
I thought i could be happy

Fumihiro Aoyama was living a blissful life with the love of his life, Ema. They even promised to marry each other after their graduation. However, the tranquility of their lives shatters when betrayal strikes, leaving Fumihiro entangled in a web of dark emotions. As new characters emerge with their own painful pasts, the story weaves a tapestry of love, forgiveness, and rebirth. Navigating the challenges of everyday life, Fumihiro must overcome the pain of betrayal and rediscover the light within. Passions entwine, secrets surface, and Fumihiro's heart is torn between the past and the present. "I Thought I Could Be Happy" is an exhilarating journey through the intricate fabric of human relationships, where pain transforms into hope, and rebirth takes unexpected forms. Will Fumihiro rise from the ashes of his pain, or will the weight of betrayal prove too much to bear? Or will he get his revenge?

Ryukiro · Realistic
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49 Chs

Chapter 31: Enough.

As Kanna began to speak, her voice trembled with emotion, and she struggled to find the right words to express the tangled web of events that had led us to this moment.

"It all started a few months ago," she began, her gaze fixed on mine as if searching for a flicker of understanding amidst the storm of emotions raging within me.

"Ema... she... she wasn't herself," Kanna continued, her voice barely above a whisper as she recounted the events that had unfolded in the shadows of our shared reality.

"She was distant, withdrawn... and I could tell that something was eating away at her from the inside," she explained, her words laden with the weight of unspoken truths.

"At first, I thought it was just stress, the pressure of school and exams weighing heavily on her shoulders," Kanna confessed, her voice tinged with regret.

"But then... then I found out about Chiko," she said, her voice faltering as she spoke the name that had become synonymous with betrayal and heartache.

I listened in silence, my heart heavy with the weight of Kanna's words, each syllable a dagger to the fragile facade of trust that had once bound me to Ema.

"I confronted her... demanded to know the truth," Kanna confessed, her voice tinged with sorrow as she recounted the painful confrontation that had shattered the illusion of our perfect relationship.

"And... and she told me everything," Kanna whispered, her words barely audible above the hum of the machines that surrounded us.

"She told me about her situation, Fumihiro. She told me how she's been struggling because of this guy. Chiko is threatening her. To hurt us." she said, her voice breaking with the weight of the truth she carried.

My heart clenched at her words, the pain of betrayal cutting deep into my soul as the reality of Ema's infidelity washed over me like a tidal wave.

"I'm sorry, Fumihiro... I'm so sorry for my sister. Please, forgive her." Kanna whispered, her voice choked with tears as she reached out to grasp my hand in a gesture of shared sorrow.

"I should have told you sooner... I should have warned you," she confessed, her words a plea for forgiveness in the face of overwhelming guilt.

But as I looked into Kanna's tear-filled eyes, I saw not just the pain of betrayal, but also the flicker of hope that had ignited within her heart.

Hope for redemption, for forgiveness, for a chance to make amends for the sins of the past.

And as I gazed into her eyes, I knew that despite the pain and the heartache, despite the shattered dreams and broken promises, there was still a glimmer of light amidst the darkness.

A chance for healing, for growth, for the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.

But then, before Kanna could continue, anger surged within me like a wildfire, fueled by the realization that I had been deceived once again.

"Enough!" I exclaimed, my voice laced with fury as I pulled my hand away from Kanna's grasp. "I've had enough of the lies, Kanna. Enough of the excuses and the half-truths. Tell me, why was I only fed lies? Why did everyone keep the truth from me?"

My words hung heavy in the air, echoing off the sterile walls of the hospital room as I awaited Kanna's response, my heart pounding in my chest with a mixture of anger and betrayal.

I was truly angry.

My heartbeat raised once again.

I was tired of these lies, of poeple manipulating me.

For what? Not knowing hurts way much more than knowing.

Kanna recoiled slightly at my outburst, her eyes wide with surprise and hurt. For a moment, she seemed at a loss for words, her gaze shifting uneasily as she struggled to find the right way to respond to my accusations.

"Fumihiro, please... I... I didn't mean to deceive you," Kanna stammered, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "I thought... I thought I was protecting you, that I was shielding you from the pain of the truth."

Her words only served to stoke the flames of my anger, the bitter taste of betrayal lingering on my tongue like a poison. How could she claim to have been protecting me when all she had done was perpetuate the lies that had torn my world apart?

"Protecting me?" I scoffed, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "Is that what you call it? Keeping me in the dark, feeding me falsehoods while the truth festered beneath the surface? Are you completely sure that you were protecting me?" I added. "Do you know how i felt after all that happened?! DO YOU KNOW IT?" I shouted.


I was too angry. I couldn't keep my "good boy" attitude much longer.

I needed to change.

Kanna flinched at my words, her gaze falling to the floor as shame washed over her features like a shadow.

It was clear that my anger had struck a chord within her, awakening a sense of remorse for her role in perpetuating the deception that had brought us to this point.

