
The Party (Part 1) (Chapter 4)

"So what do you guys want to do?" I asked when we got back to our house.

"Well, I would have liked to go to that party that Candace invited you to, but it seems like you destroyed any chance of that happening," Lou said.

"Hey, if you want to go to the party, then let's go, but all of us, not just some of us," I said. "Anyone else want to go to that party?" Everyone raised their hands.

"OK then, let's go." I said. "I'm guessing that someone has Candace's address."

"Sure, you got a car, we're all going to need a change of clothes for the party, there is no way I'm showing up in this," Miley said.

"That's a fair point, just give me and Grace 5 minutes to get changed and we can then take you guys to get a change of clothes as well." I said.

"Grace and I," Grace corrected me. I didn't verbalise a response, but I did pull a face at her. "Yo guys, come in. There are a bunch of sodas in the fridge, help yourself."

10 minutes later

"So what are we gonna do, you take the girls and I take the guys?" I asked Grace.

"I thought that was what was always going to happen, considering the fact that neither of our cars are gib enough for everyone to get into," Grace said.

"That's a fair point. So, I'll take the guys you take the girls, and then meet somewhere before the we go to the party so that we get there at the same time?" I half-asked.

"Sounds like a plan." Grace said. We went down the stairs to and saw everyone sitting on the couches and talking.

"Wassup peeps, ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep, let's go. So who's in who's car?" asked James.

"The girls are coming with me, and the guys are going with Jake," Grace said.

"Nice, I call shot gun," Lou said, running out of the house.

In Jake's car

"Can't believe that you didn't drive this to school on your first day," Mike said.

"I didn't think it was necessary, I didn't want to attract too much attention on my first day, considering its a 5 Litre V8, its not designed for discrepancy, is it?" I said, joking. "I mean, its a mustang."

"So, how come Grace only got a Camaro?" asked James.

"That's the car she wanted, so that's the car my parents got her." I replied.

"Oh, that's fair enough, so who are we dropping off first?" asked James.

"I don't know, who lives closest?" I asked.

"That would be me," Lou said from the back seat. "I'll tell you when to turn."

"So, you and Mikayla. I see what you're trying to do," said Mike; making me immediately look in the rearview mirror at him.

"What, bro, no. What are you on about?" I asked.

"We all saw the way you looked at her at lunch today. We all know you like her," James said.

"Do you guys think I have a chance with her?" I asked.

"She's pretty guarded. Ever since her relationship with Jackson, she hasn't exactly been the same. But I think if you manage to let her walls down with you, you could stand quite a good chance." Mike said.

"Cheers dude. So, what are these parties like?" I asked.

"Bro, these are the parties that everyone wants to be invited to. Candace has a crush on you, even though she is already in a relationship, which means that you can get away with anything, which is why you amazingly dragged us along with you. Just a warning, make sure the car is locked, somewhere well lit and in view of a camera. Some of the jocks that will be at the party will most likely try to take it." Mike explained.

"I thought you guys were jocks," I said.

"Oh, god no, what made you think that?" asked Mike.

"I mean, it must be because we look smashing and have kept our bodies in such good shape." Lou mocked.

"No homo though" I said, and we all started laughing.

"Yo, this is my house here, give me 5 minutes and I'll be back." said Lou. This carried on for the others and then once we were all ready, I rang Grace to check on where I was meant to meet up with her.

Meanwhile, in the Grace's car

"So Mikayla, you and my brother, huh?" Grace looked in her rear-view mirror at Mikayla, who immediately started blushing and looking away, causing all the other girls to giggle.

"What! No! I mean, he seems nice but I've only met him today. I need more time to see if I like him and he's the one for me." Mikayla said; still blushing.

"OK, I see what you're doing. Looking at the rest of the menu before ordering." Grace said before they all burst out laughing. "So, who lives the closest to where we are now."

"Me, thankfully" Mikayla said. "I'll tell you when to turn, don't worry."

"So, any cute guys gonna be at this party?" asked Grace.

"Oh, definitely." Miley said

"Anyone you got your eye on?" Grace asked.

"This guy on the football team," Miley replied.

"Does this guy have a name?" Grace pushed.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough." Miley replied, leaving a lot of room for interpretation.

"Oh, I see. Little miss secret is in the back seat." Grace said.

"My house is just around the corner." Mikayla said.

"Nice," Grace said as she indicated to pull over.

"See you guys in about 10 minutes?" Mikayla half asked.

