
I Think It Glitched...

if you saw instructions on a paper, would you follow them? what if you were the only one to see them? what if you could make anything, learn anything, what would you become?

cluelessauthor · Fantasy
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9 Chs

6) Establishing

I opened the front door to find Duke and Guss both standing there. "Hey guys, come on in. Billy just drove my sister to school, I've been waiting for you, come on into the kitchen."

We took our shoes off and headed to the table where all of the scrolls were stacked.

"What's up with all of the paper men?" Guss was wearing a matching tracksuit with two white stripes down the sides and solid black socks. He had an athletic build and a short military haircut because it was the easiest one to maintain.

"Forget the paper man, what happened to you Joey? You didn't tell us you started working out." Duke was wearing old jeans and a pair of gray socks. He had a bright orange sweater with a camp logo on it and a yankees baseball cap backwards. He had golden blonde hair unlike Guess who had red hair.

"I didn't really, this happened when I drank a potion that I got after causing the shattering sound. I also got this dope ass power system that has 4 absolutely broken abilities. Name any object or piece of knowledge."

The two guys looked at each other before speaking. "Ok then, a life size Madonna doll from her younger years."

Duke and I both looked at Guss with a strange expression, Duke then said "Dude. WTF why? Pick something less weird, leave the fantasies out of this."

"Keep in mind it will be something that will exist afterwards and you will have to take it home with you and have the girls see it. So fire at your own risk." I chimed in afterwards.

"Alright fine, but I do want one at some point. Hmmmm, make a copy of the monalisa."

Duke held his hand out, for a fist bump. "Good choice bro, no way for him to have that stashed away. I want to know where to buy the winning lottery ticket for the lotto 649 jackpot."

"Those are both awesome things to find out. I will do the Mona Lisa no problem, but I have a condition for the lotto numbers."

Duke said without hesitation "If your powers are as real as you think they are ill accept that condition."

I smiled as my solution to the hole in the backyard was served on a silver platter. With this I can kill two birds with two stones.

"I want you to either give me half of the winnings when you win, or you can fill in the hole in my backyard."

Guss and Duke looked at each other and then looked at me. "Are you crazy? Give you half the pot or fill in a hole? Of course he is going to fill in the hole, that's so much money he would give away."

"Well that's not for you to decide is it now Guess. what will it be, Duke?"

"Like Guss said, I will fill in this hole. How bad can it be?"

I smiled evilly and pulled out a blank contract paper. "Shall we put it in ink then?"

They both looked at me weirdly. "Sure, use my exact words though and I will read it afterwards to make sure you didn't do anything funny."

"Sounds good, Guss can watch me write too in order to make sure nothing goes on."

"Fine with me." Guss moved over so he could watch my pen.

"On the condition that I win the lottery at the location specified by Joey I will either have filled in the hole in the backyard or give half of my winnings to him. There are no other options, one or the other must be done."

"I would also like to refuse the money and have you fill in the hole before you buy the ticket if that is ok with you? This will go into effect as soon as the information for the ticket is created."

Duke nodded his head. "That is acceptable, you can add that just as you stated."

I finished writing the contract and added my signature on the bottom of the page. "Now it is your turn." I passed the paper and pen to duke.

He picked up the pen and signed his name beside mine. "This is a nice pen, what is this?"

"It's Cartier. My sister wanted one so I made a few with my power and left it in her purse. You want to keep it?"

"What the fuck you can make designer shit on a whim? Sure I'll take it."

Guss was just standing there in a daze at what he just heard, my question knocked him out of it though. "Did you want one too, Guss?"

He just nodded his head as he seemed to be at a loss of words.

"View Inventory. Extract Item." I held another two identical pens a few seconds later and handed one to Guss.

I then picked up the contract and was intending to rip it when Billy opened the door and came into the house. "JOEY! Joey! I want my system Now! This thing is so insanely broken!"

He came running into the kitchen wearing a pair of blue jeans and blue socks along with a green t-shirt and he was now wearing the bejeweled necklace I had given him earlier. "Oh hey guys, were you here long?"

"They haven't been here for too long. I am just about to show them how contract magic works, if you wait until later I can make something of your choice too."

"Sounds good, I will wait." Billy walked up and gave Guss and Duke a fist bump before sitting in one of the chairs.

"So first I will make the Mona Lisa to demonstrate one of the crazy powers, then I will make the information on the lotto ticket location. Create Item: Mona Lisa Portrait."

