
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

SORROW · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

Chapter 25 : The First Mission And The First Daily Quest

Wang Qian, who was ran towards the inn, is now finding himself in a worst situation. His and Bai Lian's fan were outside surrounding the inn right now, making it that once he steps out the building, he'll be swarmed by a group of people.

"How should we get out now?" Wang Qian asked himself while massaging his temples

"How about we tear the curtains and use it as a cloak? It's black in color, and there's a lot of people in this city who are also walking around like that" Bai Lian suggested

After listening to what she said, he felt her method was plausible. He then held her up and spin around for a few circles and said.

"You're a genius! As expected of my daughter"

He then put her back down, and checked the amount of money he has left, they can't just tear people's things and not pay for it, can they?

After knowing that he should have enough to pay for the repairs, he tore down the curtain and condense a scissor and cut out a cloth that was long and big enough to cover Bai Lian. He then used to the remaining to cover himself. After doing so, he brought Bai Lian out while holding hands with her. He then walked to the counter and gave 1 quins and whispered "for the damages" into the ear of the worker before leaving.

The people outside was getting excited after hearing footsteps coming out, thinking that it was the pair of B-rank adventurers, only to see that it was just two cloaked people walking out. The crowd made way for them as they didn't meant to offend anyone. Wang Qian hold his breath as he walk out of the circle while holding Bai Lian's small hands.

After getting a few meters away from the encirclement, they walked into an alley as they placed their hands on their chest looking like they were out of breath.

"It worked! I thought our cover will be exposed" Wang Qian said

"Since we managed to get out, let's head to the guild and take a mission first"

He then walked out from the alley as he held Bai Lian's hands and headed towards the adventurers guild. The guild was bustling as always, with all kinds of people standing around and talking. He brought Bai Lian to where the mission board was. The mission board was categorized into 5 different category, which was F, E, D, C and B. The different level signifies the difficulty of the mission. Since they were new to the guild, Wang Qian and Bai Lian chose to take a C-rank mission first. They were many posters with the description of the mission on it pinned onto the board. He was having a hard time choosing because all of it seemed like hassle. 

He then remembered that he had the system's daily quest. 'Maybe it can help me choose one' he thought

"Status" he said quietly

[ LEVEL : 25 ]



[ MAGIC VALUE : 68000 ]

[ STRENGTH VALUE : 68000 ]




[ SHOP ]




'Magic condensation leveled up? When did it happen?' he was surprised as he didn't know about it

"Daily quest" he said again







[ REWARDS : 1000EXP, 10 COINS ]

'So this is a daily quest huh.... the system even told me the difficulty of the quest. Looks like there still are some features that were added after it upgraded that I don't know. Now what's this coin for?' he thought

'Who cares about it? I'll just ask the system later.' 

Wang Qian then started looking for the mission that the system gave, and soon he found the mission with similar description.

The description of the mission was that a pack of wolves appeared at the forest's outer area near the city. The guild wanted the adventurers at C-rank to kill them so they merchants who exits the city will not be attacked by them if they ever come out of the forest. The rewards were 1 silver quins.

He then took the poster and went to the reception counter and gave it to the staff before saying

"I'll have this quest please"

The same staff from yesterday, then look towards him and said

"Your guild card please"

Wang Qian took out both his and Bai Lian's guild card and handed over to the staff. When the staff took the cards over, she found the cards very familiar and new. After thinking for a while, she managed to figure out who was the owner of the card was. Just as she was about to say it out loud, she saw Wang Qian raising his index finger and placed it in front of his lips, signaling her to not say it out loud. The staff quickly understood what he meant and stamped the poster before giving the poster and cards back to him. She then said

"The deadline for this mission is one week. To prove that you've finish the mission, you just need to tap the bodies of the monsters with the back of the card and it will be stored inside the storage space of the card"

"Okay, thanks for the information.'

Wang Qian then brought Bai Lian towards the city gate and exited after showing the guards the mission poster. Once walking far enough, he said to her

"You can take the cover off now"

"Okay" she replied. She then took the cloak off and Wang Qian took it from her.

"We'll be hunting a pack of wolves now. Although I'm not sure if their strong or not, but since it's a C-rank mission means that it's dangerous. When we enter the forest stick close to me so you won't get lost."