"Yeh don't worry, we'll wait for you," Grace replied.

1 hour later

"So, is that everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yep, let's go get the girls," Mike half cheered.

"OK, bare with." I said. "Hey, all the lads are ready. Where do you want to meet?"

"Same here. Want to meet up at the Walmart near ours?" asked Grace.

"Sure thing, see you there." I replied.

At Walmart

"There they are," James said pointing towards Grace's Camaro. I pulled up next to them.

"Hey, wassup peeps," I said, leaning on Grace's car.

"Dude, you know I don't like people leaning on my car. How do I know that you won't scratch my paint?" Grace complained.

"OK," I said, holding my hands up. "So who's following who?"

"Mikayla said that she used to be friend with Candace, so she pretty much knows all of the ways to Candace's house off by heart, so why don't you guys follow us." Grace said.

"Oh, by the way, Mike said to park the cars somewhere in view of a camera and somewhere well lit. We do not want to be the ones explaining why these cars aren't back in the garage when we get back to the house because it was our fault." I said.

"Come on, let's go! We're missing the party" Miley's voice came from the back seats. At the same time, Mike started blasting my horn.

"Get a move on!" Mike shouted out of the window.

"Aight, let's go. See you there." I said, walking back to my car.

"I'll try not to lose you," Grace said.

"I'd like to see you try" I said laughing.

At the party

I followed Grace the whole way. We passed through a couple of rough looking neighbourhoods and we got a couple of dodgy looks. I had used the built in phone system in the car to call Grace so that we could all talk to each other. The main I called Grace though was because I knew how forgetful she was, so I knew at some point she would forget that we could hear everything that happens in her car; so I was hoping that we would be able to hear some juicy secrets. Candace apparently didn't live that far away so we didn't have much of a chance to listen in, mainly because it was only small talk which was just a bit boring.

"Jake, Mikayla says that the place is two blocks ahead, but there is a gas station around the corner. What do you want to do?" asked Grace.

"I think you guys should leave the cars at the gas station, as in right infront of the store windows so that everyone in the store can see it and so can the cameras. We can walk the two blocks to her house." James said.

"I think James has a point," Grace said.

"Let's do that then," I said. Once we were parked, we got out. I knew that the girls were going to be dressed up, but I wasn't expecting them to be as dressed up as they were. The most surprising part was the fact that they were wearing practical shoes and not those massive high heels that are designed to break your ankles.

"Jake, I think you should go first since you're the one that she wanted here in the first place." Lou said. "Just be warned, these parties are invite only, so you'll be on the list most likely, but there is a fair chance that we won't be. So if you get in, try and get us in too."

"Don't worry, if she wants me there then she wants you guys there as well because otherwise I won't be there. So let's just see what happens." I said. We rounded the corner and sure enough, there was a dude in a suit with an earpiece and holding a clipboard which had a sheet of paper on which had a list on it. The dude was also wearing sunglasses. Were we in some kind of movie now, it was pitch black outside, with only the street lights lighting up the street, the sunglasses weren't needed. We tried to walk past him but he blocked our path, but I guess that was kind of expected.

"This is an invite only event, what are your names?" asked the dude with a gruff and strong tone.

"Hi, my name is Jake Hills. I should be on the list, but I'm not sure about my friends." I said holding my hand out to shake his, but he just grunted and looked at the list.

"Yep, your name is here. What are the others, I don't want to disturb the boss lady or her parents so I want to make sure before I have to make a call." said the security guard, with a more understanding and gentler voice.

"Well I'm Grace Hills, his brother; this is Dani Abbott; James Booker; Lou Dominguez; Mikayla Johnson; Mike Frost and Miley Goulding." Grace said, introducing everyone.

"Yeh you were right, you are the only one on the list from this group. Stay here, I need to see if I can get you guys in. I mean, you can come in with me, but the others will have to wait out here." The security guy said.

"It's fine thanks, I'll wait out here." I replied.

In the party

"Ma'am, there's group outside, but they aren't all on the list." The security dude said to Candace.

"But one of them is?" She asked.

"Yes, it's Jake Hills, but he refuses to come in unless the rest of the group is let in as well."

"Ugh, those losers. Fine send them in, I'm not going to let him get away from me."

"Yes ma'am." The security man said as he walked out of the door.

Back outside the party

"You can all go in," The security man said.

"Cheers dude, sorry for making you do that" I said.

"Its fine, go and enjoy yourself," the security man said with a softer tone.