
(1) Chapter 1 New Beginning

"I want to become the next Zenith!"

"huh what?"

"You heard me!"



(20 minutes ago)

Marty: Look Look!


Marty: The Zenith is currently taking down the bad guys again on TV!

N: really?

Marty: Yes!


News reporter: It looks like the phantom vipers are taking a bank hostage! Will our Zenith come and save the day?

People: Woah! what is that?

People: Is it a bird is it a plane. No it's the Zenith!!!

Zenith: Dont worry everyone! Im here to save the day!


Zenith Pov:

You filthy criminals need to know who to mess with!

*Zenith travels to the bad guys with serious speed*

Zenith: Take this, criminals!

*Zenith Punches the criminals gut's out*

Hostages: Thank you for saving us Zenith!

Zenith: You're welcome fellow citizen!


Back to N and Marty:

N: Woah! he is so strong and brave! I want to be like him!

Marty: You must be joking right? He literally acts like a boring typical hero you would see in shows and movies.

Marty: You even said you want to become cool and badass. And he ain't that type.

N: I still want to become...


(Back to the present)

N: I want to become the next Zenith!


Marty: That's not possible...

N: No it is not!

Marty: You dont even have tale-

N: i'll prove it to you, One day!

Marty: Whatever, i'll just support your delusions


(Time skip to N's Teen days)

What's up, my name is N im 14 years old, Male, Single(Didn't have to say that), currently in highschool.

Im currently in class listening to a discussion about how to forge dark energy with ores. I'm enjoying it, on the other hand my other classmates are sleepy and tired. I guess staying up all night playing rank really does make you miserable.

Anyway after the Discussion. The Teacher hosted a quiz on what we learned on the discussion. The quiz took about 15 minutes, I finished it in just 8 minutes, and got perfect marks.

"Grrr he always get perfect marks!" said by the girl in the front.

I'm so smart aren't I? oh and the girl's name is Natasha.

And no, I don't sit in the protagonist's seat, I seat in the middle part because I was forced to.

Class ended. And it was time to go home, My classmate named Paulo invited me to go home with him and his friends, and accepted. Since there was a huge traffic due to the city having a parade

It took about 30 minutes to walk back home. Might even took longer if we took the bus.

I entered my home, greeted my mom and dad good evening. Changed clothes, Helped mother with the chores, made dinner, ate dinner, studied about our world's power system, read a short story to my little sister, Lastly Went to bed.

My whole routine after school consists of no form of entertainment. I did not feel bored, because helping my family makes me happy.

Just as I was about to doze off....

*Phone rings*

*Checks Phone*

Ah, it's Marty...

It's 10:50? why does he call me in a School Night?...

N: Hello Mart?

Marty: Hey, been awhile N!!!

N: Don't yell right now, and what do you want?

Marty: Im going to inform you about the death of the Zenith that you idolized when you were six.






(geez mom you are even louder) -Author




*N couldn't catch his breath and collapsed accompanied by a loud bang*

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ End.

Bro died in the first Chapter, sucks to be him.

AaronKlzcreators' thoughts