
part two

Priscilla stood there, her eyes transfixed and her jaw hanging. Were her eyes betraying her? Was she in Game of Thrones? Was she dreaming? Pinching herself to check, she was sure she wasn't dreaming.

A whole new world which she never knew existed, was being scrutinised by this young girl's eyes. Women in long skirts and old fashioned corsets. Men in tunics and boots. There were horses and carriages all around, everything being hustling and bustling with life.

She rather felt out of place in her black sequin wrap dress. Her face resembling that of a lost puppy, she decided to ask a person about what this place was. But as soon as she took two steps, she collided with a horse and fell straight on her butt.

'Are you okay, miss? I am sorry for the collision, you startled Colorado with your sudden appearance.'

Priscilla looked up to find a young man smiling and stretching his hand for her to get up. His brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight, his brown wavy hair falling right above his eyes. His toned body was visible underneath his clothing but his dimpled smile was the one on which she swore she swooned upon. She took up his hand and got up to dust herself, definitely noticing his muscles and the way they flexed while helping her stand.

'It's okay, I am sorry as well. But who is Colorado?'

The young man laughed heartily, his eyes twinkling with a humorous glint. 'Colorado is him and he is Colorado.' He said while slapping the chestnut coloured horse on which he sat.

'Are y'all doing a prank on me? Oh right, this must be a shooting set. Where's the hidden camera though? I must say, ya guys have really cool outfits eh? And these horses my gosh. Even this whole place seems so real. It must have cost a hell lotta money for this production.' Priscilla snorted.

'Uh, excuse me miss? I have no idea what you are talking about. What is a camera? And this place is real. This is the land of the king Elijah, this is the kingdom of Tastia.'

She was taken aback when the young man seemed genuinely confused.

'Wait a minute, you really have no idea what a camera is? And this place is a kingdom where a king rules?'

'Yes miss.'

I really have teleported to an ancient kingdom damn.


Camera? What's that? Is that a more advanced form of a cannon? But this lady doesn't really seem like she… what even are those clothes that she is wearing-

'Miss? Which kingdom do you belong to? I am sorry but your attire seems really different and I have never seen something like that in my entire life.'

The lady seemed confused at my question. Her nose scrunched up, her hair lightly flying due to the breeze, her eyes imitating her confused expression. I have to admit, she looked simply breathtaking.

'Okay cowboy, so I have a really long story. And unfortunately, I am too tired to explain anything or even think about it. Let's just say I am from the future? I don't think this makes any sense but never mind. Do you think you can give me a tour around this kingdom and get me familiar? I would really really appreciate it if you help me out.'


'Sure, come on. Get onto colorado, and trust me miss, you have got the best guide of this kingdom to help you explore.' I grinned.

For the first time since we met, I saw her smile. I swear her smile could light up the darkest of darknesses. Her eyes shone with her upturned lips. Without knowing, I was smiling too. I sound like a lovesick puppy oops.


As Zan showed Priscilla around the kingdom, it was obvious that everyone had their eyes on the new strange girl with the strange clothes.

Meanwhile the girl was oblivious to all the attention she was receiving from the passing onlookers. Her eyes were captivated by the whole kingdom; the people, the shops, everything was so new and yet so fascinating for her. There were no gadgets, no electronic appliances, nothing modern. But the people were still living happily and comfortably.

Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that this would be the way her 19th birthday would turn out to be.

'Now as I remember it, we never introduced ourselves properly haha.' Zan spoke up, grinning softly.

'Oh right, shit. Okay, so I'll go first. My name's Priscilla, Priscilla Miller and I am 19 years old. I am new in this kingdom and I really need to find a place to stay, some clothes which are similar to the people living here and of course you can hear the rumbling of my stomach. What about you Mr.Guide? ' She ended with a knowing smile.

'My name's Zan, Zan Docilus and I live in the kingdom of Tastia. I am 19 years old as well. I own a small chicken shop which helps me in my livelihood. We can go into the market and get you some casual attire and then we can go to my shop, and since you are my new friend, I will treat you to a generous serving of chicken soup.' He winked.

After getting into clothes worn by the other females of the kingdom, Priscilla felt that she was slowly understanding how this kingdom worked. Feeling that her stomach was totally satisfied with the enormous servings of chicken soup given by Zan, she sighed deeply. Thinking back to the time she mysteriously teleported and changed her worlds, she was awestruck by the possibility of something this extraordinary. If I told anyone from my world about this, they would prolly call me a freak and laugh at me sheesh. She was suddenly startled by the loud trumpets, and by people immediately getting aside from the centre of the street. Zan pulled her arm and whispered,' Bow down like all the other people. The king's arriving.' Oh damn. She bowed down in courtesy as he said. She could see the horse's hooves nearing her and not being able to hide her curiosity any longer, she lifted herself only to meet a pair of eyes she swear were bluer than the ocean, staring at her. He smiled at me and all I could think about was HOLY SHIT.

The real story beginssss!! Let me know what you thought bout this chap in the comments:)<33

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