
I summoned Tom at the start in One Piece World

Adrian, who accidentally fell into the world of pirates, obtained a strange magic array that can summon characters from different worlds. His first partner turned out to be Tom Cat! Patreon.com/NewComer714 Check my original fanfic, I'm really in Doraemon!? Original: https://m.qidian.com/book/1034349098.html

NewComer714 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 - The Main Character's inexperience became evident

Adrian, who had been waiting foolishly for quite a while, wasn't pleased. With the tavern's fortified defenses, he wasn't afraid of enemies, just of not knowing who the enemy was.

He had thought that once he captured the person who came for the meeting, he could interrogate them about their boss behind the scenes, and then take action accordingly. But now, the other party hadn't shown up at all? As an antagonist, could they at least maintain a bit of credibility?

After discussing with Artoria for a while, they could only come to the conclusion that "the other party probably never intended to show up."

Otherwise, even if they observed them from a distance with a telescope, Artoria should have sensed something.

During the previous call from Peterman, they had watched the whole process and hadn't noticed anything unusual. That guy was trying hard to control his emotions when speaking, fearing any mistakes because he didn't want to become a slave. He probably didn't have the guts to intentionally cause trouble.

So, what was going on?

"These days, both the people who asked Tom and the troublemakers have suspicions of targeting us. Do we have to approach each one individually to ask?" Adrian was a bit frustrated.

"Do you remember who those people were?" Artoria asked the crucial question.

"I only remember a few; some of them I don't even know their names," Adrian felt a bit annoyed. Not all the people who came to inquire about the price would honestly reveal their names. The mastermind was probably hidden among those unfamiliar people, right? Or maybe they didn't even exist.

Artoria suggested, "Since that's the case, let's start investigating from the ones whose names you know. Maybe we'll stumble upon some unexpected findings."

Adrian nodded, "I guess we have no other choice."

Tom freed himself from the sack and asked with hands on hips, "So, where do we start investigating?"

Tom cared quite a bit about the people who wanted to abduct him, and he rarely spoke, so he had even prepared voice lines for his "experienced" act.

After thinking for a while, Adrian said, "Among the memorable ones, the fat guy I beat with a folding stool has been confirmed as someone who was just hired. Then there's the one I smashed in the face with a frying pan; I don't know their name. After that, there are the three brothers who were eating for free; that's odd. Lastly, there's the uncle that Tom hit with a tomato. He's the least likely to do something like this..."

However, that wasn't necessarily true. According to Adrian's reasoning based on watching Conan, the person who least seemed like the culprit was often the culprit. So, they should also investigate that uncle.

"He said he's a regular at the tavern and he'll go find Old Bob tomorrow to repay the debt. Maybe we can ask him along the way," Adrian suggested.

After making up their minds, the three returned to the tavern. They couldn't shut down the business just because of this matter. As Uncle Ben once said, fearing the crow's caw would keep you from sowing crops, right?

The customers who came to drink were as boisterous as ever. However, Tom wasn't in the mood to play the piano for them today.

Tom spent the entire evening sulking by the bar counter, his hands supporting his cheeks, his big eyes glaring around, and his tail swishing back and forth as if suspecting everyone of wanting to harm him.

Adrian, on the other hand, used the little free time he had to reflect on today's battle. Although it was a crushing victory, he had still gained some experience. He realized when he had opportunities but didn't seize them, and when he got overconfident and focused solely on attacking...

While reading the newspaper, Artoria also kept an eye on the people in the tavern. Sometimes, brute force couldn't solve all problems. Maybe she should try to understand the thoughts of others a bit more?

"Boss, bring two more bottles of wine!"



Before the first ray of sunlight entered the room, Adrian had already opened his eyes. He stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while, and when the alarm clock rang its jingle, he reached out and turned it off, then got out of bed.

Many times, the alarm clock wasn't for waking him up but for reminding him that it was time to get up.

Tom rubbed his eyes, crawled out of his cozy cat bed, stretched lazily, and greeted Adrian.

When they stepped out of the room, Artoria, still in her pajamas, walked out too. The three of them went to the bathroom together to freshen up.

The pajamas were custom-made, all three of them having the same design with their names printed as patterns. Wearing them, they looked like a family of three.

However, Tom didn't like wearing pajamas; at most, he would wear a sleep hat, a triangular cap with a white fluffy ball at the top.

The bathroom had also undergone some changes. The single basin was replaced with a longer sink, and more faucets were added.

On the top shelf were the toothbrushes and cups for the three of them, each cup and towel featuring their chibi avatars.

Although having such items custom-made was quite incredible, it was a service available on the island.

Adrian and Artoria bent down simultaneously to brush their teeth. During this time, Artoria's cheeks puffed rhythmically, just like an ordinary person's.

But brushing Tom's teeth was the most convenient, just a grin and all his small white teeth would be revealed. There was no need to worry about missing any spots.

Tom's teeth were interesting. Sometimes, they were more square and tidy than a human's, and other times, they were as sharp as a cat's, seemingly able to transform according to his needs.

Maybe due to this ability, Tom's dental hygiene was the quickest. He happily trotted downstairs after brushing, fetched today's milk and newspaper, and laid out breakfast.

Although, these days, they didn't run too far during their morning jogs because they were worried someone might try to steal Tom. They would either take Tom with them or not venture too far. Despite Tom's strength, Adrian was concerned about his mindset. After all, Tom would cower in fear even when faced with humans, dogs, or even a mother hen.

After a hearty breakfast and cleaning up, Adrian took out an electric rice cooker. Opening it up, he took out two stacks of bills and stuffed them into his pockets before putting the rice cooker back into his inventory.

The setup was strange because Adrian encountered a bug. The inventory could only hold items obtained through the lottery, but after putting something inside the rice cooker, he found he could also store it in the inventory.

It was interesting. Although it wasn't as convenient as having a direct storage space, it was still usable, right?

He planned to buy a refrigerator in a few days and stuff it with groceries from Tom's store. He could consider it a grain reserve. After all, items in the inventory wouldn't spoil.

In the future, if he drew something like a wardrobe, microwave, oven, or the like, he could use them this way. But he would need to place them carefully to prevent suddenly throwing a box of money at someone during a


With their preparations complete, the three headed to 58GR. That was where Old Bob retired to, and Adrian naturally knew the address of the creditor.

But at this time, Old Bob was probably fishing with his old friends. You never knew how early an old man who loved fishing would get up.