
I thought it was common possession [side story]

As if it wasn’t enough to be hit on the head by my co-workers and boyfriend, I died at the hands of my gambling-addict older brother. Without even regretting my unfortunate death, I realized that I had possessed a supporting role in a romantic fantasy novel, which I just read yesterday. To be precise, a villainess destined to die at the hands of her husband. I know it’s cliché! ‘Possessed a villainess in a romantic fantasy novel! So this is what it feels like?’ I thought it was pretty good for the price of my unfair death. Until I realize that no matter what I do, I can’t deviate from the flow of the original. For the female lead Rizé, it’s a delightful cider series, but it’s nothing more of a bloody story for Edith, the villainess I possessed. I am the protagonist in my life. If I’m going to die according to the original story, I should at least kiss my super handsome husband! In the original story, Edith is greatly despised by her husband, but who cares, I’m going to die anyway. However… “You pretended not to be, but now you’re so hot to play with. Well, that’s good.” “Yes…?” “Satisfy me like Rigelhof’s serpent. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours.” …why is the original story starting to change now? ***** P/s: The art cover it’s not mine but it’s me who edit it. This art are from original webtoon by the author/artist. Don’t use it without permission.

alleviey · History
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22 Chs

3. Jealous

A year after we settled in this territory, Killian and I started to develop this territory little by little with great motivation.

The tapestry, which was woven by the village women throughout the winter, hung in the main hall and corridors of the castle, made the castel more beautiful. The mood of the servants in the castle also improved so much since their workplaces were modified to be more comfortable. There are also times when the servants come to me and talk to me or give me something.

"Ma'am! Th-This. . . ."

"Good morning, Theodore. What is that?"

Anna, who was next to me, accepted what the servant named Theo gave me.

"Th-th-this moning i-i went to the mountain to cut some wood and my-my dog went with me there, dig-dig the ground and fo-found this, so i-i picked it up. . . "

Theo is a servant who works in the firewood of the castle. He often goes to the nearby mountains to cut wood and prepare firewood. He is quite shy and stutters, but often comes to visit me. Actually, I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but I did my best to smile.

"Oh my. This is!"

When Anna opened the thing wrapped in a cotton towel and looked inside with a little amazement, there were two things lying neatly there like a lump of dirt.

"What's that?"

"It's a truffle, ma'am. It's precious because it's hard to dig. . . . "

"Huh? Is this a truffle?"

It was amazing. In my past life, I had tried 'truffle chips', which contained about 0.00001% truffle oil, but this was the first time I had seen real truffles.

"I can't just receive something precious like this! I'll buy this from you."

"Oh, no-no need! I ju-just wanted. . . . To give it to you as a gift Ma'am. . . ."

Theo says so and rans away.

'I can't believe I'm going to eat something I've never smelled properly in my paat life. It's worth it at least once.'

While smelling the incredible scent of truffles, I told the chef in the kitchen to use it for dinner. And that evening, Killian noticed the truffles on the veal first.

"It's a truffle. Did the mushroom seller visit our castle?"

"No! Theo bought this for me. He went to the castle to cut a wood, and the dog he brought with him suddenly started digging up the roots of the tree. So he found this and gave it to me as a gift to eat."

". . . .Theo?"

Killian's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, Theodore. he was a servant who worked in the firewood section to keep our castle warm."

"A young man?"

"Um. . . . Late 20 years old, maybe?"

Killian's hand gripped the fork tightly.

"Killian? What's wrong? Does it not suit your taste?"

"No. . . .It's nothing. Ehmm."

Killian suddenly asked while eating with a displeased look on his face.

"Does this kind of thing happen often?"

"This kind of thing? What do you mean?"

"No, well, i mean . . . . A servant gives you a gift or something. . . . ."

"Umm yg, this is all the result of my efforts!"

"Effort. . . . ?"

Killian's expression became more weird, but I was so proud inside and raised my chin and said.

"Actually, I didn't tell you this. When I first came here, all the servants in this castle had an antipathy towards me."

"Pardan me? Why didn't you tell me that?"

"I was afraid you're going to make a fuss about this."

Killian flinched as if he didn't expect he'd be pointed out.

"They must be uncomfortable and awkward because they suddenly have a new owner. I don't want to force their loyalty by bossing them around or scolding them. So, I went around the castle checking all the areas where they do their work and modified some of thay work place more better and more comfortable."

"Ahh, something like building a new laundry room?"

"That's right. As a result, my relationships with the servants here have been improved, and the servants have been given me gifts like this."

Honestly, I have never felt this sense of being accepted like this, not even in my life before or in this life. So I was so grateful.

"But it's a guy. . . ."

"I'm so happy, you know."


"I. . . . In my past life, i was treated like an outsider at my work. Even after i possession Edith body, well, you know that, it was just like how i was treated at ludwig's family mansion. So i was so happy when the servant greeted me like this, smiling sincere to me and even giving a gift like this."

"Oh. . . . "

Killian was speechless, he looking so apologetic as if he remembered what happened in Ludwig mansion.

"What did you want to say earlier? I think I interrupted your words when you were about to say something. . . . "

"Oh, no, it's nothing. Let's finish our meal. . . . Because it's a precious gift from Theo."


I had a delicious dinner that night with a happy heart. Thanks to the people who work in this castel, and that wasn't the only thing that made me happy here.

"All, to the left! Strike forward!"

Sword training is in full swing every day at the training center. The Ryzen Knights, which have been carefully trained by Killian since last year, now have improved in good shape. As I watched Killian command the knights from the castle, out of deep curiosity, I went down to the training ground.


"Edith? Did something happen?"

"No. I just want to see the knights training up close."

