
I tamed the Most Evil Emperor

The young woman Ling Ai that lives at the poorest rural area in Raven country meets the Most Evil Emperor at the doorstep of her house. She didn't revere him at all because of the emperor's haughtiness and he looks at her with disdain. All she thought was like what did she do? Ling Ai was the only person in the country who stood her ground and didn't kowtow at all at the presence of the Most Evil Emperor at her doorstep. "What was that 'Evil Monster' doing here?" It was the first time that someone didn't tremble in fear at the presence of the Most Evil Emperor. Because of this, the Emperor that was about to cast Heavenly arts land destruction to what he found as 'filthy place' full of destitute people, stopped as he was stunned that someone in Raven country didn't acknowledge his presence and even stood tall in front of him. The Most Evil Emperor was amused and said, "I'll be around these filthy areas for 10 days. Don't worry I won't destroy it. But, I'll give you 10 days to hide yourself or run as far as you can. Do anything you want. As long as I don't get to see you. This place will not be destroyed for the next 10 years." Suddenly, he vanished in the shadows after the warning he told to Ling Ai. What journey awaits her? Is it devastation of the place where she lives or death at the corner of her life? Or will she finally level her way up in cultivation to be the Strongest Martial Artist? Was their meeting what we call destiny? Endeavor the story of the young woman who stood tall at the presence of the Most Evil Emperor! ¶THIS STORY IS ESPECIALLY COMPATIBLE FOR WOMEN AND REAL MEN. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU ARE THEN FIND OUT BY INDULGING YOURSELF TO THIS YOUNG LADY'S ROMANTIC ADVENTURE STORY.¶ (Liked it so far? +Add to library.) Story by: Xenovraise Cover art: Xenovraise Editor: Xenovraise ©Xuanhuan novel contest piece

Xenovraise · Eastern
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46 Chs

Exchange bodies

"An ancient legendary seal?! No! No no no nooooo!!!! Father! You fooled me!....kkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" A bright light shone even brighter that filled the cave inside. Pain and despair were seen in the eyes of the Most Evil Emperor that it made him tear up. Because at that brief moment, he realized he lost everything.


The tragedy of the Most Evil Emperor brought an earthquake to the Raven country at that moment,

and a big scar on the Most Evil Emperor's heart. "I hope when I resurrect. It would be in a place where my father doesn't exist." The Most Evil Emperor despairingly said before he turned unconscious, he thought he was going to die. Because Martial arts cultivation is also one's life-force, to deplete one's chi will lead to the certain death of the Martial artist.

Sunshine rose and the sunlight hit the entrance of the cave. Waves of the luminous ocean crashing against the rocks. The fulgent appearance of the ocean was very pleasant to watch. The morning sun warms the nature. But inside the cave, the cold breeze flows out the archway of the cave. Ling Ai and the Most Evil Emperor are still inside the cave.

At the deepest part of the cave. The red dragon hand on the wall was still there but the golden orange pearl is gone.

"Wh-where am I? Why does my body feel so heavy? Why am I in here? As far as I can remember, I didn't follow the Most Evil Emperor going down the core of the cave, and I... umm..was angry...? Grandpa!" Ling Ai's eyes widened as she briefly recollects her memories and remembered what happened.

"Aaghh! I feel dizzy. Oh, my reincarnation. So it was that quick huh." The Most Evil Emperor stood up feeling very light and sticky. "I didn't know resurrection was so fast. I didn't believe it at first but now I believe it's true, to what the history books say that reincarnation happens so quick you can't even remember you just died. Hmph, mysterious world. Time to start growing cultivation level again at Martial arts Basic apprentice rank. This body is too weak. Wait-.. Did I just turned into a giant lizard?!"

The Most Evil Emperor still feeling dizzy and his sight was blurred as he stayed long in the dark. His cultivation has been drained by the ancient legendary seal. The original purpose of the ancient legendary seal created by the ancestors of the Great Martial arts two hundred years ago, was to restrain someone who grew greedy growing stronger in practicing Martial arts but ended up turning Evil. It was a hundred percent success. After they drained the cultivation, it was the chance to restrain the strong evil person.

And that's what happened to the Most Evil Emperor. But something worse...

"Ohh no! No! No, no, no. You gotta be kidding me now. I'm just imagining things right now because I just woke up and I'm dizzy. This is just a joke." The Most Evil Emperor closed his eyes for a brief moment because he taught what he is seeing was just hallucinations. "This is not true. This is just.. Yeah, it is not true." Then he opened his eyes again while rubbing it with his delicate smooth hands to see clearly.