"I know I've made mistakes, Fumihiro," Kanna admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But please, believe me when I say that I never wanted to hurt you. I thought I was doing what was best for you, even if it meant sacrificing the truth. Ema didn't cheat on you, but now she needs to be protected." She said without looking me in the eyes.

"Enough of this, Kanna. I'm going to talk with your sister. I need to end this now." I said while getting up and almost breaking all the cables connected to my body.

"NO! Don't move! Doctors said that you have to rest!!" Kanna said while trying to stop me.

"I don't care. Even if i'll die, i want to know the truth, i need to know if she was lying to me or not. She didn't even come to visit me. This is too much." I said, while feeling some pain from getting up.

My voice was calm but my tone was very aggressive.

Kanna then looked into my eyes and hugged me.

"P-Please! Rest now! There's no need to go! Ema can talk whenever you want, even on telephone! Right ! Call her!" She said, while making a desperate attempt to stop me.

"No, Kanna. I want to look at Ema directly in her eyes. Get off me." I said, while not hugging her back.

Kanna's grip on me tightened enough to hurt me.

"Kanna, you're hurting me. Get off." I said with a direct tone.

She immediately released me from her embrace and looked me in the eyes.

"I-If that's your choice, i can't stop you. Please, don't break up with her." Kanna whispered with a sobbing tone.

She was on the verge to cry.

But the worst part of this wasn't about her "act" but about the fact that she's sorry for her sister.

I wanted Ema to be here and apologize or tell me everything i needed to know.

She wasn't here.

I found Evangeline instead of my future wife.

Someone who claimed to know me.

I barely knew her for one day but she acted like every devoted girlfriend would've dome.

Simple acts of kindness and love for the people.

"Kanna, one last thing before i go." I said.

"What is it, Fumi?" She replied. 

Her purple eyes were wet and sparkling with sadness.

"I was there, at the cafeteria. I heard anything. I saw Ema smiling alone from the outside." I said to her, with a cold voice.

Kanna's eyes widened in shock.

"E-Everything...? Even what i-" She tried to speak but i stopped her.

"Yes, everything. There are a lot of things that you need to tell me too like "Your beloved Fumihiro"." My tone still strict and sharp like a knife.

Kanna then stepped backwards to make some distance from me.

"So there's nothing i can do to stop you, right...?" She said with a very sad and forced smile.

"Exactly. Nothing. So , please, step aside." I replied. "I'll speak to you another time.". I said.

She did what i asked and, without saying any words, she moved to give me space to walk out of the hospital room.

"Thank you, Kanna." I said with a fake smile, while putting on my slippers and walking out.

I was only wearing a strange pajama given by the hospital.

Since it was spring the weather outside wasn't really cold, so i didn't care about walking like this.

As soon as i stepped outside my room, i saw Suzuki, Evangeline and Benjiro looking at me with a very surprised look.

They thought that i was feeling better and i wanted to take a walk.

I had to escape, I had to end all this chaos and find answers, but first, I had to break free from my friends who were trying to stop me.

As I found myself in the hospital corridor, the tension in my chest grew with every step I took.

Benjiro , Evangeline and Suzuki quickly approached, their faces filled with concern as they tried to catch up to me.

"Brother! Why are you here?" Benjiro said with a smile, while walking closer to me.

"Don't touch me. I need to see Ema. This situation must end." I replied with a direct tone.

"Fumi, where do you think you're going?" Benjiro asked, the tone of his voice betraying his worry.

"I have to go," I replied breathlessly, trying to find a way out. "I don't have time for this."

Suzuki gently grabbed my arm, trying to calm me down.

"Fumi, you need to stay here. You need rest, you can't just run away like this."

But I couldn't listen to their words of concern anymore. I had to find the truth, no matter the cost.

"I feel sick," I suddenly said, feigning a sudden illness as I brought a hand to my head and let my body slump against the wall. "I need to sit down."

Benjiro and Suzuki immediately surrounded me, trying to keep me upright and help me find a chair or a place to sit.

"Come on, Fumihiro. Let's find you a place to rest," Benjiro said urgently.

As my friends guided me to a chair, I felt a sense of triumph. It was a great move, an escape from a situation that was becoming increasingly difficult to manage.

Once seated, I did my best to appear weak and ill, panting and keeping a hand on my forehead as if I had a fever.

"Suzuki, go get a nurse," Benjiro said with urgency. "We need to make sure Fumihiro is okay."

Suzuki nodded and headed toward the nearest nursing station, while Benjiro sat beside me, trying to comfort me.

"You'll be okay, Fumi," he said kindly. "We're doing our best to help you."

Evangeline remained close to me while gently holding my hand to make sure i was feeling better.

But inside, I knew I had won this battle. I had an opportunity to escape and seek the answers I so desperately desired.

As soon as Benjiro moved away to check if the nurse was coming, I seized the moment and pretended to faint.

"G-Guys... Fumihiro!!" Benjiro shouted, trying to get the attention of the others.

When I felt it was the right moment, I sprang up from the chair and dashed down the corridor, ignoring the worried voices of my friends calling out my name.

