
 The Twisted God and Indecisive Goddess

All is dark around Eito he wonders what is going on around him and shouts out but nothing comes out of his mouth. Then just as suddenly as the darkness hit him he finds light surrounding him and he is standing in a massive building with lines of people waiting on either side to move up to booths where strange-looking people are standing. But people could never be more loosely applied towards them. While some are human, some are elves, dwarves, even full-on animals manning the booths. He then looks to the lines of others and again he sees an ensemble of many humans to animals to something between.

Somewhere someone shouts at the next person in line. But Eito keeps looking around as a collection of half-dog half-human creatures run by with mops, one stopping to stare back at Eito. "Um sir I think they are calling you"

Eito snaps to attention to the booth before him and notices that not only is he standing near one but unlike around him no one is in line with him.

"I said next in line please!" Shouts a bear-looking creature wearing both a pink bow on the top of its head and a tie around its neck.

Eito moves forward slowly approaching the bear-like creature. Hearing a mumble under the creature's breath. "Stupid human, making me work, I am going to give that Isea a piece of my...Hello, sir welcome to central processing!"

Eito blushes and grumbles "Such a cute voice from a beastly form!"

"Hey, I will have you know sir I was a Beauty pageant winner among my people!" The creature shouts red-faced.

"Do you mind telling me where this is? How did I even get here?"

"You died, sir. This is the central processing of all souls in all universes and worlds." The creature states.

"Seriously I died. What killed me finally?" A surprised look comes across Eito's face.

"According to my records you were hit by a truck driven by Mr. Isea, he tends to do that your people from Japan."

"I will kill that guy!" Eito shouts.

"That may be a challenge, and you would put me out of work if you did. But Mr. Isea is a god." The creature shrugs as she explains.

"God or man there is no one I haven't been able to beat." Eito proudly states.

"Well, you're welcome to try if he lets you I guess. But given your karma from your past life and the fact that he brought only your spirit here it will have to wait till you are old enough to try."

"Old enough? I am dead..."

"Isea likes to take people or souls and transfer them to new worlds. The ones he brings thru here are special cases. Normally you would be in the line of whatever beliefs you have. Believe in an omnipotent god that sticks you in a pickling vat in the end then you get in line to be shoved in your vat. Believe in a flaming hell that forces you to watch nothing but annoying commercials while acidic snails slowly dissolve an even slower regrowing body." Explains the creature.

"Well, I am not ..."

"Your case is different." The creature interrupts Eito. "You will be reborn into a new world adapting to life there, The details of which your personal divine advisor will explain to you. Let's just see who that is..." she runs her hands across the air and a series of strange words move about responding to her hand movements. "Let's see you have been assigned... oh dear, I am truly sorry dear sir."

"Sorry? Why did I not get assigned, anyone?"

"No, you have been assigned the goddess, Ori."

"A goddess then that's a good thing, isn't it?"

"You will see. I am transmitting you there now. Have a good new life sir."

Light starts to envelop Eito as he speaks back to the creature. "Umm thanks I guess..." Eito disappears.

"Sigh, hopefully, he wouldn't be stuck waiting on her to make her mind up long." The creature scratches her head as an odd man in a coat and tinted goggles cough in front of her.

"Oh, I am sorry how can I ... oh it's you."

"My dear Tula, I am heartbroken for how you greet me after all this time. I did get you this job over the others." Grinned the man.

"Yeah dealing with the poor souls you toy with Mr. Isea! And worse you assigned him, Ori! You know how she is."

"Yes, this is why I choose her. Our dear Mr. Eito should be a good influence on her I hope. But I will drop in and make sure things move a bit quicker than normal."

"You're going to get personally involved with this one... why? I mean he is a bit different than your usual choices."

"Let's just say the higher gods and I have a running bet. To take a pathetic waste of human scum and seeing if they can change a world for the better, thus I found this latest gutter trash."


The scene changes to a long hallway as light bursts and Eito falls in front of a doorway marked by a nameplate that states Ori goddess of Fate. "What is your name... oh damn that was odd. This place is weird but I guess I was sent here to deal with this goddess." Eito knocks on the door but no answer is heard. "Is she not in?" Eito tries the doorknob and the door creaks open to not a room but a massive void. Off in the distance, a cry is let out and Eito looks towards the noise finally seeing a young girl with two clothing piles and her naked. He turns to look at the girl, her hair long flowing in a golden look with the ends turning to a shade of red. Eito can't help but admit that if alive then he might be willing to chase after the young beauty.... but the goddess had a different viewpoint noticing the mobster at her door.

"Gahhh!" The girl screams trying to cover up and Eito turns to step out the door but finds the door is now gone.

"Look I am sorry you didn't answer when I knocked and ... where did the door go!"

"You should be.... how could I let some stranger see me naked."

