
The Cat and Bunny

I Was a Tough Lady Killer Mobster, But Now I am a Klutzy Maid Girl, That Will Take Down a Demon Lord.

Chapter 5 - The Cat and the Bunny

Azulle stares down the massive form of the blue slime in charge of the slimes, she grips the handle of the broom tightly and grits her teeth. While Gil is starting to panic he is sliding into a pile of junk swinging his sword wildly about in the air. "Gil stop swinging your sword! If you cut one you will only cause it to unleash its bent-up energy against you!"

"What does some talentless, maid know about fighting. I have to defend myself because you clearly won't do your job and protect me!" Gil shouts as a light blue slime jumps at him. The slime is hit by his swings and ice blasts at Gil.

"Warning travel companion Gilford is at 25 % health." States the p-phone

"What the heck does that mean!" Azulle responds as she only narrowly avoids the boss slimes grasp by slipping and landing backward on her head.

"Papaluu Pluu pu!" Belies the boss slime.

"Oi get rid of this bum! He said" informs the p-phone.

"We should retreat Gil!" Azulle states rubbing her head.

"Are you insane I am a hero? And heroes never run away!" Gil says slashing a darker blue slime similar in tone to the boss and gets drenched in water.

"Pluu pluu Puu pluu pu!" The boss slime angrily shouts.

"Grab the female and get rid of the annoying male! It demands." The phone recounts.

"Wait... what!" Azulle shockingly shouts back. "Why do they want me!"

"Slimes are fans of messing around with women. Why do you think I brought you along stupid. Even Babies know that!" Shouts Gil as a collection of smiles surrounds him just out of his sword's reach.

The giant slime moves to grasp Azulle as she slips again planting her feet up for the creature to grab. "Come on there has to be something I can do to fight back..." Azulle thinks as she is also preoccupied with trying to keep her skirt from flipping up exposing her bottom half to the room.

"Searching for special skills... No skills have been selected!" p-phone responses

"No special skills? What is with this world… GAH don't touch me!" Azulle shouts as she is being squeezed against the boss slime. "It stinks and is all gross like those damn fat otaku's back in Japan!"

Suddenly all the slimes stop and turn looking at Azulle.

"Huh, they stopped. Turning your back on a hero will not save…." Gil proudly states before a mass of slimes gathers and forms a wave sending the young prince ejected from the building slamming the door behind him.

"Wait you sent him away. But why… no you can't be after me for my body…"

"Pluu Puu Pluuluu Puu Pluu Pulup! " Responds the black slime.

"Who would want to have sex with a flat-chested loli like you. It said!" P-phone responds.

"Flat chested loli! Damn it I wish I could speak your language and tell you off properly!"

"Available skills, slime language, would you like to gain skill using some of your current skill points? " P-phone asks!

"Wait you mean I can gain that as a skill hell yes!"

"Pluu Puu Plu.. and another thing you trashy girl, why the hell are you in an outfit only a hooker would be in!" The black slime says.

"Now, Now, The loli hussy is simply trying to live up to the damn shitty beliefs that all slimes like to have their way with women." The white slime states. "Guess earth wasn't the only fucked up place to be filled with perverts!"

Azulle is being rubbed up and down across the boss slimes face. "Wait you guys know of Earth!"

All the slimes look at Azulle a bit puzzled.

"She understands us?"

"She knows of earth, is she from there and is not a slime!"

"She has to be she has a cell phone!"

"Hold it you guys are from Earth! Did a stupid jerk named Isea also send you all here!" Azulle proclaims!


"No way is she thinking this is some kind of Isekai world or something!"

"Why her? Why does she get to be human in this world too!"

Azulle looks dumbfounded and continues to try and free herself from the grip of the boss slime, but his grip is to strong. "Hey since we are all from earth you guys will let me go right?"

"No fucking way Loli maid!" The white slime proclaims

"You know you sure have a foul mouth for a smile." Azulle Proclaims while trying to pull off the boss slime's tendril only to slip and slide out of her skirt.

"You perverted girl stop that no one is going to fall for your disgusting actions!" Screams the Black slime who is blushing as it shouts.

"It's not like I am trying to! It's the damn curse of mine!" Azulle squirms till she suddenly drops to the ground landing face first into the ground. "Gah again! I hate this stupid curse, that jerk Isea will pay for this when I find him! "

"Hmm such a determined girl. Just like a anime protagonist … But she needs to develop more plot." States a nerdy looking green slime wearing broken glasses.

"So what are all you slimes otaku reborn in this world." Azulle asks.

"A few of the loser slimes are, yeah loli slut!" The white slime happily states.

"I told you It's my curse!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You likely are just filling out your fantasies you had in your past life. You were likely just some ugly fat cow that couldn't get a man if she even threw herself on him!" The while slime cheerfully stated.

"Lies I was nothing like that!" Azulle proclaims tripping over her own skirt trying to get it back on. "I was killed by one god with a sick and twisted game of his and placed in a game I have no knowledge of how to play because my divine goddess is too indecisive to get her pea brained bimbo body here to teach me!" Azulle tears up a bit as the boss slime helps her up.

