
I Want My Villainess

Rayvenne Kaufman, the second child of the Kaufman business empire, awakens to find herself in a world dramatically different from her previous one. Instead of skyscrapers, she sees majestic granite castles. There are no planes or helicopters, but dragons rule the skies. And in place of the internet, she discovers the presence of magic. What makes Rayvenne's situation more amusing is that when she wakes up in the body of a Crown Prince, she realizes she is one of the characters from the game her younger sister has been playing all this time—a spoiled, muscleheaded Crown Prince. Rayvenne has only five years to live before the villainess, the Crown Prince's fiancée, takes the Crown Prince's life. She must find a way to make people love her by making good decisions, or else she will be hanged for her stupidity. The first thing Rayvenne would do is look for her often-overlooked fiancée, the Marquis's only daughter—who is widely regarded as the most beautiful woman in the Esgalduin Empire. The big question is: Can Rayvenne find a way to return to her own world, or is she doomed to live out the rest of her days as the ill-fated Crown Prince?

ToriAnne · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2. Dinner and Gossips

Matthias was married to one of the American business magnate's daughters; it was a completely business arrangement, but the two fell in love the first time they met. It was easy for him to give his consent to the marriage, as he had genuinely fallen for her. His future wife is a surgeon at one of New York's busiest hospitals.


She may not be as stunningly attractive as the other suitors, Rayvenne and Sarah Isabelle, but there is something about her that has won the hearts of the Kaufman children, as well as the admiration of their oldest sibling.


"Is he coming over for dinner?" Sarah asked, opening the wine bottle with her mouth full of the grilled Korean beef, cooked medium-rare.


"With Beth? I'm not sure; Beth is busy, isn't she?" Rayvenne responded to her sister. She was happy with the beef; it tasted fantastic, was easy to cook, and was bursting with flavor. "I need to try that Japanese wagyu next."


"Are you certain you want to marry the daughter of a British businessman? What's her name? Gertrude?" Sarah couldn't contain her amusement any longer and burst out laughing.


"Oi! It's Juliette!" Rayvenne laughed while correcting her sister's words. When they first laid eyes on the woman, Gertrude was the name that came to them; the name fit her well. Rayvenne warned her sister, "Don't be rude to her," before breaking into giggles.


When their parents are aware of Rayvenne's sexual orientation, they agree to continue to support her and let her be lesbian. As long as she is willing to marry a lady of their choosing, and Rayvenne can't say anything else back at that time.


Sarah is still in the closet because she has less influence in the household and less power to bargain than her two older siblings, so Rayvenne's agreement is necessary to prevent their parents from shifting toward the younger sister and destroying everything. Since Sarah isn't particularly skilled in business, politics, or martial arts, Matthias and Rayvenne have taken extra precautions to ensure her safety.


They know that their youngest sister, Sarah, was raised to be the best bride for the husband their parents are choosing in the future. She's good at cooking but not as skilled as Rayvenne. She's bright, but not at the same rate as her siblings. For their parents, she's the average one, even when she's already one of the best in her peer group.


"Damn, okay, but seriously?" Sarah asked again, sipping her wine while indulging herself with the perfect balance of the wine and the beef inside her mouth.


"I never said yes, but she's crazy; she stalks me everywhere, she bothers me about everything, and she drives me insane in a bad way," Rayvenne replied as she stood in Sarah's kitchen, proud of what she had cooked since noon.


The aroma of spices filled the air as Rayvenne meticulously prepared the day's final recipe. The anticipation was palpable, and her sister couldn't help but wonder what culinary masterpiece awaited her taste buds. Even though it would just be her and Matthias's wives, Rayvenne went ahead and made a full-fledged lavish meal for them.


"You should open your own fine dining business, sister," said Sarah to Rayvenne.


"Oh, like your parents are going to agree with it," Rayvenne replied, rolling her eyes and admiring her work.


