
A Rose Is But A Rose

You are the rose petals 

That blossom in spring 

The one that grows in my garden

That I see everyday out my window 

The one that goes through different seasons

The one with the beautiful smell

That sends my mind in a twirl 

Oh my beautiful rose

with such sweet brown eyes 

That brighten up my day

What can I say 

You were beautiful since the moment I meet you

You send chills up my spine

I can't lie to you, 

My beautiful rose. 

You make me happy 

With every word you say. 

I can't deny it. 

You make me lose control. 

You stole a piece of me .

I don't want to take it back.

You can keep what you stole. 

Little rose

You own me.

You're the priceless gem

That I can't disown

But soon you will know

How sorry I am

My mistake I can't take back 

My heart 

You can keep that 

Dear rose

I will give you all of me

You are my world 

Can't you see

What you doing to me 

I've fallen in love 

With such a beautiful rose 

As you are

I can't get you off my mind 

Ode to you my rose

With such laughter 

That I enjoy