"Tell me young lady what is your name."

"Azulle Darkholt!"

"No not the name you have given to you in this world… but the old one."

"Hideo Eito." Azulle shudders in embarrassment stating the name of her old life.

"Hideo…" The Black slime states

"Eito." The white slime interrupts. "No fucking way, are you Hideo Eito! The famed Smiling Devil!"

"You know who I was?" Azulle stands puzzled.

"Listen very well girl. This is a serious statement. Are you really the Smiling Devil! Then prove it to us." The Black slime states. "Do something only the Smiling Devil can!"

"Yeah like fuck a bunch of women, or gut some coward bitch!" the white slime proclaims.

"How can I prove who I once was seriously…" Azulle puzzles when p-phone chimes in.

"Do you wish to add more skills, skills of class and heritage skills are still available to learn!"

"Huh my p-phone is at it again." Azulle picks up the phone and sees a listing of skills. "Hmm so this is what it means.. Maid magic, Cleaning attacks, Dust healing, what do any of these mean…. Huh Devils Rush." Azulle pushes on the phone.

"All current skills are spent." The p-phone states.

"So now I can do stuff…." "Hey not Eito Loli slut! Quit playing with your phone and show us already!" The black slime states.

"Fine if you want me to prove who I am. Then witness this! Devils Rush!" Azulle grabbing her broom she smiles and suddenly bursts with speed across the room and a loud blast of wind gusts out from her wake as she slams into the boss… deep into the boss. "Glub!"

"What a fucking moron!" The White Slime states.

"No way that move I have seen it before!" The black slime recalls.

"As have I. But I guess the girl needs to come out of me." The boss slime states dripping Azulle out. "Still I feel only partly that she is who she claims to be."

"Awe man this stuff is super gross and I bet it will take forever to clean off. ... Wait are you two saying you know me well the past me!" Azulle shirks to try and wipe off the slime on her.

"Yeah but that freaking disgusting jerk had his way with my family, If he didn't die back then I would have killed him, even if he showed me mercy in the end." The Black slime said.

"Your family… wait you can't be that detective I left with Ryoko!"

"Was that the lady doctor's name… A real shame.. I killed her before I finally got free."

"You stinking liar! There is no way Ryoko could have been killed by some worthless near-dead detective. I mean sure she was a stupid drunk and money moocher from me all the time. But she isn't some weakling!" Azulle shouted with anger at the black slime.

"And what would you know. If you are that scum Hideo Eito there is no way you would know because you died before that!" The black slime growled back in anger.

"Eh-hmmm." Coughed the Boss Slime. " Well then Eito-chan, it looks like our little black fellow has issues with you to work out. And I must admit I could confirm things if I was alive then… As I do remember the young pup Eito and the drunk doctor Ryoko under my employ… but you only just gained such a title as the Smiling Devil when I passed into this world. Back then I was called Saito Himura. But now they just call me Oyabun!"

"No freaking way you were boss Saito!... But then I remember back then you were a bit of an odd boss back then."

"Wait Oyabun, you were the Otaku Boss! The Yakuza leader is known for his control over anime and manga studios." The black slime shockingly states.

"Yes, I make no excuses for my love of such true beauty and art! And for the beauty of young women!" Oyabun looks over the now slime-covered and embarrassed Azulle and blushes a bit. " And well .. um Eito you look quite fitting you should work hard to grow stronger in that cute figure.

"Hey Stop looking at me like that!" Azulle shouts!

"The old pervert can't help it. He is a worthless otaku! Like most the fucking disgusting jerks around here." States the white slime.

"No, I am not… Uh, look Eito-chan why did you come here with that arrogant warrior." Oyabun asks trying to hide his blushing.

"Um well that warrior is my lord… and my brother… we found out about slimes in the old bathhouse and ordered me to come with him to fight you all to build up our skills. I am sorry had I known you all were from earth let alone the reincarnated body of Boss Saito being in charge I would have tried to hold him back more. Still, Lady Marril did order me to also clean this place as my training. So I guess my missions are a failure then." Azulle pouts.

"Well, we certainly aren't going to let some loli slut slash former yakuza wakagashira to take our home…"

"Perhaps we can work something out. We slimes survive on elements and may be useful to the humans in your domain, but the other races see us as nothing but pests and monsters. I charge you Eito-chan to act as the go-between for us slimes and your kingdom's leaders. If those in charge let us exist among them then in turn we will take tasks to help them. If not then I am afraid I will have to seek to summon our full forces living deeper in the sewers. Surely the numbers of us while we are difficult to kill will defeat you all easily if you are anything like the warrior you came here with… or the ninja who keeps running into our nests. Well, Eito- chan what is your choice." Oyabun explains.

"Like that is even a choice. Fine I will go. But you will help me with my training in turn Oyabun!" Azulle smiles.

