
I, The Destined Villain, Start With The Saintess!

I'm not a traditional villain, how can I play according to the routine!!! Xiao Fan traveled through the fantasy world and became a brainless villain. In the original world line, he would be ravaged by the protagonist and killed ruthlessly. Fortunately, with the Awakening Villain System, as long as you make the right choices, you can obtain treasures and survive. In order to survive, Xiao Fan had no choice but to strike hard at the protagonist. ······ Protagonist's Master: "My apprentice is Xiao Fan. I don't have you as my apprentice." Protagonist's childhood sweetheart: "Don't contact me again, I'm afraid Xiao Fan will misunderstand." Protagonist's sister: "You don't know brother Xiao Fan at all, he is the best person in the world." ······ Steal the protagonist's source of information, seize the protagonist's secret treasure, and intercept the Hu Taoist couple. Relying on the protagonist of fate, Xiao Fan reached the pinnacle of his life. Tens of thousands of years later, Xiao Fan has become the biggest mastermind behind the scenes, dominating all realms. Xiao Fan: "You are called the Son of Destiny, right?" ~~~~~~ THIS IS A MTL TRANSLATION!!! Doesn't belong to me~ Author: Wuhu Takes Off 11 [Strong background] [Lao Liu] [Refreshing article] [No moral integrity] [Only 100 million female protagonists]

TheBoredWriter69 · Anime & Comics
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Are You Going To Meet Your Parents So Soon?



The incident of Xiao An sneaking out was quickly exposed.

Because the next day, when Xiao Fan woke up, a group of people from the Xiao Family arrived at the Supreme Profundities Sacred Land.

"What are you doing? I'm not going back." Xiao An struggled and instinctively hugged Xiao Fan's thigh.

"Xiao Fan, you promised to accompany me for a month. You can't break your promise. Drive them away quickly, or I won't play with you anymore."

Xiao Fan was also helpless, and the people who came were the same.

The people from the Xiao Family were the steward, a low-key cultivator who was said to be quite powerful, but no one had seen him make a move.

"Prince, this time we have come to ask you to go back." The steward said respectfully.

"Ask me to go back? Why? Has something happened in the clan?"

Xiao Fan didn't quite understand. He hadn't been away from home for more than a year, which was nothing for a cultivator.

"It's like this. Didn't the clan tell you last time to go back for an engagement?"

"Now that I think about it, the time is almost up, so you have to go back."

Xiao Fan slapped his forehead. That's right, he almost forgot.

"Can you reveal who it is?" Xiao Fan curiously asked.

He didn't refuse. It was normal for big families to have marriages between them.

The pairing of a young lady from a prestigious family with an unknown poor boy was just a fantasy of otakus, like a guy named Wuhu Takes Off 11(The author).

Not to mention becoming Dao companions, even meeting each other was impossible for people from two different worlds. It might sound cruel, but that was the reality.

The main reason was that Xiao Fan had many lovely cousins.

If he knew which scum was trying to harm his cute sisters, he would definitely transform into a demon god and eliminate those scum.

Since becoming the prince of a big family, he somewhat understood why Yang Jian was so angry about the Three Holy Lady descending to the mortal world and having a private relationship with a mortal.

Yang Jian was rational.

If it were Xiao Fan, he would have beaten up those scum ancestors without hesitation. His surname wouldn't be Xiao if he didn't.

The steward smiled and intended to keep him in suspense.

Xiao Fan glanced at him. He knew the steward's character. He calmly said, "Summarize it for me in three sentences."

The steward restrained his smile.

"It's Jiang Lanzhi from the Jiang Family. You should have met her when you were young."

"I heard that she formed her Gold Core three years ago."

"She's also eighteen now, and the Jiang Family thinks it's time to discuss the engagement."

Jiang Lanzhi?

Xiao Fan recalled the memories related to this name.

It sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite remember.

After all, when he was young, he had seen countless innocent little girls. Even if he couldn't remember all of them, he remembered quite a few.

But he had heard of the Jiang Family.

The Jiang Family was a prestigious family that had been passed down for tens of thousands of years. According to the elders in the clan, the ancestors of the Jiang Family had a close relationship with the ancestors of the Xiao Family.

At the beginning, the two families had similar strengths, but as time went on, the Jiang Family somehow started to decline, and the number of Ascension cultivators in the clan became fewer and fewer.

The old ancestor of the Jiang Family in the heavens somehow lost contact with them and couldn't provide them with various Immortal Pills and spiritual fruits. Over time, the Jiang Family declined.

But this decline was only relative to the current Xiao Family. Compared to other forces, the Jiang Family was still an unattainable existence.

The Xiao Family didn't take advantage of the Jiang Family's decline and still maintained a good relationship with them, even using the prince to form a marriage alliance, which proved that the relationship between the two families was good.

However, Xiao Fan was not an ordinary person, and he couldn't be careless about the marriage alliance. He had to be cautious.

If he made a mistake and was rejected, it wouldn't just be embarrassing; he might even lose his life.

