
Chapter 1: Me

"Mom I am going to sleep!"

"Ok darling"

Hi I am Ashley Spencer, Now is 3020 yes 3020. In here everyone see me as a weirdo, only my mom and my best friend Daisy, she is a dog. I talk to her all the time, I am alone, sometimes I feel I don't belong here.

"Wake up, Darling, time for school."

"Just for another 5 minutes mom"

"Ashely! It's already 8 o'clock, you already late"


Yeah I'm always late for school, it is very normal. every time I went in to the classroom, the first thing I heard is.....


That is my scary teacher Mrs. Jorden, she is a monster she shout at me basically every time, every where. Maybe not. When it is like parent meeting and I follow with my mom to that meeting Mrs Jorden would like.......

" Oh Hi Ashely, and Mrs. Spencer, How is you day?" Mrs. Jorden just like change a person, her sound is super sweet and nice. It doesn't sound any like she was talking to me at school.

Usually after she shout at me she would say the same thing every time.

"Give me your home work!" And I Hand her my home work.

"What kind of rubbish homework is this, Now go out into the hall way and think about it."

This is what she say to me to day."

I stand for hours and hours until I heard this bell.

"Ringgggggggg," it is the lunch bell.

My class mates come out like waves, this time is when the bully comes, they are Christina and Alice.

Christina is a beauty in our class and Alice is like a servant following her around.

" Every one come and see, weirdo Ashely is here!"

"Weirdo Ashely, Werido Ashely!"

Werido, Werido I am always a Werido from preschool until grade 6. I am usual to it. Very usual.

Very day come to school is to wait for dismissal. I look at the dial of my watch, it is 12:59, still one minute till dismiss.

"Ringgggggg"Here it goes, I am always the first one to go, every time.

"Ashley come back!" Come on what happen today.

"Finish it then you could go."

"But Mrs. Jorden it is like 100 page long!"

"Just do it!" The moster is mean today, extra mean.

Oh my, Oh my it is math, I love math! But for 100 pages I am going to die.

"Finally done! it is 6 pm now I need to go home before my mom go back from work."

The hard part of every day is done. Yeah.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hanyacreators' thoughts