
I told you I was trouble

sarah_henriques · Teen
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13 Chs

chapter 4: Consequences

Next Day

The next day we were pulled into the principal's office. After Yesterday, it was brought to my principal that there's been a feud going on between Rhonda and I, and our friends got dragged into it. 

" Ms Williams and Ms Bell, I am shocked to find out about your recent behavior towards one another. Both of you ought to be ashamed of yourselves and think about how this will affect those around you. Dishonour to your family, school and even your friends. Not only that, you've put each other in great danger, all because you don't like one another? Why is it that you don't like Ms Bell, Ms Williams?"

I raised my gaze to meet Mr Lee's own, he was an old Chinese man who valued morals more than anything. I like Mr Lee so I complied and told him along with everyone why I disliked Rhonda," Mr. Lee, I only dislike Rhonda because she's always picking on me. When I tried to be nice to her, she bullied me until I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't about to kill myself, but I  have a lot anger towards her. Mr Lee this isn't a feud, it's retaliation. I think the person you should be asking this to is Rhonda."

Mr Lee nodded and turned to Rhonda for an explanation," Is this true Rhonda? Did you bully Alice before she retaliated?" 

Rhonda fidgeted with her fingers as I glared at her," It's true sir."

" But why Rhonda?" 

She fidgeted some more until she finally cracked," I'd feel better saying why if everyone left the room."

Mr Lee sighed and granted Rhonda what she wanted. Everyone left the room, but before I was able to, Mr Lee stopped me and said,'' Rhonda, after you confide in me, I need you to tell Alice the real reason why you are bullying her in front of the guidance counselor."

She nodded and I was let go. We weren't completely out of the woods so we all had to sit and wait outside the office. No one said a word. I had this feeling that someone was staring at me so I looked over. It was Jayden, his big brown eyes pleading and filled with regret. 

I glared at him and looked away,just then I felt Matthan nudge me," Don't worry about him. Just  ignore him."

" Matt's right Alice, we're already in deep water. Forget about Jayden and Rhonda, focus on yourself." 

I sighed, the twins were, no one is worth me giving up my peace of mind. Just then, Mr Lee came out and requested that we all come back into the office. 

" Alright, I've heard Rhonda's side of the story and decided that you all will have detention cleaning the school for a month along with meeting with the guidance counselor. So you will clean the school for 15 minutes every day and 30 minutes with the counselor."

" But Mr Lee, what about socore practice? The big game is coming up in a few weeks." Jayden whined.

" You should have thought about Mr Wright before participating in such vulgar activities." Mr Lee paused for a moment before adding," I will speak to the coach and your father about what we should do with you concerning practice. Everyone else's detention starts today." 

Jayden's pov

This whole thing has been a disaster, everything was going fine between me and Alice until Rhonda dragged me into her stupid prank. If only I knew what she was really up to back then. I genuinely thought she was taking me paintballing for my birthday that day, since I've never been but always wanted to go. 

Now Alice doesn't trust a word I say, I just hope we can resolve this with the help of the guidance counselor. Truth be told, I'm a bit nervous about what my dad and the coach are going to say. I know they wouldn't interfere with principal Lee's decision because I do need to be punished for my actions. But at the same time, my nerves are a wreck, I just hope they don't ban me from playing the game all together and make Justin temporary team Captain. 

Ugh I hate that guy. Such a smug spineless prick...sigh I guess I should take a closer look in the mirror before judging others. I just need to be okay with the outcome, besides it is part of my punishment after all. 

Just then, I heard the coach call my name, I looked up and saw my dad with her," We heard what happened son. Care to explain how a trip to the paintball area turned into an attack on a helpless girl at school?" My dad inquired sternly. 

I explained everything to them, but it doesn't seem as if they believe me," Jayden, you're a generally decent kid, but you need to learn how to stand up for what you believe in. Stop letting others pressure you into going against your morals. We raised you to be a man and nothing less." My Dad said firmly.

" I agree with your father and for that, you're off the team for the month." Coach paused for a moment," I am speaking to you as your mother now, not as your coach." 

I sigh," You're right mom, dad, I hurt someone I care about just because I couldn't stand and be a man."

They pat me on the back as we headed towards the field where everyone was. My parents spoke to Mr Lee as I joined the others. I noticed everyone was in pairs except Alice, who was struggling to keep the bag open as she picked up the trash. I jogged over to her and took the bag from her. 

We didn't say anything, but she glared at me before continuing to pick up the litter. I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she is even though she's mad. Her beautiful black curly hair was tied up in a messy bun. Her dark brown glisten in the setting sun along with brown skin. She wore her favorite navy blue hoodie and a pair of black joggers with her signature white converse sneakers. 

I wanted to stare at her all day, I wanted to just grab her and cuddle her, even if it meant getting a black eye. 

" Hey simp, stop staring and get to work. This trash isn't going to pick itself up." Matthan said as he toss me a pair of gloves and Day took the bag I was holding. 

I followed Matthan and put on the gloves as I looked back at Alice. She didn't notice that I was gone, she was in her own world; her wonderland. I sighed and started to pick up the trash until the 15 minutes were up and it was time to go to therapy. 

" Alright, since this is your first session, let's play a game to get you guys more comfortable around each other." Mrs Lee said as we sat in a circle in her office.

" I'm going to say something and if you do it or like it put your hand up. How many of you like soccer ?" 

The boys and Dai raised their hands, Mrs Lee nodded and asked the next question. After a few rounds,everyone found their common ground. Mrs Lee then proceeded to ask the deeper questions," Jayden, tell us how were you involved in all of this? I thought you liked Alice."

My cheeks then started to turn red as I told what happened on my side. Rhonda didn't deny it, but the real question was," When you realised what was happening why didn't you do anything about it?"

" I " I stuttered as I glanced at Alice," I wanted to help..but I froze, after everything was done that's when I was able to move and take Alice to the hospital."

" Alice, do you think you could ever forgive Jayden?" Everyone turned to Alice, curious to know what her reaction would be.

"  I don't know." 

Just then, an alarm clock went off, it was the end of our session.