
she was my one and only

I thought I loved this girl. We been together so long and the only thing left to do is to stay with her forever, but it's starting to look as if we were not ment to be and I get that. 3 years in a relationship and I expected more than what I got. It felt as thought I was talking to the wall and we all know that walls don't reply back to you. Things between me and my girlfriend was getting more difficult than ever. It seemed like everytime I wanted to talk to her, we would talk less and less and at this point I don't know where the relationship is going. I mean the day she asked for space seemed the hardest thing to do because I'm not ready to let go of her just yet. It's been over a month and it hurts that she is not talking to me. I gave her weeks to figure out how much space that she needed from me. We went weeks without speaking to each other, but I would still write her on snapchat just to see how she was and yet I would get no response from her and she would open my messages. Until the day that we broke and things changed between us. We start communicating less and even though I wanted to talk to her so bad and it made me want her even more even though I couldn't have her.