
I was a Single Mother 'till I Met Him'

This is a story of a girl, who has a secret from her husband—having a beautiful daughter. "Mommy," Aurora shouted happily and ran towards Mia. Mia looked at her beloved daughter and was about to hug her when a voice stopped her. "Mommy," her husband asked, curiosity etched in his voice. "Oh!” The woman giggled. “I am her godmother," Mia answered with a shaky voice. "Godmother," Aurora whispered as she cocked her head to the side, looking away with a sad face. Mia glanced at the author, showing her angry eyes. “I will kill you!” The author spoke as she feigned ignorance. "Hehehe... I am innocent!” * Mia is a 20-year-old girl who is a daughter of a renowned politician. For her father, his reputation is worth more than anything else. Due to her child being a girl, her family is disheartened and had ignored Mia for the rest of their lives. One thing happened after another, she got pregnant unexpectedly and had informed her boyfriend of the news, but he suddenly left, and no news of him was found ever since. Feeling heartbroken and depressed, even with the consolation of her best friend, her heart still felt restless. That is—until she met him. ** The cover page doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to a talented artist. Warning: Don't dare to copy my copied cover. I will haunt you if you dare so... Notice: Please read at least 3 chapters before removing this novel from your library...... and this shameless author loves silent and noisy readers. discord link: https://discord.gg/K84yYzE

sophia_121 · Urban
Not enough ratings
73 Chs





He looked at Mia was really behaving awkwardly and without wasting time he said.

"Mia…. stop thinking and come in my room" he said gently as much as possible and his words make Mia's mind crazy.

She rolled her eyes over his face and then cover herself from the blanket, like a sweet child who was playing hide and seek.

"Hey, I am not ready," she said nervously without taking her face out from the blanket.

"I am also not ready???? I am not interested in your flat body but that old man is in the house and before he found out about our relationship came into my room." He said when he lost all of his patience.

Mia threw the blanket and looked at the Auden who was standing nervously and his eyes were looking like a beggar.

"What ??!!..... Your grandfather arrived" she shouted. 

"Yeh!" He answered as a broken man, who was explaining things to her wife from ages.

"Come with me," he said while holding the hand of Mia.

Mia looked at his panicked face and his odd reactions.

She started following him like a cute sensible child who was following her father in a crowded area.

After all, she can't afford his grandfather's hatred.

Auden opened the door and looked at the empty corridor and took a deep breath. He was looking like a thief who was robbing after looting the whole house.

Mia was Looking at Auden who was looking like a scared cat. 

She wanted to ask many things but she wasn't able to say a single word. She was just following his actions obediently.

They walked like agents and were about to reach in the room but suddenly a heavy voice stopped them.


Mia looked back in the direction of the voice and looked at the old man whose whole skin and hair were white, his eyes were crystal white and there was a black stick in his hand which had a diamond on the top.

"Auden?" He repeated his word.

Auden looked at the back and saw the person whom he really doesn't want to see at that time. And a sweat starts coming out from his head after looking at the old man.  He doesn't want to lie to the old man but he can't tell the truth. Poor thing.

The old man looked at the situation and asked "You both are living in the different rooms"

"No" Mia answered like a scared cat and make both of them surprised

She looked at the situation and wanted to help him.

She bit her lower lip and thought about giving justification and unlucky she has to give justification to both of them as their reactions are the same.

She opened her mouth to say more.

"Actually, Auden used to be very busy and I asked him to go with me on the island but he denied and said that he is busy. So I was upset with him and ….. And don't want to talk to him at any cost and…... I also changed my room."

She gave her long explanation nervously while looking at the ground.

She was looking like a shy child who was dictating her long speech in front of the whole school.

"You stupid son of mine, how can you be my grandson you don't even know how to take care of one woman. When I was of your age I used to have 20 girlfriends and I treat them equally and none of them used to be upset and now looked at you"

He said proudly and his nose became 2 inches long.

After hearing that unpredictable statement from the mouth of that old man, Mia's eyes became big and her jaw dropped on the floor and she looked at the old man.

She looked at his grey eyes which were the same as Auden and most of his features were similar to Auden.

 'He is indeed his grandson, but from just looks.' She said to herself.

'There is a wide difference in their character and of course, Auden is better from this old fellow'. She thought and the old man was looking at her and his piggy brain thought that Mia is upset from the Auden and he shouted at Auden," What can you do if you can't make your cute wife happy"

Auden looked at Mia with a blank face, he didn't know what to answer and made the atmosphere normal. He was looking like a quite puppy who don't know how to react and deal with the situation except barking which he definitely can't 

Mia looked at Auden and it was her first time to look at different expressions on Auden's face

When she first met him, she saw an expression of helplessness on his face, and after marriage, she hardly saw any of his expression and from that, she thought him a strong cold man, who had a good heart deep down. But today she saw many expressions, and his puppy face made her smile.

She was purely unaware of her smile which was new to her.

She even doesn't know that she smiled after looking at the Auden

Then she looked at the old man to give him a justification as she wasn't feeling good when that old man was shouting at her husband.





#to be continued! 

Hi humans, hope you are doing good in the Corona era...

I want to inform you that I am locking chapters from the mouth end.

due to this, you will get daily updates of 1.5k words and I will get money.

hope you will understand and still if you have any question ask in comments or in discord (link is in the synopsis)

sophia_121creators' thoughts