
I Want Powers Too (Dropped)

Mc reborn into ATLA (Avatar The Last Airbender) and doesn't get bending, so he tries his best to survive.

Jay0Kay · TV
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15 Chs

Don't do drugs kids

AN: (So I realized I kinda scrimed over everything in the the last two chapters so I'm going to try to slow it down. Also I'm thinking the release schedule will be every week, so I have time to school and work. One last thing please comment it helps motivate me.)

Seeing everyone gather around me I summarized I was in deep shit. Whatever I did I clearly shouldn't of. I looked around in panic and watched the faces of everyone as the last few people trickled into the tent. Each face was a mix of horror or disgust the only one that looked calm and collected was Bamba.

"Jombie do you remember what you did?" My mother spoke in a solem voice as her gaze leveled at mine. I lowered my face and shook my head. Every one in the crowd began to whisper.

"SILENCE" mother shouted hushing the murmering of the crowd. "You stand before us on account of the brutalization of your fellow clans man, how do you plead?"

My eyes went wide and I looked up in shock, how badly did I hurt them for it to be called brutalization. Sure I hit harder, but there is no way I killed them. Dear God please tell me I didn't. This is crazy. My mind spiraled downward and my face must have showed it as my mom spoke.

"Jombie you are here by convicted of madness, and shall be sent away off into the desert, may your mind find peace and your body rest."

My eyes shrunk and and gasps were heard all around the tent. Was this it. I was to be sent away to die. What did I even do. I have no clue what happened. I wanted to raise my voice in opposition, but the words all felt hollow. I looked up and searched for anyone to help me, but all turned there head. I looked towards my dad, but he looked down with tear filled eyes.

The guards closed in around me as I felt the noose around my throat tighten. They wrapped me in rope and covered my eyes cloth. They marched me to a camel lizard tied my body to the hump and sent it off into the desert. I felt tears begin to leak from my eyes and soaking the blind fold. I wanted to shout but the words caught in my throat. What actually happened.

(Alt pov:)

The sands shifted and Gu walked towards Me. To send my son away was no easy choice, but it was the safest. Not just for us but for him as well. I sent Bamba to follow him and intervene if necessary. Bamba is the only one that has a chance of helping him.

"Are you sure he will be fine?" Gu spoke.

"Yes" I said

"Is this really the only way? He is a child and made a mistake can't we give him some leniency?"

I nodded the words caught in my throat. This was the only thing I could do. Oh how I desperately wanted to keep him here to hold him and comfort him, but I didn't have that luxury. My duty made it so that I can't. I lnstead had to be extra harsh. This was the only way. Gu wouldn't understand, but I know deep in my soul that my son shall live, and I hope in time he would forgive this foolish mother for being unable to cure him of his ailments.

(Alt Pov 2 electric boogalo)

I held my hands on the riens of my camel lizard. I heard the sobbing of the kid in the back. This behavior so unlike him. I'm not sure what is going through his head at the moment, but I know that during my banishment I wasn't this emotional. The fact that he even got banishment is a shocker to me. I mean I tore the leg off of the chiefs prized mount and ate it, all this kid did was rough up a few brats. Sure they will need a month to recover but they will live and so will the kid.

The kid is truly a strange one. Rarely cried unless he was with Fora and as soon as I gave him a little advice he became an addict. Truthfully I didn't expect him to drink so much. Most kids stop drinking as soon as they can, cause the stuff taste awful. But the kid kept chugging and chugging. Sure it made him stronger, but it would only work if the right conditions were met. Somehow it seems like they were.

Most people don't realize how jombie works probably not even the medicine men. It's a weird thing really. When you get hurt your body makes it self stronger when healing. Not all the time but most. All jombie does is to cause it to heal faster and stronger, that's how kids are able to keep up with the training. No normal amount of workouts can truly bring you the strength jombie does.

The ingredients are strange to. Blood for nutrients, cactus water which strengths the mind body connection, and herbs to make sure you don't get high off your rocker from the cactus water. It exists in a delicate balance. This cocncotion some how enables the user to surpass normal human limits, as long as the user wants to be stronger, smarter, faster, ect it will cause the body to adapt to fit the wants as it slowly heals.

Some things are impossible however, or at least extremely improbable. He can't get bending or grow a third arm, but people have regenerated limbs and even healed fatal wounds. Jombie truly is a miracle drug in every sense of the means. It seemed to respond to this kids desire what ever it was.

That kid has a lot of potential to. Not just with jombie, but his mind I could see how he saw the same earth shattering potential it had as I did. Most kids don't understand the real implications of it, and by the time we become adults our dreams and aspirations have shrunk so much jombie doesn't respond as well to adults. It also doesn't help that we stopped growing which helps speed up the process. I went through a lot of trial and error to finally discover all that jombie could do and by the time I did I was an old man. I still enjoy some of its benefits, but I've grown old and tired from life. I'm not the man I was before.

Thinking about what this kid could do is exciting. I know his mom asked me to look out for him if need be, but screw that. I'm going to turn him into the beast he was meant to be. I'm going to teach him all that I know, just so I can see the look on the faces of all those stuck benders and spirits when a normal human beats the living shit out of them. I couldn't help but feel a grin spread to my face. If they thought I was so bad that they called me the scourge of sands when I was traveling, but this kids is going to be a demon. I think after a few years I take him to an old friend. Wa shi tong I owe you for a few scars.


His crying has got to stop. Screw it we're far enough from the tribe to get off now.

Pushing my self to my feet I untied the kid and pulled off his blind fold. I saw him look in shock and sniffle. Put him to his feet and smiled.

"Congratulations kid you earned yourself your first banishment. From now on there is no one else except us. My word is law and from here in on our you will be calling master."

"Bamba what's goi-"

My fist met his skull causing a loud thunk and making him dazed


"What the hell-"




and so the kid ran off into the setting sun with me chasing after him, and try as I might I can't get this smile off my face. This is going to be a lotta fun.