
I, the MC, am too great for this world!!

Zheng Li was a trash level Demi deitiy in the Ascended realms. He had the weakest ability, a trash level affinity, and the lowest cultivation. Then one day, he is thrown down from the heavens. However, he crashes in Zhengzhou, a place overflowing with soul essence and Qi energy, but the highest level of cultivation is only the mid stage mortal rank. A full fifteen ranks below him! Now as the strongest cultivator on earth, Zheng Li conquers all the empires and clears all the sects until he becomes the greatest cultivation Lord ever. Then he would probably have to go back to the heavens, take his revenge and all... But that’s for later! For now, he will just enjoy being the strongest cultivator in this low level world, conquer empires, and collect hot babes. "Fu fu, I am too great for this world!"

Dark_Daemon_2 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

You're a terrible person, Zheng Li!

Zheng Li was stupefied.

He had always been the weakest piece of trash in the Ascended realms, with his low cultivation rank of the demi deiety level.

But after Han Li had thrown him down from the Ascended realms, speaking of which, he would have to summon the Imperial Lord to take him back.

And considering the fact that he had seen his only daughter, the Imperial lady Bai Xuan, in the nude, that was not happening anytime soon.

Probably ever.

So, he would have to find his way back one way or another.

Anyways, the band of bandits were still staring at the broken jian in shock and suprise, so Zhang took it as his chance to...

A kick to the groin, another behind the ear, a jab to the ribs, and a smack to the spine, then all three bandits fell unconcious on the floor.

Smiling broadly in profound joy, Zhang thought.

"Finally, I'm stronger than someone out there!!!"

Where he had come from, even ten year old kids were more powerful than him. But in this place, he was beating grown adult men with ease.

As soon as he was done with the band of bandits, Zheng was about taking one of their horses and leaving, when he saw a figure rising out of the dust.

Xin Lung had been in the direct area of impact when he had fallen after all.

Dusting her bruised body, the hazel haired woman looked at him.

"W-Who are you, and where the hell did you come from?!"

Normally, Zheng Li would ignore her and ride away. But today, due to his curse, he was compelled to tell the truth.

"My name is Zheng Li.

I am a level five demi deiety rank from the Ascended realms."

Then cursing internally, he sighed.

'stupid curse!'

Xin looked at him for a split second and burst into laughter.

"You don't have to make up a fake cultivation rank just to sound impressive, you know.

Anyways, according to the laws of my clan..."

She straightened up and made a low bow.

"...Mr strong, handsome, stranger.

I, Xin Lung of the Heavenly Fish sect, pledge you one favor of any kind on behalf of the entire sect for saving my life.

Is it money?, Power?, Influence?, Just name it."

Sect traditions were really weird.

Zhang Li smirked darkly at the kneeling figure.

Seeing the nether regions of the Imperial Lady had caused a flag to rise in his robe. Sighing, he beaconed for the woman to rise.

"Don't bother your entire sect.

I have only one request, fu fu fu."


Zhang Li woke up the next morning pretty exhausted.

Which man wouldn't, when he had just spent almost an entire night ravaging the body of a sect leader's daughter?

By the time he had been satisfied, Xin Lung laid underneath him in pleasurable stupor, her legs were still shaking, and she was mumbling in unintelligible gibberish.

She probably would not be standing up anytime soon, or even walking straight for that matter. The makeshift camp they had created was broken too, but that was a problem for later.

Like any guy, the first thing Zheng Li immediately searched for was food. However, the bandits had nothing edible at all.

Sighing, he rubbed his aching belly.

"Why the hell do they not have food?!"

If he had ever managed to cultivate past the demi deiety rank, he would never have to consume food as his body would sustain itself on Soul Qi.

But he never did.

This meant that he was still a mortal and relied on food and water.

That was probably the reason why he was kind of a pervert compared to the other people in the Ascended realms.

They had given up their humanity for something greater, thus did not have most bodily needs. For them, even copulation was a chore done only for the sake of bringing forth new generations.

But for him, it was an enjoyable process that he could never miss.

Anyways, Zheng Li decided to eat one of the horses. With his demi deiety rank cultivation level, and physical prowess compared to the people and creatures of this world, he was done in a few minutes.

The tantalizing scent of roasting meat was enough to get Xin Lung out of her stupor.

"W-What smells so good?"

She too was extremely hungry.

However, Zheng was not one to share.

Not even for a pretty lady.

He turned over to face her, then scowled.

"It's horse meat.

You cant have any."

Xin Lung frowned deeply.

"Hey that's not fair, I'm hungry too!

You spent all night trying to cripple me, and now you won't even let me have some food?!"

Zheng Li looked at her blankly and sighed.

"Yes I will not.

You can't have any of my food."

Back in the Ascended realms, he had long grown used to living as a loner, and taking care of himself and himself only.

The people with higher cultivation ranks did not need to eat, and only ate because of the taste of food, so he was used to eating alone.

After he was done with his meal, which he ate while Xin watched him with contempt, it was finally time for him to leave.

Where he would go to?

No one knows!

All he knew was that the heat in the desert bothered him a lot.

Getting on another one of the horses, Zheng Li sighed.

"Aren't you coming?"

Xin Lung's face brightened up as she had also been thinking about how hard going back to her sect alone would be.

"Really?, You'll escort me back?!"

However, Zheng Li was no hero. He was just a guy who had been beaten up, thrown down from the heavens, ended up in one of the lower realms, beat up some guys, and now was searching for a way to go back.

He chuckled at her question.

"Escort you?, Heck no.

I've never been here, so I just need someone to help with directions."

The smile on the auburn woman's face soon descended into an ugly frown.

"You're a terrible person!"