"What is going on now.... Wh-why do I have these breasts?! Am I-.. am I inside that peasant woman's body?! *Sniff sniff. "Ugh! I smell so filthy! Being in this woman's body is the most unfortunate thing that has ever happened in my entire noble life. Wait-... Don't tell me-"


A loud scream was heard from the core of the cave.

"Th-that's my voice!" The Most Evil Emperor rushed towards the core of the cave, with... with a woman's body?

Ling Ai and the Most Evil Emperor stared at each other while pointing with their index finger, then they simultaneously said,

"That's my body!"

"That's my body you insect!"

"Insect? You're still hang up with that childish act? What did you do to me you sly bastard! This was your plan from the very start?! To have my delicate innocent body and fulfill your sexual desires? Do it and I'll have to slit this throat of your body with this rubble! You-.. you disgusting bedlamite!" Ling Ai exclaimed.

"Ohho, how bold of you. I'm really curious as to where are you getting that kind of confidence? Where is the storage? Oh no, that was a bad question. You don't have any storage in this body after all because I believe it's a trash. It's like being in the body of the ancestor of dummies. If someone is in an unfortunate state, then that is me. How unlucky of me!" The Most Evil Emperor with a proud face because his self-esteem is also high that he believes he does have a perfect body.

"Oh? Big words coming from a fool bedlamite. So you don't have plans in revoking this Martial arts skill huh. Well, first of all, I'm not bothered by anything you keep on calling me. Second, I don't care at anything you believe in life or what's your perspective in life is. Third! I don't have my grandfather anymore because you turned him into ashes, so...I'll better just kill myself to end the heartache in my heart!" Ling Ai in the Most Evil Emperor's body was about to slit the neck of the body she is currently trapped.

"Wait! Wait. Wait! Wait. Please wait." *sigh "Let's not rush things, okay?" The Most Evil Emperor sweating cold on his face.

Blood flows down the neck of the body of the Most Evil Emperor as the rubble that Ling Ai is holding was very sharp.

"What? I'm listening. Are you now ready to revoke this Martial arts skill you used for your disgusting rubbish plan?" Ling Ai raised her left brow while fiercely staring the Most Evil Emperor like he is some child that offended her.


"Oh please, don't abuse your boldness. So is your confidence. Why would I even plan for such a useless exchange? Are you now mocking the Strongest existence in this Empire, not to say that I'm also the richest? Not just mocking but you are being rude to your Emperor. I may be evil but I'm still the Emperor, and if you still don't get it I'll make it simple, I rule this land and all of its people.


Now, are you getting the slightest bit of clue that what you are thinking about is impossible? Goddess beauties exist at my stronghold, almost all of them are even my personal servants, so why would I even go to such extent to find a simpleton woman like you? You're not even... well whatever. I'm the evilest person in the world but that doesn't mean I'm not an honest person, right? I have honor stuck in my noble life."

Ling Ai also got the point of the Most Evil Emperor and calmed down a bit but she remembered her grandfather which made her angry again.

"I don't care anymore! I'll just kill you by slitting this throat! I'll avenge my grandpa Zhang!" Ling Ai firm to her decision.

"Hey bug, before you do anything hear me first. The old man that was with you was your grandfather? I believe the worm's name was old man Zhang Mortal? Hahaha!" The Most Evil Emperor laughed at his own joke. He seems perfect but he is weird when it becomes to humor.

"..... " Ling Ai just stared him with a solemn face and pointing the rubble she's holding to the throat of his body. Blood kept flowing down the neck of the Most Evil Emperor's body.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. I apologize for spouting such hilarious humor. Your old man Zhang Mo-rtal.. Hahaha! He is-.. he is just sleeping okay? Okay? Please don't go any deeper, or else my perfect fair skin will be scarred. I just made him asleep. It's a Martial arts Grandmaster skill called 'Fade', one flick of my thumb and index finger the Martial artists below my rank will immediately lose their consciousness. Are we done arguing about that here?" The Most Evil Emperor just sighed a long breath.

"If-if that's the case, why are you still not revoking this Martial arts skill? Why did you do this then?" Ling Ai calmed down and dropped the rubble from her hand. She wiped the blood from the Most Evil Emperor's body.

Ling Ai is a good-natured woman, she is kind-hearted. She was just furiously angry hearing that his grandfather is killed. But the moment she heard that it was not true, that his old man Zhang Mo was just asleep; she calmed down right away and felt relieved.

The Most Evil Emperor inside Ling Ai's body and Ling Ai inside the Emperor's body standing side by side waiting who will go first in either leaping straight towards the ground above or climbing from the escarpment towards the ground above.