
I, the Reborn Hell King, My Wishes Grant Double upon my Enemies

Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- Leo was reborn. In his past life, he was the least favored prince, a fearsome demon lord, a revenger from hell, and an enemy of the gods. To defeat him, the Goddess of Wishes cursed him with the most powerful hex. Defeated by the divine, in his rebirth, Leo started his second life bearing the curse of the Goddess of Wishes... Any wish he made would come true—however, his enemies would receive double the effect of that wish. Faced with such a mighty divine curse, Leo actually found joy. When his enemies raised their swords against him... "I wish to lose half of my body's strength." Instantly, his enemy collapsed, weakened and unable to stand. "I wish for ten thousand gold coins!" Consequently, Leo received ten thousand gold coins, and from his enemies, he acquired an additional twenty thousand! "Just a curse from the gods, nothing serious," said the reborn Leo nonchalantly, "Look, because of this curse, I have actually become stronger!" ---------------------- WPC DEC Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

White_Ink · Fantasy
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58 Chs

The Lionara Knight Training Tome

The Knight Training Tome, as the name suggests, is a guide to the practices necessary to become a knight. 

The tome Leo asked Lilith to retrieve is a special one, passed down through the Lionara royal lineage and improved upon by many great knights. 

Known as the Lionara Knight Training Tome, it is famed for its superior and accelerated training methods.

In this world, safety is not a guarantee. 

While humans occupy most of the world, they do not rule it entirely. 

Places like the Infernal Marsh, rumored to be inhabited by demons in its deepest parts, are a testament to this. 

These demons, varied in form and brutally savage, are said to relish in consuming humans.

Then there's the Dragon Lair, beyond the mountain ranges in the northernmost part of the kingdom. 

Countless dragons reside there, each wielding potent magic and possessing strength far beyond that of ordinary beings. 

Mature dragons are even capable of destroying entire kingdoms.

Other mysterious realms include the Moon Lake and the Star Spirit Sea, inhabited by unknown races and considered forbidden territories for humans.

Compared to these inherently gifted races, humans have their own advantage — intelligence. 

Throughout their vast history, many geniuses have emerged among humans. 

Observing the stars, comprehending the mysteries of nature, studying the differences between various creatures, they eventually formulated two major systems of cultivation.

The first is that of the magus. 

Becoming a magus requires an innate talent for magical practice, utilizing the abundant magical energy of the world to cast spells, synonymous with power.

The second is that of the knight.

For those without magic talent, becoming a knight is the only option. 

The journey to knighthood, though influenced by natural aptitude, hinges largely on rigorous training. 

Persistence invariably leads to notable progress. 

To become a knight of extraordinary strength requires immense time and financial investment, a rarity since the establishment of Lionara.

In Leo's bedroom, upon hearing his command, Lilith, though puzzled, retrieved the book. 

Moments later, she returned, placing the dust-covered tome before Leo. 

He instructed again, "Open it and read the contents for me."

In both his past and present life, Leo had never practiced the Knight Training Tome. 

In his previous life, after encountering hell magic and driven by his own madness, Leo abandoned his human form, transforming into a Hell Lord's body. 

Such a formidable physique, rare even in the hellish realms, was second only to the Demon King.

In this life, however, Leo did not plan to take the same path. 

Although the human body lacked the raw power of a Hell Lord's, its potential for growth was significant.

Yet, Lilith hesitated.

The Knight Training Tome was exceedingly precious. 

Despite his brutal and outrageous behavior, Leo Vickery's status as the third prince of Lionara granted him access to this tome. 

But for her, a mere slave, it was unthinkable.

"I cannot look through it, Your Highness," Lilith refused.

Leo smiled and issued another command: "Lilith, this is an order. And from today, not only will I practice the Knight Training Tome, but you will as well."

This left Lilith stunned. 

She was to practice too? 

This wasn't just any tome, but the highly coveted Lionara Knight Training Tome, exclusive to the royal family. 

And now, the prince was extending this privilege to her, a gesture that threw her into confusion.

