

When I heard this I was shocked 'What kind of artifact was sealed in me!?' Then my parents told me through the phone "Kouhei what we tell you now might be a bit harsh but… you're not a human! You are an Immortal and by no means an ordinary one you're part of the royal family of Immortals the 72th Prince to be precise!" They said it with a serious voice and it left me dumbfounded'I a normal student am a Immortal!? and a prince!?' I replied "Wait what Immortal why did you never tell me and I can't be a prince right?" My parents were a bit shocked and replied"Kouhei what happened to your voice it sounds so female and cute which being killed you?" I then told them that I was killed by my teacher who was a fox my parents began to burst out in laughter"Hahaha so our Kouhei was killed by a Kitsune that's pretty funny because now you will have to absorb soul energy to survive and to do that you'll have to have sex if you don't have sex within 3 days after you last had sex you'll then go on a frenzy and charm every human and you'll fuck so long until you sucked 100 humans completely dry of their soul energy which then leads to their death so you'll have to fuck every 3 days at least once!" My jaw dropped and I screamed"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO FUCK WITH PEOPLE IM 17 AND DON'T TELL ME I HAVE TO FUCK WITH MEN!" My parents burst out in laughter again" Hahaha it really is funny but you know now that you merged with a Kitsune you will have to stay like that for 3 years because of your Immortal bloodline every time you die you will merge with the person who killed you and your race will change into what killed you normally an Immortal can change back the moment they die again but you are a special case because your Immortal aura is too strong we placed an artifact in you to prevent it leaking out and killing everyone in a 1000 mile radius through it's pressure so your aura is so weak that when you die you won't revive but die forever it will take 3 years until you can change back into a human…" I was so shocked that I would have fainted if not for the importance of the conversation I began to cry while screaming"ARE YOU KIDDING ME FIRST I WILL HAVE TO HAVE SEX WITH MEN AND NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME I WILL HAVE TO DO THAT FOR 3 FUCKING YEARS! AND I CANNOT EVEN GO TO SCHOOL WITH MY APPEARANCE NOT CONSIDERING THE FACT IM A FEMALE NOW IM NOT EVEN HUMAN!" my parents sighed"so the sex part is a must but the second thing isn't a problem just use magic to change your appearance you can change your kitsune features and can change your hair but you can't change anything except that so you'll have to hide your breasts and be a bit careful and nothing will change! But there's another issue now that you're a female calling you Kouhei would be weird so your new name shall be Kumiho!" I was shocked yet again I replied with excitement " I can use magic?" My parents replied"of course I mean you're a Kitsune now of course you can as a Kitsune you can use charm,illusion and Lunar magic considering that your race is now immortal moon Kitsune" I replied curiously "So how do I even use magic?" My parents said with ease"ah it's not hard you only have to focus your concentration on your abdomen when you enter a meditative state that's where your dantian lies once you sense it the knowledge about all magic you're currently capable of performing will be engraved in your mind and you'll completely master magic in a second that's the trait of the royal family of Immortals only they can learn magic so easy so consider yourself lucky!" I was astonished I can learn magic so easily and instantly master it wow! "By the way how do you now all this stuff?" I asked out of curiosity my parents replied"Oh we forgot to tell you we are the king and queen of the 72th Immortal kingdom but our purity of the immortal bloodline is only 75% while yours is 100% so you are quite lucky by the way your sister already knows all this stuff but she didn't inherit the immortal bloodline because her body repels every kind of energy there is so she is just like a normal human but is still 100 Times stronger than them because she is an Immortal she will help you out for sure now that we answered all your questions we will hang up now bye Kumiho" I still had thousands of questions but they already hung up by then I decided to do what they told me I sat on my bed in a cross-legged position and began to enter a meditative state soon after I began sensing my dantian…