
I Transmigrated and Became an Empress

When Ming Zhu, a regular college student, awakens in the body of the Empress of a huge and powerful empire after she fell from the stairs of her , she is inevitably confused and overwhelmed. But she quickly determines that she must adapt to her new role quickly, as her empire faces numerous internal and external obstacles. "What the heck! I am just a regular student and now I am an Empress from an unknown era! What is happening!" Ming Zhu shouted. Ming Zhu navigates the dangerous world of royal governance with her knowledge and intelligent, and she quickly establishes herself as a skilled and respected leader. She also wins her people's hearts with her compassion and kindness. She also discovered that she was engaged to an emperor which is Emperor Yingwu Huang from a nearby kingdom. She didn't like the emperor as he was very cold and cruel to her but there's changes from his treatment towards her as they get closer to each other. "What! I am engaged!? I didn't even have a boyfriend, I mean a fiance! How can I get married with someone I don't know!" she thought. Ming Zhu's reign is not without its difficulties. She must deal with powerful rivals both within and without her empire, and she must make difficult decisions that will touch the lives of millions. Despite this, Ming Zhu remains true to herself and her principles while maintaining her role as the new Empress of Haoxing Guo.

Zellflyn · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: The Palace’s Shadow

Despite the extravagant wedding and lavish feast, Ming Zhu's honeymoon period as Empress was anything but blissful. The gilded cage of the palace felt more like a prison, suffocating her with its stifling formalities and unspoken expectations. Emperor Yingwu Huang remained an enigma, a specter who haunted the halls but kept a cold distance from her. His piercing green eyes held secrets, hidden agendas that sent shivers down her spine.

The lack of genuine connection with her supposed partner only amplified the loneliness gnawing at her soul. Ji Yue, her loyal servant, became her confidante, a familiar haven in the sea of foreign faces. Ming Zhu poured out her frustrations, her longing for her old life, her fears about the future. Ji Yue's presence, though soothing, couldn't dispel the growing unease that settled in Ming Zhu's stomach.

Days bled into weeks, filled with endless meetings, petitions, and audiences with advisors whose motives she couldn't decipher. Ming Zhu was a whirlwind of nervous energy, constantly learning, constantly trying to prove her worth. She studied court etiquette, memorized ancient treaties, and immersed herself in the history of Haoxing Guo. She needed to understand the land she ruled, the people she protected, the web of alliances and rivalries that she was now entangled in.

One sweltering afternoon, while reviewing scrolls of trade reports, Ming Zhu stumbled upon a discrepancy. A shipment of vital grain, meant for a famine-stricken province, had vanished en route. The official report blamed bandits, a convenient explanation that left a bitter taste in her mouth. Her intuition, honed by years of late-night study sessions, screamed foul play.

This was her chance. This was where Ming Zhu, the college student with a thirst for justice, could take control. She wouldn't be cowed by whispers and convenient lies. She ordered a secret investigation, bypassing the usual court channels and relying on Ji Yue's network of informants. The deeper they dug, the more shadows they uncovered.

The missing grain led them to a labyrinth of corruption, tentacles reaching into the highest echelons of the court. Powerful nobles, blinded by avarice, were siphoning resources from the kingdom's coffers, leaving the most vulnerable to suffer. Anger pulsed through Ming Zhu. This wasn't just about a missing shipment; it was about the lives of her people, their desperation ignored for the sake of personal gain.

The investigation was dangerous, a tightrope walk over a pit of vipers. Every whisper could be a dagger, every shadow a betrayer. Ming Zhu learned to cloak her anger, to play the role of the oblivious Empress while her resolve simmered beneath the surface. She learned to manipulate court protocol, to turn whispers into weapons, to use her newfound position to her advantage.

The trail led them to the opulent estate of Lord Wei, a powerful advisor known for his cunning and ruthlessness. He was the tip of the iceberg, the puppeteer pulling the strings. Gathering irrefutable evidence, Ming Zhu orchestrated a bold move. During a grand court assembly, she publicly confronted Lord Wei, his face paling as she laid bare his treachery.

The court erupted in chaos. Accusations flew, alliances shifted like desert sands. Emperor Yingwu Huang, who had remained a silent observer until now, finally stepped forward. His cold gaze locked with Ming Zhu's, his emerald eyes swirling with a mix of admiration and something...unreadable.

With his backing, Ming Zhu ordered Lord Wei's arrest. The once-powerful advisor, stripped of his arrogance, was dragged away like a whimpering dog. A wave of relief washed over the court, followed by a cautious hope. Could this young Empress, the outsider with fire in her eyes, be the beacon they needed in the darkness?

As the echoes of the assembly faded, Ming Zhu stood alone in her chambers, the weight of her actions settling upon her. She had dealt a blow to corruption, but the battle was far from over. The shadows she had glimpsed were vast and deep, and she knew there would be more whispers, more betrayals.

