
I want to be in your eyes.

Iris escapes from the land of flames. Her mother did not want her to grow up like this. Age 16 and nowhere to go. That is until she met Winston.

Mama_Wolfblood · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Winston and a few Tigers searched the forest. Parker and Shu searched the mountain areas. Cas was sniffing around the city.

It went on for a mouth till Cas picked up Lysander's sent, without thinking Cas rushed to Lysander pinning him. "Explain now!" Cas growls Lysander looks up at his angry friend.

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you. Just know this don't trust Shu or his Uncle." Lysander said before throwing him. Cas and Lysander started fighting in the street. Blood splashed the ground as the two beastman fought.

A crowd formed around them cheering on the two brawling men. The two once friends now on the opposite sides of the fight. "She is the key Cas.

She is the one Abandoned beastmen have been waiting for. Get your head out of your ass and think about it. She is the only female that can reproduce multiple litters. No other female can do that she can save your pop and all the other angry males in the City of flames.

They can find love again Cas." Lysander tried reasoning with Cas to no avail. "By sacrificing her Lysander they will kill her to do that! That is why no one has bothered looking for the Beasts Deity's soul. Dose she mean that little to you Lysander.

I love Iris more than my own life. I love her more than our friends. I would die for her Lysander, Can you say the same?" Cas said looking Lysander in the eye. The Raven beastman looked shocked at what his friend said.

"They wouldn't....." Realization hit him as he flew off. Cas tried following him but lost sight and sent.

Iris pov

I stood on the large stone balcony. The cool breeze carrying my hair in its dance. "Iris honey?" That voice I turn quickly to see my mother. I rushed and hugged her. "Its ok mommy's here." she said I felt dizzy before passing out I heard my mother tell me she was proud.

I woke up chained up to a wooden stake at the top of The Ape king's castle. I look to see Andrew holding my mother lovingly. "I am so proud of you Iris all the good you will do. You will hate us now but this is for the betterment of beast kind. Lysander and the others will forgive me eventually. Abandonment will be a thing of the past. No longer will males have to fear being abandoned anymore. The soul of the beast deity will insure our salvation. You Iris will insure our salvation." Andrew said making the other males cheer. Is this really how I die? I don't want to die this is wrong....."Someone help me!" I scream as the flames were lit.