
I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce

Author: Yu Qijiu
Sci-fi Romance
Completed · 5M Views
  • 3225 Chs
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What is I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce

Read ‘I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce’ Online for Free, written by the author Yu Qijiu, This book is a Sci-fi Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: She was born into an affluent family, but she was swapped at birth and got a different life.She grew up in a village. Ju...


She was born into an affluent family, but she was swapped at birth and got a different life. She grew up in a village. Just as she got the opportunity to transform her life, it got taken from her, and she was forced into a marriage to trade for a marriage for her mentally-challenged big brother. In the end, she died tragically. Gu Yan thought that if she could be reborn, she would make those who had bullied and insulted her regret everything! After being reborn with a superpower, her life became quite different. “With both the medical skill and the superpower, wastrels, shiver for me!” “Also you, handsome boy, I saved your life; shouldn’t you pledge to marry me?” Lu Ye smiled naughtily. “Of course. Just tell me, Yanyan, how many times do you want me to pledge per night?”

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往事作古,她已入土,他还在细数,那场一见如故…… 若当初不曾辜负,他还是那个丰神俊朗一心只有她的少年,她还是那个花容月貌的神龙帝国第一才女…… 女主与男主青梅竹马,曾经甜蜜,曾经炙热,曾经海誓山盟…… 一朝皇命难违,男主将女主辜负,一杯他亲手泡的毒酒,要了她和肚子里孩子的命…… 死前,女主立下血咒,没有诅咒男主而是诅咒自己:在世为人!断爱绝情! 千百年后,女主再世为人,男主也历经轮回。再遇女主,男主误将她刻骨铭心,爱如灵魂。 集万千宠爱于一身的冷情女主与狠辣果决的男主,又会擦出怎样的火花? 谁承想,男主曾留在地狱的一半灵魂突然做了狗…… 前世,男主学了武,背着她奔跑在繁花遍地的草地。 她问他学了武是不是要保家卫国,沙场征战? 他哈哈大笑着回答她,他要做她的小狼狗,守着她护着她,忠心与她…… 可是,他不曾忠心,也不曾一世守护…… 男主一半灵魂化成的超强萌宠,却和男主成了死对头,男主暴怒,本是同源,为何争锋? 为她…… 前世没做到的,这一世哪怕做狗,它也要守护着它的公主…… 一个将军一条狗,还有一个莫名其妙冒出来的痴心男二…… 男二:“娘子,你没有的爱情,就让我来呈现到极致……”

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"I, The the greatest samurai on glorious Royal, shall Grant you a fair and square Judgement!" A famous line from a professional gamer who reached the maximum level on Glorious Royal. Glorious Royal Is a Virtual Reality Game created by the famous Artic Corp based on the computer game they previously created. Sebastian Torres, The Player who uttered that famous line was from a very poor family so due to their circumstance he decided to play the game when he heard that the game had this 'Game currency exchange' Where the in-game currency can be exchanged to real money. Because of his survival instincts he gained from living in the slums he excelled on Close combat fights thus resulting to him to be unbeatable on the early stages of the game. Later on, On his journey he made friends , grew stronger and found his lover. He reached the pinnacle of the game in the 4th anniversary of the game. However, During his Adventure, He offended a second generation Young Master that resulted to the death of his family and lover and from then on he swore that he will not stop breathing until he put a bullet on that guys skull. He practiced. He master different kinds of weapons. Engaged in different kinds of illegal jobs just to prepare for his vengeance. And finally, During the party of that young master he brought a shotgun and Points it at that guys head and with a click, that young masters head blew up, Dyeing the white tables red. The joyous party instantly transformed into a funeral. On his revenge, Sebastian died because of the young masters Guard. The guard also blew his stomach. Sebastian falls to the ground and his vision blurred. And on his face, A bright smile can be seened and if one focused on him, They can hear him muttering. "Mother, Father, Joe and Lilith, my lover, I finally avenged you. Just wait a little more and I will be joining you up there" However, When he opened his eyes, He expected a blinding light like what those priest and Bibles said. ' When you Arrive at heaven, A blinding Light will welcome you and You will enter the gods palace '. That is what he expect . However, Like those famous 'Expectation vs Reality' memes, Reality is always far from expectations because instead of a blinding light , A shabby Room welcomed him. "What is happening? Didn't those priest said if your a good man, You will be accepted to God's side right? then What is this? Don't tell me what those anti - Christian Said are real, That those priests are just a Bunch of hypocrites?" Sebastian couldn't help but exclaim. But he is just about to rage, He heard a sweet voice calling for him, "Brother, It's time to eat! mother prepared our favorite Dish!" An angelic voice in hell? Really? was that even possible? wait... Then it hits him. A sinister smile escape from his lips without him noticing. "Hah! The heavens Must be favoring me! Jiao, You bitch. I, The Greatest Samurai on Glorious Royal Is reborn!" That's right, He is reincarnated. He swore that he will change everything . He will alter His and his family's Destiny.