"I mentioned last time that if you come, remember to bring her portrait, preferably taken with a Shadowstone. Did you bring it?" Xiao Fan asked.

"Of course I did."

Saying that, the steward handed a Shadowstone to Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan took it and, like opening a lottery, slowly probed with his divine sense, feeling nervous.

As long as it wasn't something too outrageous, he could accept it.

After a quarter of an hour, Xiao Fan slowly withdrew his divine sense from it. It was just average, comparable to Ji Qingxue and Su Yiyun.

"Prince, how is it? Does it meet your expectations?" The deeply affected Xiao Fan, who had suffered from the persecution of beauty, awakened some unpleasant memories from his previous life. He asked,

"Is the image distorted? How much difference is there between the portrait in the Shadowstone and the real person? Besides the name, is everything else the same?"

The steward was dumbfounded by his question.

What did all this mean?

He could only guess and give what he believed to be a reasonable answer:

"This was recorded by the young master's mother herself, so there shouldn't be any mistakes."

Oh, it turns out it was taken by Xiao Fan's mother. No wonder it's so conservative, with so much fabric. But the figure and appearance are quite beautiful.

I guess my mother wouldn't deceive me.

"What about her background?"

"Here." The butler handed Xiao Fan a jade slip with Jiang Lanzhi's information.

From when she was young to her cultivation breakthroughs, the pills she took, and the cultivation techniques she practiced, everything was listed. Xiao Fan had a feeling of looking at a dating profile.

[Foundation Building at the age of five, Core Formation at sixteen, with a gentle and elegant nature.]

[This year, she turned eighteen and entered the Hundred Flowers Sacred Land, becoming a disciple of the Hundred Flowers Holy Lord. She has a fifty percent chance of being chosen as the Saintess of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Land. She has immense potential.]

"Son, your mother has checked it. Lanzhi is a good girl. Listen to your mother and get along well with her. May you have a happy marriage."

Xiao Fan: ...

The truth is revealed.

So it was written by his mother. No wonder she personally took action. It seems that this Lanzhi is deeply loved by his mother.

Why is she also a Saintess? Do I have to collect all the Saintesses from the Sacred Lands? Hmm, it doesn't sound too bad.

Since my mother has made a guarantee, Xiao Fan naturally has no objections.

"Okay, when should we get engaged?"

"One month later. Miss Lanzhi has been accompanying the main mother for some time now, so we're just waiting for you to return," the butler said respectfully.

Wow, it was all arranged long ago.

For the future of the family, let me be this heartless tool of a political marriage.

Xiao An listened with confusion, but he roughly understood the meaning: "Xiao Fan, are you going back home?"

"Yes, let's go back together."

"Wow, you're so mean. I finally came out for a trip, and you're taking me back home," Xiao An said unhappily.


"If we go back, I'll make you a set of winged Pegasus Gundam mecha," Xiao Fan said casually.

Xiao An's face immediately went from pretending to be angry to smiling happily. "I want a golden one."


"Oh, you said we'll get engaged when we go back, right?" Xiao An asked curiously.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Is it fun?"

"Well, I suppose it could be considered quite fun."

Is there anything simpler and more enjoyable than playing with women? Maybe only playing with other people's women.

"Okay, when we go back, I want to have a political marriage too. If it's so fun, let's have ten of them," Xiao An said excitedly.

Although his words were innocent, Xiao Fan couldn't help but feel a headache.

He questioned the butler, "Hasn't anyone taught him some basic life knowledge?"

The butler weakly replied, "Nineteenth Young Master is determined to run away, and we can't stop him. You are the one who understands Young Master Nineteen the best. After a tantrum, even the head of the family has to give in to him."

Sigh, Xiao Fan felt like he saw the shadow of a naive and wealthy second-generation on Xiao An. It's not that he wasn't educated, but rather that he had no interest in learning.

Sigh, it seems that I have to be the one to educate Nineteen Uncle.

"Wait here, I'll inform the Elder, and then we'll go back."

"As you wish."

Xinxi walked over, ready to follow Xiao Fan's footsteps.

"Why are you coming?"

"As a Saint Child's maid, I feel it's necessary to accompany you."

"Well, I'm just going home, not disappearing. There's no need to stick so closely," Xiao Fan said.

"Wait! Going home!" Xinxi's beautiful eyes sparkled with a strange light, her delicate face blushing as she said in a soft voice,

"So soon to meet the parents? I'm not ready yet."

"Oh, by the way, Saint Child, what does your family like? As long as you say it, I can get it for you. Do you mind raising some little phoenixes or Azure Dragons? I heard that raising these things can cultivate one's sentiment."

Xiao Fan: ???

Xin Xi's mind had already malfunctioned, and no matter what Xiao Fan said, she couldn't comprehend it.

'System, nothing bad will happen, right?'

[Well, good luck.]

Xiao Fan could already imagine that if he couldn't handle Xin Xi, his family might be in trouble.

So, the plan to capture the twin sisters must be advanced!


(~˘▾˘)~Don't forget to send your power-stones!~(˘▾˘~)

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