
The gazing compitition

Ms.Kim told me to sit on the bench which was last but one. I searched for that sit and guess what, it was the sit in front of that cold vide guy.

Oh shit. Why does it have to be there? Can't I change my sit? These words were on my mouth but i swallowed them. Anyhow, I got there.

While I was about to sit, I saw that guy behind me with the cold vide gazing at me. But this time i didn't moved my eyes.

Why are you staring at me, insane? What is your problem? i swallowed these words.

Instead, this time, I gazed him back with a look 'what are you lookin at, stranger'. Even though I stared him back, he didn't stop staring at me. But I am also strong and I am also stubborn, so i didn't let my gaze down.

It was like a competition between us. Who will let their eyes down first. He gazed, I gazed. He didn't stop, i didn't stop. I was even counting time. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....

Finally after whole 6 seconds he dropped his eyes off me. And leaned on the bench.

Yess! i finally won! Ha ha ha, you should have not messed with me, dude. I smirked. There was a stupid smile of victory on my face. I was stupidly smiling.

Then i realised something. i realised that Oh shit! I have been standing for a whole 6 seconds. I suddenly sat down in awkwardness. I saw around if anyone was seeing this. I turned to my right, but thankfully, no one was seeing this. Everyone was faced to Ms.Kim. And Ms.Kim was faced towards the board. She was writing something on the board.

Then i turned to right. I noticed that the guy who was staring at me with no expressions on his face a while ago. He was right next to my left side. He was still staring at me. I guessed that he saw me having a competition with that cold vibe guy.

I smiled at him hoping he hasn't saw me do that. But even after a while he didn't gave back a smile. It was very awkward moment. I felt so embarrassing and i suddenly turned my face forward. He also turned his face.

Now, it was time for learning. Ms.Kim was a science teacher. She started with the lessons. It was actually good. I felt that she is a good teacher. I could understand everything that she was teaching. Just by a moment, i deeply got involved in her teaching.

She was cracking jokes and she was giving example for every topic she taught us.

While teaching us, her eyes got on the guy who was sitting at last bench of my row. That is the guy with the cold vide. The guy whom I defeated in the compitition.

He was sleeping shamelessly during her class. She stopped her teaching and called him by his name.

"Kim Tan. Kim Tan. Why do you have to sleep in my class? Don't you get enough sleep at night, at your home, that you come to school and sleep everyday during the classes?"

He woke up. Everyone was looking at him. And the girls were like 'Oh my god, he looks so handsome even when he wake up from the sleep. Wow'. And I was like, what? like really dude? You really have to say this in situations like this?

Everyone turned back to see him. But i didn't. I just stared at my bench.

"Didn't i told you not to sleep during the classes?" Ms.Kim asked. He didn't say anything for a while. Then he opened his mouth and said,

"Ahh, ma'am. I was so sleepy so I was just taking the nap".

"If you are so sleepy then you should have took nap before I came. You should not sleep during the classes." Ms.Kim replied.

He slammed on my desk with his foot.

"Hey." I got confused, was he calling me? But why, I just came here? What does he wants?

" Hey, hey you new student." Now I knew that he was calling me. I turned and saw him.

"Hey. didn't i told you to wake me up" he said. " What? When? You never told me that" I said.

" I told you. You Don't remember?"

I realised that he was trying to blame me saying that i didn't wake him up. But why? Why would he do that? We have just meet. So why would he try to blame me?

As you know that I am strong and i won't let anyone blaming me for the things that I have never done. So i turned back towards Ms.Kim and said,

"Ma'am, he never said that to me. I don't know what he is talking".

" Hey, don't make me seem like I am lieing. Tell her that I told you to wake me up" he said.

But i didn't say anything. How would I when he has never said that to me.