
I tamed the most feared beast in the world

Humans and Beast never liked each other because of Beast and humans never like each other their was a war but a boy living in a village never liked to hurt any type of beast but protect them

samadetuyi · Fantasy
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Jack has always felt the weight of his town on his shoulders because he is the son of the great hero who saved the world using his beast-taming abilities. While walking through town with his friend, people were staring at him and discussing how he didn't get into the academy, despite being the son of the great hero. When he arrived home, his friend asked him if he was going to try enrolling in the academy again.

"I don't know. I think I'll just join the army, like my father did when he was young," Jack said as he entered his home. Attempting to talk to his father about joining the army, he was interrupted by a noise coming from his sister's room. Running to see what was going on, Jack saw a demon attempting to take his sister through a portal. Fueled by anger at the demon's intentions, Jack ran towards the demon to stop it from taking his sister. However, when the demon realized that Jack was weak, he knocked him out with a fireball.

When Jack regained consciousness, he saw his father furiously shouting at guards. However, when he saw that Jack was awake, he asked if he was okay. "I'm fine, Father, but did they stop the demon from taking my sister?" Jack inquired while scanning the room for his sister. Upon hearing that the demon had taken his sister, he became frustrated with himself. Seeing Jack in a despondent mood, his father instructed all of the guards to leave the room. After the last guard departed, Jack's father looked at him with concern and asked, "What's wrong, my son?"

"I'm just upset that I wasn't able to save my sister from the demon," Jack replied, with tears streaming down his face. After Jack explained why he was upset, his father reassured him while placing his sword on the table, "You know, I wasn't always this strong, but because I worked hard, I was able to fight and save the world from the great beast."

"But why don't I have your beast-taming powers, Father?" Jack questioned his father while attempting to get up from the couch. "I'm not sure, son, but what I do know is that one day, you will unlock your power and surpass me," Jack's father reassured him while embracing him tightly.

After their conversation, Jack informed his father that he would be joining the army since he didn't make it into the academy his father founded. While Jack was on his way to the army base near his town, he was accompanied by his father, which made him uneasy since his father was adored by everyone in the town and the world, meaning all eyes would be on him. Nevertheless, upon arriving at the army base, Jack saw his father's demeanor shift from amiable to serious. When Jack's father became more serious, he instructed the soldiers to take him to the commanding officer.

Upon arriving at the commanding officer's office, Jack noticed that his father wasn't fond of the army, based on his reactions towards them. When the commanding officer saw Jack's father, he inquired as to why he was there. "I'm here to enlist my son in the army," Jack's father said in a commanding tone. Upon hearing Jack's father's request, the commanding officer proceeded to ask Jack why he wanted to join the army.

"I want to join the army because it will help me unlock my powers, and I can save the world if I work hard," Jack said confidently. Realizing that Jack was serious about joining the army, the commanding officer agreed to accept Jack's father's request.

When Jack learned that the commanding officer had accepted him into the army, he requested that his father take his bracelet home and keep it close to him, so his father would always remember him. While walking through the army base, the officer assigned to Jack showed him all he would have to do during his time there. But before they went to Jack's quarters, the officer took Jack to the training ground. Upon arrival at the training ground, Jack noticed that almost everyone there had powers, but those who didn't have powers were still strong enough to handle does with powers,

after seeing the great things he could achieve he was eager to start training as soon as possible but first, he had to get to his living quarter, when he got there he saw his roommates but what shocked him the most was that they did not know who he was so he decided to keep it that way,

the next day Jack is made to wear his uniform and walk to the training ground, once he got to the training ground he saw one of the top officers walking out, once he was right in front of the recruits he told them while standing perfectly still

"You are joining the army to become stronger so you can fight the demons that plague the world so train hard because if you do not you might not survive what is coming at you in the future"

once the commanding officer heard from the top officer to begin the training he told the recruits to show what they can do by fighting each other,

hearing this Jack became scared because he knew that he knew how to fight a little but he could not fight someone with powers because he knew that he did not have his own powers,

so for the first fight, the commanding officer told the person next to Jack to pick the person he wanted to fight,

looking around to pick his opponent he saw that the weakest person was Jack so he picked Jack, knowing that he was picked, Jack picked up a spear knowing that even if a person has powers they can not fight someone with a spear because of the advantages it has,

when the commanding officer saw Jack pick up a spear he knew that Jack as some idea on how to use weapons to help you in a fight so he wrote Jack`s name on his paper and wrote beside it

"has some idea on how to fight using various weapons"