Although it looks a little spoiled, as a lord's wife, she also needs to leave a right impression on the Knights of the Castle. Because I'm among the people they will protect.

"Nice to meet you, madam."

The knight commander came before me, knelt down on one knee, and asked for my hand. When I reached out my hand, he gently kissed the back of my hand, bowed once more, and then stepped back. Upon receiving his command, all the knights shouted loudly.

"Loyalty! For the glory of Ryzen!"

As the knight raised their swords and spears high, and then hit their knees on the floor, my heart suddenly started to pound.

'My and Killian's knight!'

When I thought that these were ourknightss who would protect us, my feelings soared.

"It's looks like everyone has been working hard. It's seems like Killian has been trained all of you so hard, but if there's anything hard to bear, don't hesitate to let me know."

"Thank you for your concern. Ma'am."

The knight commander who raised his heads and trembled, but knight and soldiers behind him giggled as they looked at Killian and the knight commander.

"Anyone who visits my wife's office privately, I'll hang it upside down on the tree."

The atmosphere would have been great if Killian hadn't threatened them. Of course, it's just a joke.

I glanced at Killian briefly, then greeted the knights and handed back to the castle. My heart pounded as I thought of the endless things I had to do in the future.

* * *

Killian was a bit disturbed when he remembered his wife's scandal these days.

'Theo. . . .Theodore. . . .Who is that?'

The day after Killian ate grilled truffle veal, he visited the servant named Theodore. He thought that it wasn't just out of loyalty that a low-paid firewood chopper gave his wife a precious mushroom, that could earn about 150,000 sena if he sold it in the market, but he justgave it as a gift.

"Di-di-did you call me, my lord?"

". . . . is your name, Theodore?"

"Yes, th-that's right."

Killian sighed. Theo was a guy that Killian also knew. He is a slightly retarded man who developed a stutter after suffering from a high fever when he was a child. But he was kind and hardworking person, Kilian also treat him nicely. In fact, he also already has a wife and children, who are humble and kind.

'I don't think Theo is trying to seduce Edith.'

Killian was a little ashamed of himself that he didn't know his name until now, and gave him two gold coins worth 100,000 sena. Even though he declined it several times, Killian still forced him to accept it and slipped the gold coins into his hand.

"You're the one who's works hard, but we're the ones who enjoy it, we can't just expect it for free. You deserve it, Go and buy something delicious for your wife and children."

With that, Theo bowed his head a several times thanked me with an thrilled expression and returned.

'Am I overreacting? Well, it's not possible that every man in the world wants Edith. . . .'

It was two days ago that he barely felt relief. However, Killian's who looked at Edith being greeted warmly by the knights, bought back his suspicion.

'Where are those bastards eyes looking now? Should I tell them to close their eyes?'

Killian was dissatisfied with his wife who suddenly came down to the training ground.

'Why are you wearing a dress that exposes your neck like that today?'

Although he was dressed as usual in the hot weather, Killian was bothered by the knight's eyes were looking at her. Moreover, he really didn't like Edith reached her hand to the knight commander who knelt down to greet her. I don't want the knight commander put his lips there.

'How dare you touch my wife's hand when I'm looking at you with my eyes wide open?'

Even though it was a normal greeting for a noble lady, Killian still felt a thousand fires burning inside him.

"It's looks like everyone has been working hard. It's seems like Killian has been trained all of you so hard, but if there's anything hard to bear, don't hesitate to let me know."

Edith smiling brightly like the spring breeze, the appearance was very dazzling that all the soldiers and knights were fascinated at her. It was obvious that Killian wasn't the only one who thought so. Because all the male knight eyes who lined up in the training hall are attracted to Edith. At that moment, Killian realized something.

'Edith's always this beautiful and sweet. I just didn't realize it. . . . '

When Edith came to Duke Ludwig's residence for the first time, he never thought she was beautiful. No, he was aware of it but tried not to think like that. However, Edith has always been beautiful from then until now, and surely many eyes are starting at her, while Killian didn't aware of her beauty.

'Because all the men in the social club often talked about her.'

Now I know that all their lewd words about her were just bluffing then, but their desires towards her surely not a lie. Killian looked at Edith, who was glaring at him after he uttered the threatening words at the knight. Even the sharp eyes and lips were lovely.

'That's normal, isn't it? That I don't want to show this beautiful woman in front of other people?'

While i was thinking about that, I also thought that Edith might hate me if I did so. In Frustrated, Killian drove Edith to climax more violently than usual that night. I was very anxious and worried that Edith might pay attention to other men than me, so i pushed her hard as if to imprint her to me.

"Kil-Killian! Please, stop now. . . . !"

"No. . . .I don't want to let you go. . . ."

"Killian. . . . What are you so afraid of? I'm always by your side. . . ."

He buried his face in Edith's chest after regaining his sense and Killian gently confessing.

"I think I'm crazy. I'm jealous of every man in this world. I want to hide you."

"Oh my Killian."

Edith's hands gently caressed his hair and back.

"I love you."

"Please say it again."

"I love you, Killian. Don't forget the reason why i came back from the long-distance carriage stations. It's because I rather die at your hands than live without you."

For a moment, an image of Edith appeared in Killian's mind, who was sitting expressionless in the cold execution room, revealing her white neck. At that time, i was upset because i thought she didn't want anything from me, but I didn't know how heartbreaking it was when he found out that all she wanted was to see herself face her end. I shouldn't have doubted her like this.

"I'm sorry. I'm being silly again."

"It's fine. You can be anxious. You can be suspicious. I'll let you know every time. How much I love you."

Killian hugged Edith's soft body tightly.

"I love you, Edith."

When Edith smiled contentedly, then Killian finally could clear his mind.