Rayvenne had always possessed a deep passion for cooking, but unfortunately, her parents never supported her dreams of pursuing a career in the culinary arts. Despite this setback, Rayvenne's determination remained solid. In her pursuit to fulfill her culinary dreams and open her own cafe or restaurant, she has already made a deal with Matthias.


As for her daily hobbies, she always comes to Sarah's condo and asks for her assistance in collecting the necessary ingredients for her culinary creations. Rayvenne would eagerly instruct Sarah to purchase the finest and freshest ingredients, promising that she would work her magic in the kitchen later on. Sarah, being a loyal and supportive sister, gladly accepted Rayvenne's requests.


Sarah gladly explored the busy market, carefully selecting the ingredients that Rayvenne asked her to buy. From fresh vegetables to wide choices of meats, Sarah would gather everything needed to bring Rayvenne's list to her apartment.


As the youngest, she's very close to her sister and brother; they have a bond with one another that none of their other wealthy friends with their siblings share, and Sarah would give her life for them just as they did for her. Furthermore, whenever Rayvenne cooked, it was always in her favor; she loves the taste; she's a great cook and baker.

When they sat at the table, their eyes were fixed on the delectable spread that had been carefully arranged before them. The tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, teasing their senses and making their mouths water. Their gaze lingered on each dish, taking in the vibrant colors, the intricate presentation, and the promise of an exciting meal. As the clock ticked away, signaling the nearing of dinner time, anticipation filled the air.


The seafood stew's savory aroma wafted through the kitchen, promising a delectable feast. But that was not all; a saffron zabaglione, a delicate and flavorful entree, awaited their taste buds. With just twenty minutes left, the excitement grew, and taste buds tingled in anticipation of the culinary delight that awaited them.


The stew was a masterpiece, a brothy concoction that delighted the senses and warmed the soul. It was a harmonious blend of flavors and textures, carefully crafted to perfection. At the heart of this were the stars of the sea: wonderfully moist snapper, tender squid, and plump mussels and clams.


The next course is a risotto flavored with peas and bacon. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of a savory risotto, its velvety texture promising a delightful culinary experience. As the rice cooked to perfection, Rayvenne carefully added peas and crispy bacon, knowing that these ingredients would create a harmonious symphony of flavors. The peas, vibrant and tender, danced gracefully with the smoky, salty bacon; their union was a match made in gastronomic heaven. With each bite, the taste buds were treated to a delightful balance of creamy richness and bursts of savory goodness.


For the main dish, she prepared a Forentine steak marinated in balsamic vinegar and rosemary. She had already started preparing it for tonight's dinner yesterday; it is a porterhouse steak that has been marinated in olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a lot of fresh chopped rosemary for the past 24 hours.


After a day, she cooked it on charcoal grills and then roasted it in the oven. To complete cooking, she prepared a grissini with black sesame and salt for the dessert, and she placed beef carpaccio on top of it. A grissini is a form of bread stick that is normally the size of a pencil, and it is a type of dry, crisp bread that originated in the Italian area of Piedmont.


While sipping a glass of negroni premix with oven-dried orange slices, she thinks to herself, "Damn, I don't want to pay for an overpriced dinner at an Italian restaurant again." Sarah stood in awe, and she smiled happily.


"You said that many times, and still." Rayvenne rolled her eyes and said, "You just bought the ingredients; your sexy older sister will prepare them for you." Sarah bursts out laughing and gives her sister a big hug when she hears how proud she sounds.


"Oh, they just love me sitting beautifully in their restaurant." Sarah answered, putting another beef in her mouth. A small dish her sister prepared to comfort them while waiting for dinner said, "There is nothing wrong with being a beauty in an expensive restaurant, especially if they have such a beautiful, weak waitress."

"Damn it, you and your games." Rayvenne shake her head.

"It's not my fault; they're easy to fall for. I always get their genuine consent." Sarah said it with pride.

Keep reading, I promise this will be REALLY good.

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