Eito sits down on the ground still looking away. "I am sorry it's a disgrace for a man to see a young woman in the nude when she isn't asking him to." Eito takes the stance to commit seppuku.

"Gah! So serious!" Suddenly blood spurts out of Eito and he falls on the floor as Ori screams "Aaahh! How did you even kill yourself in the afterlife!"

The scene shifts to the processing counter in front of Tula again. "How are you even here already!"

"Looks like it." Says Eito still squirting blood with the sword still in his stomach.

"You know that kind of stuff can really mess up your soul. But you're not my problem... back to Ori you go!" Tula smiles and waves as Eito disappears in the light again.

Eito once again crashes in the hall before Ori's door. He knocks again and cracks the door to speak through. "Ms. Ori are you decent now?"

"It's too much!"

Eito bows his head at the door "I am dearly sorry Ms. Ori! I did not mean to ..."

"Blue or pink which one should I wear. The blue has a pretty white stripe pattern but it would be dark enough to show through my clothes when they get wet from a sudden rainstorm exposing me to the public in pure embarrassment. The pink, however, has cut frills but the pattern will show through the creases of my clothing exposing that I am wearing something so fancy that the public may think bad things about me. Why is it so hard to make choices?"

"Is she talking about me or her panties?" Ask Eito.

Suddenly the tall figure of Mr. Isea looms over Eito. "So Ms. Ori is still figuring out her underwear, at least after two weeks she has it down to two. She may be getting better at making decisions. Oh well, we can't wait a decade for her to get ready can we Mr. Eito." Isea looks at the door and kicks it off its hinges sending it across the void that is Ori's room. "Hello, my dear Ori!"

"What the… Mr. Isea my door… my clothes…. my ... my…!"

"Oh yes let's fix that little clothing issue, after all, you have award waiting." Isea snaps his fingers and suddenly Ori is dressed in a potato sack. "There that's better!"

"Gah, what are you saying this is not cute at all for a goddess to be dressed like this is absurd! How can I ever show myself out in public like this Mr. Isea!" Cries Ori.

Knuckles crack and Eito grits his teeth. "So you sir are that Isea jerk that sent me here in the first place!"

"One and the same my dear Eito Hideo, it's a pleasure...." Before Isea finishes his sentence Eito is on him bringing down a punch upon Isea.

The scene shifts back to Tula's counter as Eito crashes in front of her. "Again sir!"

"I will kill the bastard!" Eito shouts as he disappears again in light before returning scorched and burning "I was close! Again!"

"Seriously sir I know you want to get your revenge on Mr. Isea but harming your soul will only make your new life vastly different than what you are used to." Explains Tula.

"Never to give in to him would destroy my honor as a man!" Eito's face turns into an evil grin.


The scene shifts back to Ori's room as Eito Appears moving faster than before and Isea grabs the uppercut stopping it. "While I must say Mr. Eito your nickname suits you. But I tire of this nonsense." Isea snaps his fingers and Eito starts to float in the room unable to move any faster or closer.

"Hold me back all you want but I won't let you win. I can't let you win. Anyone who dares mess with lives treating them as nothing more than toys has no right to call himself a god!"

"Fancy things words from a man whose first life preyed on the weak and gullible to enrich himself!" Responds Isea.

"Stop it both of you!" Shouts Ori. "If you want to kill each other then do it elsewhere!"

A smile hits Isea's face. "Right you are Ori, my dear. Very well if you are so set on beating me then let's make a little challenge of it. I will journey to the world I am sending you and will wait at the point where your new destiny will draw you. Should my world make you lose that fire inside? Then you and dear Ms. Ori lose and will subjugate yourselves to my service."

"And if I beat you!" Eito grunts back.

"I will return you to the time and place of your death only you will survive able to live the life you had. Well Smiling Devil what do you say." Chuckles Isea.

"I will be there in a day."

Isea laughs. "Oh, you think things will be that easy on you, well we shall see. Till then I will be waiting for you in the castle of the world's demon lord." Isea continues to laugh as he fades away. And Eito falls to the ground.

Ori shouts "you idiot you don't have a body you will have to be reborn in a world Mr. Isea designed. It will be years before you can even be ready to face a normal demon let alone the lord of one. It will take all your skill with RPGs to survive and grow stronger."

"That's fine I am well skilled in any manner of firearms let alone rocket-propelled grenades!"

Ori looks shocked... "We are so screwed"

"Huh, it doesn't matter because I will see it through to the end fighting on to the bitter end as only a man can."


The scene fades to darkness and a woman screaming when suddenly a light appears and another woman is smiling and stating. "Well hello there. Welcome to the world, little one!"

While Eito's thoughts come in place "So this is my new home. A perfect place for a man to grow and..."

An exhausted woman asks "What is it?"

"Why a beautiful girl of course"

Eito thinks with shock "Wait I am a girl!"