
I was a Single Mother 'till I Met Him'

This is a story of a girl, who has a secret from her husband—having a beautiful daughter. "Mommy," Aurora shouted happily and ran towards Mia. Mia looked at her beloved daughter and was about to hug her when a voice stopped her. "Mommy," her husband asked, curiosity etched in his voice. "Oh!” The woman giggled. “I am her godmother," Mia answered with a shaky voice. "Godmother," Aurora whispered as she cocked her head to the side, looking away with a sad face. Mia glanced at the author, showing her angry eyes. “I will kill you!” The author spoke as she feigned ignorance. "Hehehe... I am innocent!” * Mia is a 20-year-old girl who is a daughter of a renowned politician. For her father, his reputation is worth more than anything else. Due to her child being a girl, her family is disheartened and had ignored Mia for the rest of their lives. One thing happened after another, she got pregnant unexpectedly and had informed her boyfriend of the news, but he suddenly left, and no news of him was found ever since. Feeling heartbroken and depressed, even with the consolation of her best friend, her heart still felt restless. That is—until she met him. ** The cover page doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to a talented artist. Warning: Don't dare to copy my copied cover. I will haunt you if you dare so... Notice: Please read at least 3 chapters before removing this novel from your library...... and this shameless author loves silent and noisy readers. discord link: https://discord.gg/K84yYzE

sophia_121 · Urban
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

My daughter




"Grandpa," Mia said in the soft voice. it was looking like flowers were coming out from her mouth.

The poor old man listened to the word 'grandpa' and his eyes started shining, Auden never called him grandpa that sweetly.

And the way Mia called him directly attacked his heart and imaginary blood started coming out from his mouth.

He looked at Mia and his happy mind can believe any word of Mia.

"Grandpa, Auden is not wrong he was seriously busy and when he found me upset he stand out from my room till midnight and he even said sorry multiple times....please don't shout at him," Mia said these words in a sweet voice and was looking like a cute innocent girl.

It was the first time someone said things in the support of Auden in front of an old man, Auden listened to them and his heart skipped a beat without his acknowledgment. He was feeling light and he was feeling like he was standing in the garden where flowers and leaves were falling on him.

 He looked at Mia who was smiling at the old man

 "I believe you, my daughter, '' the old man said and he and Mia started smiling at each other. They were looking like a grandpa and granddaughter and Auden was looking like a third wheel there. But still, he was feeling happy after looking at them and a smile appeared on his face, which is not easy to come as he don't smile normally.

Kelvin was looking at the whole drama from afar and his eyes were shining while looking at uncommon drama.  He was laughing while looking at the drama and after some time when Mia and Auden went into their own room and an old man left alone in the corridor, he flew towards him.

And looked at the old ma with teasing voice," old man can't you see they were lying"

"Stupid brat, can't you see that they were protecting each other. Mia lied to me and Auden didn't oppose her"

Kelvin looked at the situation from the eyes of an old man and a small smile appeared on his face.

"You are talented old man" Kelvin gave him a compliment unwantedly and for a second his heart got some respect for this old man.

"Who is old, look what us different between us we both have white hairs … and I am better than you as my hairs are in trending style in yours are like a while long grass"


" I can kill many girls with my one smile" the old man gave himself a compliment.

"It's not girls, it's grannies" Kelvin makes him aware of the truth and starts laughing.

"Shoo shoo," an old man said in a pissed voice.

Kelvin laughed and started showing his tongue like a small naughty kid. An old man went into his room by himself with a pissed face.

"This family is awkward, all of them have two personalities, in one they can kill thousands of people, and in others, they act like a most innocent creature." He said with a smile and started brushing his hair.

"Old man, The show is just started there will be many face reveals which can create disaster in everyone's life," Kelvin said and an evil smile appeared on his face.




#to be continued


sophia_121creators' thoughts