
I Transmigrated with Nano Combat Suit

With the hope to find a different universe, Ye Jingyi arrived at the Cultivation world equipped with Modern Knowledge And Technologies! On the first day, he encountered a female cultivator and had dual cultivation with her and became unconscious for a... Year? After waking up he realized that he has been chased by a group of foundation realm assassins. What the heck? Ye Jingyi who is only equipped with a Nano Combat suit which is on the verge of collapse has to protect the unconscious Female Cultivator with the assistance of a... Bald Bear? No matter how he looks at it, The situation seems hopeless but to survive he needs to use his wits and available resources. ..... Follow Ye Jingyi to find out how he uses Science and Technologies to make Cultivation easier. Using Angioplasty to make the foundation stronger! Using Spirit Lotion to make cultivation faster! Mass-producing Foundation breaking through medicine! Using clones for rebirth! And many more, Join Ye Jingyi on a wonderful journey to make cultivation easy and see how he change the whole Cultivation Universe. [I do not own this poster, Original owner can comment and I will take it down.]

I_just_want_To_eat · Fantasy
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149 Chs

Chapter 132: Old Shan, Don't die on me!

"This–" Old Shan was confused after listening to Ye Jingyi.

Indeed, Ye Jingyi just channeled his Qi in the weapon and did nothing else.

So why did the weapon explode?

"Maybe the arrays on the weapons were not inscribed properly which caused the explosion." Old Shan thought for a while and reached this conclusion.

This is the only possible reason he could think of.

After thinking about the possibility, Old Shan's face went dark.

'Those idiots! They can't even do one thing properly.'

'They can't even inscribe an array properly. It's good that Ye Jingyi checked the weapon now. If he had operated the weapon during a battle then consequences would be unimaginable.'

Old Shan was a little frightened after thinking about this.