But something had changed within her. The fear was still there, a cold snake coiled in her gut, but it was overshadowed by a fierce determination. Ming Zhu, the Empress from another world, would not be a puppet dancing to the tune of powerful men. She would fight for her people, for justice, for a future where sunlight pierced the darkness.

And as she gazed out the window at the sprawling city bathed in the soft glow of dusk, a tiny flicker of hope ignited in her chest. Perhaps, just perhaps, this new world, this unexpected throne, could be more than a gilded cage. Perhaps, it could be her chance to make a difference, to leave a legacy that transcended the boundaries between worlds.

But the question remained: would she ever find her way back to her own reality?

The silence in her chambers was deafening after the whirlwind of the court assembly.

Ming Zhu sank into a plush armchair, the silk fabric cool against her burning skin. Ji Yue, ever present, moved silently with a cup of jasmine tea, sensing her mistress's need for solace.

Ming Zhu sipped the soothing brew, the faint floral aroma swirling around her, but it did little to quell the storm within. The adrenaline rush of exposing Lord Wei had faded, leaving behind a gnawing unease. She had won a skirmish, but the war was far from over. Shadows still lurked in the corners of the palace, plotting and scheming.

"He did not say much," Ji Yue observed, breaking the quiet. "But I saw a flicker in his eyes, Empress. Respect, perhaps. Fear."

Ming Zhu snorted. "He should be afraid. I will not be another puppet dangling at the end of his silken threads."

Ji Yue smiled, a flicker of amusement dancing in her dark eyes. "You, Empress, are no puppet. You are a tigress that has tasted blood."

The image sent a shiver down Ming Zhu's spine. She wasn't sure she liked the idea of being a predator, but she understood the sentiment. There was a newfound steel in her resolve, a glint of ruthlessness she didn't recognize but couldn't deny.

Suddenly, a sharp rapping at the door shattered the tranquility. Ji Yue exchanged a wary glance with Ming Zhu before cautiously approaching the door. A muffled voice announced the arrival of a messenger from Tianlong Guo. Ming Zhu's stomach twisted. Emperor Yingwu Huang's home kingdom. What news could they bring?

With a nod to Ji Yue, Ming Zhu steeled herself and ordered the messenger in. A thin man bowed low, his eyes skittering away from her gaze. He presented a sealed scroll, its crimson wax bearing the imperial seal of Tianlong Guo.

"Empress Ming Zhu," he rasped, "His Majesty, Emperor Yingwu Huang, requests your immediate presence at the Jade Palace in Tianlong Guo. A matter of grave importance requires your attention."

Ming Zhu's breath hitched. A summons to her husband's homeland? This was not in the script. An invitation, veiled as a command, simmered with unspoken tension. Could this be another trap, another pawn in Lord Wei's intricate game? Or was there something more, something hidden behind the emperor's enigmatic eyes?

She met Ji Yue's gaze, a question hanging heavy in the air. Would this be a journey into the heart of danger, or a step closer to unraveling the mysteries that shrouded her life in Haoxing Guo? With a deep inhale, Ming Zhu straightened her shoulders. "Prepare for my departure," she commanded, her voice ringing with newfound resolve. "We travel to Tianlong Guo. It's time I met the other half of my gilded cage."

The journey across the border was fraught with tension. Every gust of wind, every passing cloud, felt like a potential threat. Ming Zhu, cloaked in a silken traveling gown, rode at the head of the procession, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of ambush. She was unprepared for the beauty of Tianlong Guo, its rolling hills carpeted in emerald green, its majestic mountains kissed by snow-capped peaks. But the breathtaking scenery couldn't distract her from the unease gnawing at her insides.

The Jade Palace, perched atop a misty mountain ridge, was a picture of imperial grandeur. Jade tiles reflected the sun like a thousand shattered emeralds, and golden dragons adorned the roofline. It was a far cry from the sprawling, earthy warmth of the Haoxing Guo palace, a testament to Tianlong Guo's rigid formality and martial prowess.

Ming Zhu was ushered into a vast hall, its atmosphere thick with incense and a palpable sense of anticipation. Emperor Yingwu Huang stood at the far end, his figure bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. His eyes, once distant, now locked onto hers, their emerald depths a vortex of emotion she couldn't decipher.

"Welcome, Empress Ming Zhu," he said, his voice as cold as the mountain air, "to your husband's homeland."

There was a hidden meaning in his words, a veiled challenge that made Ming Zhu's spine straighten. This was not a welcoming embrace, but a test of her strength, her courage. She took a step forward, meeting his gaze with unwavering defiance.

"I am here, Emperor Yingwu Huang," she replied, her voice steady, "but not as a guest. As your Empress, as the ruler of Haoxing Guo, and as a woman who will not be cowed."

The air crackled with tension. In that moment, beneath the gilded ceiling of the Jade Palace, two forces met - an Emperor shrouded in secrets and an Empress fueled by a hunger for truth.