
I was a Single Mother 'till I Met Him'

This is a story of a girl, who has a secret from her husband—having a beautiful daughter. "Mommy," Aurora shouted happily and ran towards Mia. Mia looked at her beloved daughter and was about to hug her when a voice stopped her. "Mommy," her husband asked, curiosity etched in his voice. "Oh!” The woman giggled. “I am her godmother," Mia answered with a shaky voice. "Godmother," Aurora whispered as she cocked her head to the side, looking away with a sad face. Mia glanced at the author, showing her angry eyes. “I will kill you!” The author spoke as she feigned ignorance. "Hehehe... I am innocent!” * Mia is a 20-year-old girl who is a daughter of a renowned politician. For her father, his reputation is worth more than anything else. Due to her child being a girl, her family is disheartened and had ignored Mia for the rest of their lives. One thing happened after another, she got pregnant unexpectedly and had informed her boyfriend of the news, but he suddenly left, and no news of him was found ever since. Feeling heartbroken and depressed, even with the consolation of her best friend, her heart still felt restless. That is—until she met him. ** The cover page doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to a talented artist. Warning: Don't dare to copy my copied cover. I will haunt you if you dare so... Notice: Please read at least 3 chapters before removing this novel from your library...... and this shameless author loves silent and noisy readers. discord link: https://discord.gg/K84yYzE

sophia_121 · Urban
Not enough ratings
73 Chs





Sun raised from the east as it can't change its habit and the same goes for Mia who can't change her sleeping posture.

She was sleeping with her legs on the face of Auden who was annoyed with her sleeping habits. She was the only living creature who was sleeping soundly after slapping and kicking on his handsome face.

He was crying without tears as he can't say anything to her even though he can't change the room.

Last time he changed the room not because he cared about her feelings but because he cared about his face.

He put her legs away from his face like he was defusing a bomb.

Then he slowly takes her legs away from her hands and takes a deep breath as his great mission got successful.

"How can she go from upside down while sleeping…. Really now?" he mumbled while looking at Mia with her evil eyes.

Nobody made him that annoyed as Mia made.

And went away while rubbing his face where he got uncountable kicks last night.