"Very well then we have a deal Eito-chan and as a way to both bury the hatchet and help you bring peace two of my followers will accompany you. White, Black…" Oyuban, states but the two interrupt him.

"No fucking way I have to shack up with a Loli bimbo!"

"I will not stay by that scum's side!"

"It's an order you two do it or be assimilated!

"Yes, Oyuban!" The two slimes grumble.

"Then go out into the world and make your places the three of you! Let no one hold you back!" Oyuban states.

Time passes and Azulle opens the door coming out of the old bathhouse with the white slime on her head and the black one on her back slapping her. As soon as the three-step out into the light of the day Jenni stands there waiting with Gil struggling on the ground in pain… And worse yet the queen glaring at the slime-covered young maid stepping out of the small dungeon.

"How dare you little shrew send my precious Gilford into a dungeon and abandon him like that!" The Queen states.

"Wow what a Bitch." The white slime states.

"How dare you do that to me? A classless dolt like you, and you return covered in such wicked beasts!" Gil, States as Azulle walks over and squats near him.

"I did as you ordered you useless jerk. I told you to stop cutting them. They aren't as dangerous if you just get to know them… I guess." As the black one continues to bat at her face. "Stop it will you, I am trying to be serious here!" She shouts at the black slime. Then focusing she touches Gil's cheek and a white light derives from her hand. She moves the white light around Gil's face and the wounds heal about him as she states. "Dust Healing!"

"How did you do that Eito-slut!" The white slime insulted.

"Wait did you just use a skill!" The Queen shockingly stated.

"Guess the girl isn't as classless do cha know." Jenni states.

"It would appear not… Very well then if she thinks she is so special that she can leave my precious boy alone while she goes about improving her useless skills. She and her slime followers can work on their skills in the cells." Captain Jenni, I expect you to not go easy on your new guest.

Gil starts to stand up "But Mother she is my servant."

"Yes and when the girl is properly taught her lesson she will be returned to her duties. Till then Gil you will return to your studies for the afternoon."

"Sigh I truly am sorry aboot this, Ms. Azulle but I ask you and your slimes to come peacefully, okay!" Jenni states holding out handcuffs.

"Seriously the great, Hideo Eito, is nothing more than a weak and lowly servant to a worthless child. HAHAHAHA, this job will be wonderful to watch you fail!" The black slime states.

"Have fun in chains for a few days, you worthless wretch." Gil states.

"Fine, I give. Anything to stay away from that useless jerk!"

"Oh, my looks like someone's things will be used to heat my room tonight!" Gil snickers.

"Hey, no fair stay out of my things you jerk!" Azulle shouts as Jenni cuffs and drags her away.

"That is the way, my dear son. Teach the scum of a bastard the lessons of betraying our leadership. And you don't go easy on her ether Jenni!"

"Of course your highness. I will treat lady Azulle like any other of my prisoners."

Azulle stops struggling and starts to shake as Jenni leads her and her new slime friends to the lower section of the castle when suddenly the dark dank hallway gives way to something that not one of the three expected on the cells below the castle. While the Iron and stone were still around. Each of the cells is decorated with bright pinks and pastels, the bunks with frilly pillows and bedding. The few prisoners all look to be adorned in cute outfits unbefitting of many of the hardened criminals. Each having tea sets and little cute cakes.

"Hey look the captains back, Guys!" States a heavily scared muscle man in a frilly bear outfit.

"Oh, and we get a cute little maid here too!" Says a snake-faced man wearing a lovely spotted sundress.

"Now now, don't get all worked up my little sweets. We have three new prisoners, Lady Azulle and… what are their names dear Azulle?

"Um, why is this the dungeon of a little girl's tea party!" Azulle shouts.

"Oh my my. Such a young lady shouldn't be so crass, Lady Azulle. We will work on that with you during your stay here. But I still need to call these little cuties something so what do you call your pets huh?"

"My pets?"

"Like hell, I am going to be a pet of this Eito Jerk!" The black slime says.

"Oh, such a cute way of talking!" Jenni states.

"You can understand them?"

"Of course, the little cute black one just said he wants cuddles."

"That's not at all what he said!" Shouts Azulle.

"Don't you fucking get it Eito-slut! Only you have the skill to understand and speak with us."

"Um okay, then what are your names?"

"Oh, you haven't given them ones yet?" Jenni asks.

"My name is Lord Mega fucking Murder Death Shit Demon!" the white one says.

"Awe how cute I think I have just the thing to make such a cutie like you fit your new name Francois!" Jenni states pulling out a headband with cat ears upon the white slime.

"Francois?" Both Azulle and Francois state.

"Hmmm and you, my dear black cutie I haven't forgotten about you, my dear Noir." Jenni places another headband this time a set of bunny ears on the black slime.

"Hmm, Noir… I like it."

"You would you fucking jerk!"

"Quiet Francois!."

"Well then let's see you three to your room for the next few days shall we." Jenni proudly proclaims.

And so ended Azulle's first dungeon run as she gains a new quest to venture forth and bring peace between man and slime alike… just as soon as she gets out of her prison term.