
I Want To Live As I Want (DxD Fan-Fic)

My second time to write something i hope it's up to your liking.Not like the first one it will start a few years before plot of original DxD. Please tell me wrong things i do so i can change them for good but readers who read my first work knows i have a problem about updating.When i rewrite some parts and update it,it doesn't get changed so i remove chapter and reupload it. I hope this work will be better than first one,thanks for everybody who read my stories.?

Dominator · Anime & Comics
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First Life And Fall Final Part

Right now after 4 years of training i'm nearly at the level of True Sage.Yet with this much development i still have a weird feeling in side of me that an omen is coming right now,at that moment i didn't know how true was my prediction.....

At midnight i heard a voice that was similar to scream from under our bedroom and i wake up with me waking up Zou waked up too,using hand signs i told him what happened not understanding what happened we went to check it without waking any monks,walking with silent steps were easy for us in the end we arrived at two way crossroads so he go to check left and i go to check right.After walking for a while i heard a scream again and it led me to a wall with ancient ornaments after checking wall for a few seconds i found a button and pushed it then wall become something similar to door and i slowly pushed it what i saw at that moment was disgust twenty or more women are raped and fucked by monks of Blue Dragons this was limit of i was gonna throw my weekly meal but after a minute i start a breathing technique for blood circulation and mind clearing but this doesn't changed the outcome i was so shocked,all of my serenity gone in few minutes and some mens of Blue Dragon came to check how things are going and before i could counter.

A dagger was stabbed from my back to my heart.Then i took a look at behind and saw Blue Dragon member who stabbed me he had a wicked smile but before he could stab deeper i took his hand hold dagger and take it out of his hand then chocked his throat,his face lose it's light and fainted but before he fainted he screamed with a tone only could heard by nearby monks and all members of Blue Dragons other side of door heard it.I was ready to escape but bastard who stab me was not a moron,poison on dagger effected me a lot and i paralyzed on the spot and all of them given a knife with different poison from a elder of Blue Dragons that his fun interrupted by me with a frown in his face he give a sign and i stabbed by diffirent places leaving my head and male characteristic organs i couldnt measure what happened any more but before my sight become blurry i heard voices of monks of Blue Dragons they were screaming and i take one last glance at what happened blood lots of blood only elder that give daggers was standing but he didn't stayed alive after others his head is chopped by Zou like he killed other guys mercilessly then he came near me crying with sadness,regret and frustrated by what he did and what happened he continued to cry and i black out.

/1 Week Later/

I don't know if i am alive or not but i was without a doubt in hospital i couldn't feel my body nor i could move it or talk but atleast i'm still alive.After few minutes 3 people entered to room one of them was my sworn brother Zou and other two looking at their attire they were probably a doctor and nurse.Seeing Zou cried and ask for forgiveness which i nod to him i could see in his eyes sadness grew more on unstoppable pace so i tried to make hand signs which only Zou and i can understand and this stopped his sadness that was rising to an unimaginable levels.I asked few questions with hand signs and get their answer.

Like where were we and what happen after they stabbed me.Zou answered questions.It seems when i was in a comatose state their was not a single hospital could heal me in China so he transfered me to Japanese most advanced Eastern-Western methods combined hospital they could stabalize my condition but that was all and how far i could live was unknown but i still didn't know what to do my mentality was shit right now so i should do something about it.But i couldn't do anything because of my current state but after a few weeks,without doing anything i get bored,losing my clear mind reasoning with myself what would have happened if i choose other path from the start?Like in the past lots of unanswered questions and a blank future ahead on me.

After two weeks from incident all Blue Dragon get a fair trial and executed for their wrongdoings but this didn't change my condition why Why it's me always get bad endings!!!Just this week i went through 4 operations but i can't feel my legs and i dont feel much from my hands too but atleast i can move it was reasuring part of it yet i lose my vocal cords so i can't talk anymore so i write what i want to a miniboard so people can understand me.

But when i changed channels on TV i met something that saved me from despair.It was an Anime when i was a kid i really like fantastic and magical things so this took my interest after watching one episode then one season of it Finally i watched tons of Animes and read tons of mangas and this stabilize some of my mental problems,Zou was happy that i didn't completely lose hope but he started visit me once for week it seems he left temple after all chaos and start a work in Japan but he doesn't tell me what his work related maybe something related to bad things but knowing Zou i didnt thought he will do those types of job.Like this 5 years passed.


Meanwhile i become an true otaku and little bit of pervert,can i be classified as a neet? I don't know but my body reached it's limits.I get very skinny and my hair turned white i know i reached my journeys end yet i am not sad but i have a satisfaction.I prayed for everything in my life even though i die in this way and have regrets and sorrow this is atleast what i must do after all those things i went through even thou i don't believe those teachings i learned anymore.And closed my eyes forever to never open them again on this "Chaotic World".

/Few Minutes Later/(General POV)

After death of our Mc=Edward,Zou entered room so he saw his dear friends dead body this was the last drop for Zou and he entered a more dark path he already start walking...

"(Finally character development ended. now we can move to DxD)"



I hope everybody likes it this will start at Slashdog but i didn't finish reading it so please give me one or two days i make a OP Mc that screams i am OP so get ready!!!!!

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