The table in front of the guys glowed and grew to the size of a painting and then faded revealing the oil painting of Mona Lisa. "Holy Fuck." Guss's eyes grew to the size of saucers and he couldn't help but exclaim in shock. Duke's mouth had fallen open and he started to suspect that he had messed up.

Billy showed some surprise but he was much more prepared than the other two. I remembered something too. "Billy, catch." I threw him the golden pen and he caught it and gave me a confused look.

"I gave the other two one of them so I figured you should have one too." "Thanks man."

Duke was the first one to shake off his shock. "Billy what is that necklace? Is that something else he gave you?"

"Oh this?" he pulled up the necklace off of his chest before letting it fall. "He threw this at me to convince me to drive his sister to school for him. He originally made a bracelet, purse and necklace for his sister. His system duplicates anything he stores in the inventory 99 times so he has a bunch of them now."

Guss and Duke turned to him and Guss spoke, finally out of his shock. "Is this true?!"

I just opened the inventory and pulled out another one of the exact same necklace in answer to his question. "Create Knowledge: Lotto 649 Jackpot Ticket Location & Purchase Date."

A piece of paper appeared on the table. I picked it up and read it then passed it to Duke. "The location is out of the city. You can go but someone is supposed to buy it tomorrow."

He picked up the paper and read it and his eyes went wide. "Holy crap! I am going there tonight. Now where is this hole? I need to see what I am getting myself into here."

I looked at Billy and said "watch this." I picked up the contract between Duke and I and ripped it in half. Duke looked at me like I was crazy and opened his mouth to say something but held it in when I put up my hand.

Each half of the torn paper dissolved in a glow and that light traveled to both of us and was absorbed. I smiled at Duke and said "I give up on the money, I want Duke to fill the hole instead of receiving the cash."

Duke didn't feel any different but looked at me with a confused expression. "What was the point of that?"

"You will see, now come along you three. Now you will see what a magical contract will do."

Guss and Billy followed with curious expressions, while Duke had an ashen face. He knew whatever was coming this would not be a small hole.

At the back yard the 4 of us stepped out on the deck and I handed Duke a pair of shoes and a shovel and said. "Have fun." he glared at me in return but was powerless to do anything about it, he was compelled to fill the crater I dug by the contract.

As Duke put on the boots and walked down into the pit to start fill it in, I filled the other two in on what was happening.

"Due to the magic of the contract Duke must now fill this hole since it was written that if I refused the money he would have to fill the hole before he bought the ticket. And since he declared his intent to buy the ticket tonight he is being compelled to fill it now. And that is how he became a millionaire and also a whole filler in one contract."

"You can be kind of scary, you know. Remind me to never get on your bad side." Guss nodded at Billy's statement.

"It's only scary if you don't know all the terms and conditions. But the main reason I am showing you guys this is because I want to create a guild in reality like we would in a game. I would do this using contract magic, would you like to start it with me?"

Guss was the first to speak. "You want to start a guild in reality? Why?"

"Don't get us wrong, we will do it but why do you want to do that?" Billy joined in, clarifying Guss's position.

"Well I figured that super powers will come with super villains so it's only a matter of time before bad guys pop up. Second, what is the point in having super powers if you have to live on your own in secret. The more the merrier is how I see it. And I can't have super powered people go around unrestrained so I want to make a guild."

"That's some solid reasoning. Count me in." Guss stuck a big thumbs up and Billy followed suit. "Count me in too."

He turned to Duke who was filling in the hole as if his life depended on it. "YO DUKE! WE ARE MAKING A MAGIC GUILD. YOU IN?"

Without stopping his filling he yelled back. "SO LONG AS I NEVER HAVE TO USE A SHOVEL AGAIN, I'M IN!"

"Awesome so it looks like the 6 of us plus your sister will be the founding members. Do you have a name picked out?"

I shook my head at Billy's question. "I didn't pick one yet, I thought we should do it together. I did write out a basic contract though, we just need to add the name and it should be fine."

"Since we will all have super powers, we should be like a secret society. What if we called ourselves the illuminati to outsiders and then had a secret guild name?"

"Good idea Guss! I like that idea, we should be the Illuminati for the public secret organization and have a different official guild name."

"Seeing as you both agree, we will go with that. Come on inside and we can brainstorm inside. DUKE! WE ARE GOING INSIDE. DO YOU WANT ANY INPUT ON THE NAME?"


"WILL DO!" The three of us walked back to the dining room table.