"mhmm" she said as she nodded

He then carried her on his arms like always and started jogging the forest. It didn't take long for him to reach there as his stats were high. He then continue to run inside the forest after reaching the edge. It didn't took him long to find where the wolves were at. After seeing them, he slowed down and hid behind a bush.

"I'm going to go kill them now. Stay here and wait for me, okay?"

"But I want to help too." she said as she wanted to help him after all the help and care he gave her.

Wang Qian started to consider the risk of letting Bai Lian help, before coming to a decision.

"Okay then, I'll kill a few and leave 3 for you. Once I do, try to sneak attack on them. Understand?"

She nodded her head as a reply. He then condense a sword for himself and a dagger for Bai Lian. Due to her being small, the dagger looked like a mini sword when in her hands. After giving the dagger to her, he instructed her again.

"I'll be going now. If some monster pops out and tries to eat you, just shout out loud and I'll come and save you" 

She nodded her head cutely before getting patted by Wang Qian. He then dashed towards the pack of wolves and swing the sword in his hands, killing 8 of them in one try while fulfilling his promise to her, leaving 3 left for her. Seeing so, Bai Lian got up and ran towards the wolves. She swinged the dagger in her hands towards the wolf closest to her and managed to kill the wolf. But she fell down after losing balance of her body.

"Bai Lian !!" Wang Qian shouted as he saw the she fell down. He immediately ran over and killed the remaining 2 wolves before checking on Bai Lian.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere" he asked Bai Lian

She shook her head, calming the over-protective father down. 

"Looks like you're not good at close combat. Let's go to the city's library and learn how to use magic after this, okay? For now, let's just keep the bodies of the wolves and go back to the guild." Wang Qian said to her

He then helped her up as they started to tap the bodies using their cards. After finishing doing so, Wang Qian carried Bai Lian again and dashed back to the city. They then put their cloaks back on after nearing the city's entrance. He put Bai Lian down as they held hands and walked back in to the city and headed towards the guild. 

When they entered the building, they walked directly to the reception counter and gave the poster and their cards to the staff. Seeing the familiar cards, she immediately knew it was them and checked their storage space in their cards before giving them one silver quins.

It was then when the system sent a message 



'Looks like this mission is finally done' he thought while taking back the card. When the card was back onto his hands, he noticed that the storage space still had the bodies of those wolves.

"Did you perhaps forget to take the bodies out?" he asked.

"No, sir. The guild won't take the loots earn by the adventurers, they will only look at it as a prove for their completion of a mission" the staff explained to him.

"I understand now, thanks for the info" 

'So I can sell these for extra money? What an earn!' he thought 


After selling the bodies to the butcherer and got back 7 silver quins, they went to eat dinner at the restaurant next to their inn. When they reached there, they saw that the crowd was still there, albeit much less compared to the morning. They then sat down at table and ordered the same meal. Wang Qian gave most of his meat to Bai Lian and they started eating together.

"Bai Lian, do you have an idea in mind on where should we go to look for a place to stay?" he asked

"Can't we stay at the inn next here?" she asked back

"We can't. If we do, sooner or later they'll find out it's us under the cloaks. So, we need to switch to a different place before they do." he explained to her.

They started to think quietly as they eat. It was then that Bai Lian suggested to stay at the inn that was near the guild. That way they can won't need to walk that much just to get a mission. Wang Qian then praised her as he heard her suggestion.

"As expected of my little princess"



After finishing their meals, they walked to the inn and booked a room. The price here was more expensive than the previous inn they lived in, being 4 copper quins per night and day. But it was reasonable as the place was also bigger and more lavish compared to it. They entered their room and quickly took a bath. Wang Qian wore the clothes that he bought during the morning while Bai Lian wore the blue dress. They then decided to head to bed as they felt very tired on what happened today.

'I seem to haven't check my status. Whatever, I'll just check it tomorrow..' he thought before sleeping peacefully while he and Bai Lian cuddled each other to sleep...


Some of you might notice it already, but i changed the cover to a new one made from AI.

If you guys think its bad, just comment and i'll change it. ofc if the majority think it's okay i'll let it stay. But personally, i think it doesnt look good compared to the other one i have.

SORROWcreators' thoughts