I didn't look back as they chased after me, my sole goal was to get out of that hospital and start my search for the truth.

I could only hear them shouting my name in the distance.

I kept running trought the hospital and i managed to run down with the emergency stairs.

I reached the main exit doors and threw them open, feeling a rush of fresh air hit my face as I stepped outside.

Freedom. It had finally arrived. Now, the real search could begin.

I felt the fresh breeze gently caressing my face.

This hospital was only 15 minutes distant by car to Ema's house. 

I heard my friends voices coming from behind me. 

"Fumihiro! You need to rest! Don't take that risk!" That was Evangeline.

"I can't lose you again!!" She added.

 My eyes widened in surprise.

"Again? What is she saying?" I thought.

Despite all their efforts, my mind was clear.

I needed to confront Ema, once again.

But this time she wouldn't have seen the gentle and caring Fumihiro.

She wouldn't have seen the one who can manipulate.

I then started to run again towards the exit of the hospital.

After some minutes, i managed to reach the public streets and i then spotted a taxi in the distance, standing on the other side of the road, next to a restaurant.

I ran close to it and talked to the driver.

"Excuse me, sir, can you take me over this address?" I said, showing him the position on my phone.

Luckily it was in my pocket.

The driver then nodded and said "Get in, boy." , while the door of his car opened automatically.

I stepped inside and he rapidly started the car engine.

Once he began to drive, i could see Benjiro, Evangeline and Suzuki staring at me from distance with a very worried and sad look on their faces.

They were truly worried about my health and safety.

I can't deny that in that moment I felt deeply sorry, even for making them worry, but at the same time my mind and soul needed answers.

I knew perfectly well that things with Ema wouldn't be easily fixed, but despite that, I had to confront her.

Her behaviors have been truly too contradictory and exaggerated.

Her obsessive jealousy, her lies, everything hurt me too much.

She didn't even come to visit me in the hospital.

I felt like I couldn't trust her like I used to anymore.

Something deep inside me was profoundly changing and not in a positive way.

While i was in the car, i kept thinking about what to say to Ema.

Part of me wanted to yell at her and be angry but the other part wanted to believe her good intentions.

I didn't know.

"And we arrived." He said with a gentle tone.

The door automatically opened itself and i stepped outside the car.

"Thank you , sir. How much is it?" I asked, before realizing i didn't have my wallet with me.

"It will be 2000 yen, boy." He said.

I noticed his appearance. 

It was a very old man wearing some normal clothes. His short hair and beard made him look very wise.

"Oh... I-I forgot my wallet at the hospital... Is there something i can do?" I said.

"Haha... Don't worry. I knew it before you came to me. You look like me in your age. So this ride will be free. You'll pay me next time. Take my contact if you need any help." He said with a very gentle voice, while giving me his business card.

I actually met an angel.

"T-Thank you uhmm..." I rapidly read his last name. "Tori-San!". I said with a grateful bow, while gently bowing my head as a sing of thanking him.

"You're welcome. See you around!" He said while the door closed.

Tori-San then started driving and i saw his car becoming smaller with the distance.

I was in front of Ema's house. 

I finally managed to arrive.

I walked towards the door, with anxiety, anger and courage.

I needed answers.

I rang the doorbell, not caring about the early time.

The sun was beginning to shine.

It was probably around 6:30 A.M.

I walked towards her front door with anxiety, anger, and courage assaulting my soul.

I rang the doorbell, not caring about the hour, despite it being a very inconvenient time.

The sun was beginning to shine, it was probably 6:30 in the morning. Shortly after, the door opened, and before me stood Ema.

Her eyes widened in surprise after seeing me standing there.

She was wearing only her pajamas.

To be specific, the pajamas I gave her last year for our anniversary.

In her eyes, you could see pain.

A pain that hadn't been kind to her.

She had a tremendous fatigue on her face.

Judging from her expression, she hadn't slept all night.

As soon as I saw her, my soul "calmed" down, but not in a positive way.

"Fumihiro...? What are you doing here? Weren't you in the hospital?" She said with a tired and surprised tone.

She clearly didn't expect me to come so early in the morning.

"I need answers, Ema. Stop manipulating me." I said , with a firm tone.

She stayed silent and looked down on the floor.

"Y-You can't come in now. It's too early and everyone is sl-" She tried to say after some seconds of silence.

"I've had enough of your lies, Ema. Enough now," I said with a direct and determined tone, not breaking eye contact with her.

"Let me in and tell me the truth. Or are you hiding something?" I added.

Ema looked me in the eyes and said, "You're right. Enter at your own risk." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I entered her house.

"..." Ema didn't respond; she simply opened the door wider to let me in.

There was no one in her house, but I saw something... horrifying.

I saw blood scattered on the floor... My eyes widened as if I didn't want to believe it.

"W-What's happening?" I asked Ema.

"What is this blood?" I added, shocked.

"W-Well... I'll tell you everything now," she said, her tone filled with sadness.

"I will not get manipulated this time." I said to myself. 


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