got deeper. On our way I saw a lot of elves on the cage, a lot of seems like a child in size, a lot of them seems like a male and only a small amount of female, some the older elves were chain to the wall, some of them already bleeding, some of the female elves were already knocked up on the table and looks dead. I also see a few of an eggs varies in size, they were huge, medium, and small, some of the egg were cracked open, and some were cracked. Not only eggs and alive elves, I also see a lot of leather, a fur of animal, like a tiger, in huge quantity. Finally we're stopping and in front of me were Iron doors, they open it and throw me inside. Suddenly I got nausea, and a great headache.

「Sufficient magic power detected. Commencing "Metamorphosis" on the subject」

「Sufficient holy power detected. Starting "Ceremony" on the subject」

The windows simultaneously popping inside my head, I scream and holding my head.


I feel like a huge amount of information were pouring toward me, also I feel like a something powerful is about to burst. My heart feel so hot, my eyes are all watery, I feel my brain is about to get scatter, and collapsed. Suddenly it all calms down, then the windows popped up again

「"Metamorphosis" has been completed, Congratulation on becoming the Demon Lord 」The window turned black and the text turned red, and a voice is coming out like a man around the age of 21 talking with Formal tone saying

"Greetings master, let me be the first to congratulate you on becoming the one and only demon lord, I will devote my self on serving you with everything that I have."

Then another window popped up, this time this window is colored bright yellow with dark gray text on it.

「Subject has been crowned and recognize, now the subject have attained the authority of the High Gods. 」

"Congratulation on your ascension my lord, I shall help you with whatever you ask for I the servant and the agent of the new high God."

This is a voice of a woman around the same age of the other voice, however this voice has a warm and gentle feel to it, it calms my soul hearing her voice. It seems like they aware of each other existence and decide to not talk that much about it.

"My lord if it don't bother you, may I ask you to bestow us with a name?" The woman asked.

"Let's see....." I'm surprised with her sudden request, and were thinking hard on their names.

"How about Cher & Zel?"

"Cher is going to be for the angel and Zel for the Demon" I added.

"We are joyful for our new name master." Zel replied.



When I'm awake I see three of a silhouette looking down at me while I'm lying on the floor, then started to get up and see their full body, one of them were female elves donned in fancy dress and a crescent moon shaped necklace, the other one is a huge humanoid white tiger with one hand only, and lastly a humanoid lizard with a blueish-green colored scale with some of the scales were already lost and some are broken. They all looked at me with a surprised expression and when I start to ask them


they immediately begin to kneel and say.




All three of them began to shout as they kneel on the floor facing towards me.

"Please have mercy on us, we didn't expect a great being like you come down yourself and meet us." The Elves shout.