Though she had resented Leo for forcing her father to sell her to him as a slave, her time with him had made her question the rumors of his cruelty. 

He seemed more like someone reacting to a lack of affection.

But Leo's next words shattered any illusions she might have had, fueling her anger anew.

"Lilith, you must train well. I've heard in the royal city that the taste of a female knight is quite delightful."

He spoke with a laugh, his eyes brazenly scanning her form.

Lilith clenched her fists in anger, sighing inwardly before unclenching and opening the dust-covered Lionara Knight Training Tome. 

She read aloud, memorizing the contents for herself.

"One day, I will repay you for this humiliation," she vowed silently.

A flicker of triumph passed through Leo's eyes; this was precisely the effect he desired. 

He planned to test more wishes on Lilith. 

After all, an enemy who was also his own and incapable of resistance was a rarity, making her an excellent subject for experimentation.

The Lionara Knight Training Tome detailed numerous practices and precautions for training from an apprentice knight to a high-ranking knight. 

By the time Lilith finished reading, an hour had passed, and Leo was already snoring.

"Your Highness..." Lilith called softly, waking Leo up.

"Finished?" he asked.

Lilith nodded, then couldn't help but advise, "Your Highness, if you're to undertake knight training, it's best to maintain a good daily routine. "

"And knight training consumes a lot of resources. Considering Stoneton is your only source of income, about Prince Rain..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but Leo understood the implication. 

He pulled the maid into his embrace, whispering in her ear, "Lilith, do you think I'm wrong?"

"Everyone praises Rain as a wise and capable man."

"If he ascends to the throne, Lionara will become even stronger."

"Do you believe that too, Lilith?"

Lilith, unsure how to respond, could only deny, "Your Highness, I don't."

Leo's hand caressed Lilith's smooth cheek, turning her face towards him. 

With a nonchalant tone, he said, "Lilith, face your true feelings. I know you've always had a soft spot for Rain. But you must understand, you are now just my slave, my possession!"

"Watch, and you will see Rain's agony. His screams will awaken you in the depths of the night, his soul enduring endless torment..."

Leo's words made Lilith tremble. 

In this moment, she truly saw the madness hidden deep within Leo's heart. 

He was a devil!

"Your Highness, I don't understand why you are doing this?" Lilith asked, suppressing her fear.

"Why?" Leo replied softly, laughing, pressing her against the table. 

Their eyes were merely a finger's width apart. 

He could clearly see the panic, anger, and grievance in Lilith's eyes. 

Oh, what a pitiful little lamb. 

Releasing Lilith, he pulled her up and said, "Because I enjoy it."

"Lilith, how about we make a bet?" Leo continued.

Still recovering from her shock, Lilith asked reflexively, "What bet?"

"Rain, in his anger, drew his sword against me but failed, even kneeling before me. Given his character, he will surely be furious and seek revenge by all means. Of course, you play a part in this."

"However, I am certain that tomorrow he will enter the town very politely, even paying a hefty sum of gold coins."

Leo was utterly confident.

Lilith was skeptical. 

Having encountered Rain several times since becoming Leo's maid, she was acutely aware of the deep hatred between Rain and Leo. 

It was an irreconcilable enmity, unlikely to lead to a cordial conversation.

The most important aspect was the wager Leo offered, something she couldn't refuse.

"If you win, I promise you your freedom."

That was Leo's stake.

Lilith agreed, asking with a hint of worry, "And what is my stake in this bet?"

Leo chuckled, whispering a few words into Lilith's ear. 

After he spoke, Lilith's face turned a deep shade of red, resembling a ripe apple. 

Overcome with embarrassment, she quickly fled from Leo's bedroom.

"Such easy prey, but if it were Anna, perhaps I'd be the one played," Leo murmured, reminiscing about a person from his past life. 

Then, as if struck by a thought, he mused aloud, "Anna is trapped somewhere now, isn't she? If I could find her early, maybe I could capture some of her less flattering moments..."

However, this was just a fleeting thought; Leo hadn't formed a concrete plan yet. 

His gaze returned to the open Knight Training Tome. 

Now was the time to test a theory he had in mind.

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