1 |Prologue|- A time from without

A hero stands tall,

Brave and selfless to the end,

In the face of danger.

But what is the cost,

Of a sacrifice made,

When no gain is to be had?

A life taken too soon,

Leaves a trail of sorrow and pain,

The world keeps turning,

But for those who loved and lost,

The emptiness lingers on.

What is the purpose,

Of a hero's sacrifice,

When it changes nothing?

Only honor remains,

A small comfort in the face,

Of pointless loss.

But still we remember,

The bravery and selflessness,

Of a hero gone too soon.

For though their time,

Was fleeting and uncertain,

Their legacy lives.

We wonder what could have been,

If thou been spared,

But we are left with only what is,

And the memories we hold dear.

So we hold on to hope,

That their sacrifice was not vain,

And that their memory will live,

In the hearts they left behind.

For even though they are gone,

Their bravery and selflessness,

Will never be.




{{{[…. Save thy world…. Do not falter like I, my-]}}}

[….Suitable Host found…. Dispatching Strand of Will.]




.A/N. Novel will begin re-releasing on January 7th

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