
I Told You To Manage The Reserve Unit For Me Instead Of Turning It Into A Special Troop

Lin Yuan crossed into the Iron Fist Regiment of the Special Forces world and was appointed as the commander of the weakest reserve unit in the regiment. At this time, his system awakened, requiring him to raise the company's combat strength to number one in the regiment within three months! Relying on the Instructor System, Lin Yuan put the soldiers of the reserve unit through a devilish training program! Other units: Are these really the pig-raising soldiers of our regiment? Regimental Commander: Oh my God! Is this a reserve unit or a special combat unit? Wolf Teeth: Once they step out, I guess we Wolf Teeth Special Forces soldiers can just go home and raise pigs!

Better A Corner On Earth · Urban
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935 Chs

Aiyo! My Brain!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


Geng Hu was provoked by Qin Yuan and hurriedly walked out of the door.

Zheng Xiaohu immediately laughed.

"Company Commander, you don't know that Geng Hu is a fool!"

"The nurse asked him for his WeChat this morning. You know what he said!"

"What do you mean?" Qin Yuan also asked with a smile.

"He actually told her that he only has one WeChat account and asked the nurse to apply for one herself!"

"Tell me…There's actually someone who likes someone like him!"

"The heavens are really unfair!"

Zheng Xiaohu laughed and complained, he didn't expect Geng Hu to be such a typical straight man.

"That's just how he is. I suspect that he's never been in a relationship before, and he doesn't really talk to girls."

"I'm afraid if we ask him to get someone's phone number, he would just take their phone directly!"

Just as the two of them were still discussing, Geng Hu, with a red face, rushed into the ward.