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Table of Contents
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:)) 我,异能女主,超凶的~I, heroine, super fierce Author: 渔七酒(Fishing Seven Wine)~Yu Qijiu Genre: Sci-Fi Romance Status: Completed Chapters: 3182 chapters Word Count: 8.76 million


A very unique concept i recommend it i quite liked this book let's just hope that this one gets picked 😍 dndndndndn dndndndndn dndndndndn dndndndndn


The books is hmmm... How do I explain this. The book has it’s good points, it also has it’s neutral points, but I found it boring? Yes, nothing managed to peak my interest, but it sure did peak my hatred for the people around her. It didn’t keep me invested but the people around her just were so disgustingly horrible! And what happened in her first life was partly her fault. Like she was rly dumb, if she wasn’t so stupidly gullible things would have been different. I blame her for what happened to the ml in her first life, I understand misunderstanding the situation she found them in, but successful relationships take communication, the man tried to explain and she refused to listen (which is logical because of how she found them) but at the same time illogical because she should have known him better? All I can say is the book is boring, the fl thankfully grew a brain after dying, most of the people around her are horrible and deserve death. You might find it interesting but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.


Love the book. 10/10 would recommend. (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎ .


Reveal spoiler


Hi author? I was wondering if someone could clearify somthing for me? in the novel they keep mentioning northern star region and the southern star region, also there was somthing about the main planet. Could this just be the translation or is it that this isn’t earth?


It is another rebirth. actually I am biased when it comes to strong FLs. I just love them kicking those villains and white lotuses. And what’s more interesting in this novel is the ML. The not-so-evil, not-so-arrogant, nor not-so-chauvinist who just simply dotes his woman.


It has its moments but mostly kinda boring. My main problem is the absolutely atrocious world building or rather the lack of it. Honestly I still don't know in what kinda setting this takes place... It feels like something along the lines of 80s China but then sci-fi-ish words like main planet or cosmic troopers are thrown around or going to space followed by the statement that phones aren't widely available yet??? Also considering the FLs superpowers are in the title, that aspect seems more like an afterthought that wasn't originally intended to be included? Like sure every now and then she helps the healing process along with her "superpower" but mostly she uses it to alleviate exhaustion. Considering she already is a doctor it just feels redundant.


Five stars so far because it’s an interesting read. I have read many novels like this but the superpower element is somewhat special in regards to the modern era. Hope this gets selected for more chapter releases!


So I like and don't like rebirth Usually I prefer it when the reborn person is reborn in another life and I haven't seen it to correct their past mistakes I always measure people based on me If I would do something everyone would do it too, that's why I'm angry with the protagonists who always repeat the same mistake of not ending certain people right away I hope this FL does not make these mistakes even though she has already made it I hope it’s not too much and makes the story long


Just finished reading this story raw and it's amazing till the end. There may be 1-2 arcs that could be skipped over, but great story overall.


This is really interesting but it kinda feels like she is in a novel 🤗🤗🤗👍👍🤗🤗👍👍🤗🤗👍👍🤗🤗👍🤗🤗🤗🤗👍🤗🤗👍🤗🤗👍👍🤗🤗🤗👍👍🤗👍🤗🤗👍👍👍


I really wanna know how this is going to be developed. The mystery of her birth mother origin :) I also hope her plans would go well so that those two disasters can get married and then be exposed. So she can marry without problems and reuineìte with her mother and brother.


The storyy is good but I dont think she had the ability to heal, it was self healing by the jade, not a memories she inhereted and also no martial inheretance. Also since jade can heal someone but why she can't heal mc ,since mc is so skinny and tann, in short malnourish..I prefer cool, smart , knowledgeable, beyond beautiful, super sexy, and lovable mc....


This is the first time I love this book 📖 because it it's not a big problem with the *** and everyone had to put it in on the everything on the last paragraph


Hello ML reader here I saw how peaceful it was in the FL section and wanted to direct your attention to the dumpster fire that is the ML section trial read which include the newer selected novels that have between 0-25 chapter and not the usual 40 we all expect. Review bombing by annoyed users. Reduced translation quality.. Also something that irks me but I don't see anybody else complain about is changing the MCs names from Chinese to English so Su Bai will be changed to James because of the translator. Does that bother anyone else? Just saying this could happen to this section in the future also.


I love the development in this story it really good 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍👍👍🏽👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️






Lu Ye looked at Gu Yan’s tightly knitted brows, reached out and held her little hand, and said softly, “Yan Yan, from now on, wherever you are, I will be there, and our home will be there!” A moment ago, Gu Yan was still immersed in a bit of sadness. The next moment, she was scalded by Captain Lu’s upgraded version of the words of love. Gu Yan felt a little itchy at the corner of her eyes. The corner of her mouth curled up as she said softly, “Ah Ye, from now on, you will be my home.”


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