
The Story of my Ex

I always thought she loved me. But that wasn't the case. I thought when I met this girl we would be together forever or so I thought. We have talked about a furture and now everything uas changed. I met this girl back in 2010, but never got the chance to talk to her because she was dating someone else. I would see her in the school hallway and just glareat her all so strange. I thought she was the prettiest girl that I ever met. She went to the school down stairs from mine and the only time I would see her was during 6 period lunch. I was first introduced to Bay at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. I would rush to school just so I could talk to her. But I never had the chance to do so. After a while I didn't see her around school and I was really worried about her. I was shy to talk to her. So once I saw her doing lives in Facebook I would watch some of them.

One day when she was doing a live I thought it was a good idea to inbox her on facebook to tell her how I felt about her. I told her that I really liked her since we where were in the 9th grade and the only reason I didn't tell her was because one she was dating someone and the other was because I was too shy to tell her how I felt. From then on we were talking until I asked her to be my girlfriend. Things started off so good and every weekend when I was not working I would spend all my free time with her. And in May of 2015 she was officially mine. Then in everything started going down hill in the middle of June. I thought everything was cool with us until the day she thought I was cheating on her with my best friend who was a guy name Michael. She thought I was messing around him because she saw that I called him papi in a group chat. But it was a prank that him and I put together for a few days. She didn't believe me when I told her what was going on. This caused us to have an argument and I threw my phone at the wall. And from that day on I didn't know she was cheating until mid

June right before my 21st birthday. I had stopped by her house so that we could talk at the time no one was home but her. Her phone rang and that was strange because when we were together her phone hardly ever rang. She. picked up real quick and stepped out the room. Now I sneak to the bathroom and I hear on the phone saying no I haven't told her yet. Next thing I knew she told the mystery person on the phone that she loved them and that she will call them back after I leave. I ran back to the living room and waited on the couch till she came back. When she came I had this strange look on my face and I didn't really feel like talking at the moment. I just kept looking at my phone. After being upset for like an hour I decided to talk to her. That night we talked for a few hours about how it was a prank and how me and my guy best friend thought it was a good idea to do a fake cheating prank on her because I seen videos about it on YouTube and at this point she still didn't believe me so I had to show her a conversation me and him had a few days before I did the prank to show her that I didn't cheat and on top of that I had to call my male best friend to confirm the whole situation to her and that is when she believed what was going on. A few days after we had a long talk I decided to being up the conversation that I heard her having in the bathroom.