
I summoned Tom at the start in One Piece World

Adrian, who accidentally fell into the world of pirates, obtained a strange magic array that can summon characters from different worlds. His first partner turned out to be Tom Cat! Patreon.com/NewComer714 Check my original fanfic, I'm really in Doraemon!? Original: https://m.qidian.com/book/1034349098.html

NewComer714 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Human Trafficking Gang

Today's first guest is someone who eats for free, but he didn't get beaten up.

Because he's Goodman Uncle's son, Bayer. It's his first time coming to play since the tavern opened.

Adrian poured him a glass of fruit juice and asked him to sit next to Tom, while he went to greet the other customers first.

When he came back, he saw that this kid had gotten a piece of cat food from Tom. While Tom usually didn't like bratty kids, he still looked after this little brother and was willing to share the good stuff with him.

Unfortunately, Bayer didn't appreciate it. "This tastes terrible!"

It turns out that not everyone can enjoy cat food. Tom might have a blend of human and cat taste buds, and he could seamlessly switch between them, automatically enjoying the good flavors and blocking out the bad ones.

And as for why Artoria found cat food not bad, it might be related to her homeland's culinary culture...

After serving them drinks and meat, Adrian returned and asked, "Bayer, why haven't you come to play lately?"

Bayer made a little pouty face. "Because Dad caught me and made me work at the docks, sawing wood all day. I'm exhausted."

Adrian laughed. "Ha, Goodman Uncle is quite serious. I thought he was just joking casually. And is Molly Sister really okay with letting you go?"

Bayer acted like a little adult, shaking his head. "Well, even though Dad usually listens to Mom for everything, there are some things he decides on and won't change no matter what."

Adrian marveled, "Goodman Uncle is quite powerful, huh?"

"If he didn't sleep on the couch for three days afterwards, I would've thought the same," Bayer mercilessly exposed his own father's weakness.

"By the way, Adrian, is Artoria Sister really strong?" Goodman probably told his family about the tavern, so Bayer knew about Artoria.

"Even stronger than you think," Adrian gestured to the dozens of people in the tavern, whispering, "She can take down all these people together."

Bayer's little mouth formed an 'O' shape. He immediately asked, "I also heard that Adrian Brother is quite powerful. You used a frying pan to flatten two troublemakers the other day."

"Well, it was alright. I also used a broken stool to knock down a chubby guy. It was just a small scene," Adrian somewhat understood why Goodman liked bragging. It was pretty satisfying to be looked at with admiration, even if it was just a kid.

But then again, Adrian worried that if he continued to fight using frying pans, stools, and brooms all day long, he might end up becoming the Furniture City's War God, maybe even with a whole furniture store on his back.

After chatting a bit, Adrian told Bayer a few stories from the "Unbelievable Science" segment, strange and suspenseful tales that left listeners feeling like they hadn't heard anything, but also giving off an impression of being quite awesome.

Though previously swearing not to listen anymore, some people couldn't help but gather around to listen when they saw Adrian telling stories.

After a glance from Adrian, they quickly bought him another bottle of wine, as if nothing had happened.

The lunchtime business soon passed. When Bayer left, he passed on Mrs. Molly's invitation for Adrian to visit their home when he had time. Adrian naturally accepted the goodwill.


After closing the tavern's doors, Adrian rode the Bubble Car with Artoria and Tom to go shopping. Their goals were to buy more bamboo swords as backups and gather ingredients, while also checking if there were any Sea King species available.



"We're being watched."

As they were about to leave the town's limits of 59GR, Artoria warned him.

"How strong? How many people?" Adrian wasn't panicking at all, listening to Artoria's calm tone.

"Ten people. I can take care of them quickly." Artoria said, "They've been following us for a while. They might want to attack us outside the town."

"Then let's keep going. I kind of want to gain some more combat experience," Adrian said, as long as he was sure he wouldn't be killed.

Artoria nodded, saying, "I'll take out the ones with guns first. I'll try not to let them interfere with your fight."

"That's good." With Adrian's current level, firearms were still a considerable threat, but he also wondered if regular bullets could actually kill him.

As they reached the edge of the island, ten people surrounded them from both sides.

Seven of them held knives and swords, two had rifles, and one had a bow and arrows.

"Heh... heh..." one of them, the guy with the bow and arrows, let out a hoarse sound. "I thought it would be enough to capture our designated target. But upon closer inspection, the other two are quite high-level


Speaking of which, this guy was about two meters tall, with disproportionately thin legs and a towering body. His face resembled Doraemon's Takeshi, if he didn't have webbed hands, Adrian would've mistaken him for a Fish-Man.

He seemed to be the leader, and after he spoke, the lackeys followed suit, calling him "Peterman."

Three of them got off the Bubble Car. Adrian whispered to Artoria, "It seems like they're human traffickers. It's okay to kill them."

Artoria nodded. While she often seemed cute with her eating, her achievements were earned on the battlefield. She wouldn't show mercy to enemies.

Tom was the most terrified. Being surrounded by four people last time had already frightened him, and now there were ten, making him cling to Adrian's leg.

Tom had no confidence in his abilities, and he was easily scared when facing humans. His self-confidence seemed to disappear whenever he faced humans.

"Don't be afraid. Change into the swordsman outfit. These guys are weaklings," Adrian tried to comfort him, while also taking out a knight's sword. He locked onto a weaker-looking one for his first fight.

Tom changed into the swordsman outfit, clutching a Western sword that gave him a little sense of security.

Peterman didn't notice where they got their clothes and weapons from. He thought they might have taken them from the Bubble Car. He advised, "It's better not to resist. We'll have a headache if we damage any of our important merchandise."

Saying this, his men slowly advanced, their faces adorned with victorious smiles.

When they reached an appropriate distance, Artoria took the initiative. She held an invisible weapon in both hands and swept through the crowd like a gust of wind. Two guys holding rifles had blood splatter on their chests and fell down, screaming.

The others were dumbfounded. "What happened? Is she a Devil Fruit user ?"

Peterman, still displaying the demeanor of a gang leader, said, "Don't be scared. She's just a Devil Fruit user . They're more expensive, but we'll deal with her together!"

The lackeys calmed down and moved in on Artoria, thinking she was just a Devil Fruit user . They had dealt with Devil Fruit user before and now they had the numbers advantage.

Adrian wasn't worried about Artoria's safety. If he weren't trying to practice, these guys would probably be dead by now.

He wasn't worried about Tom either. He might be a coward, but he wasn't useless. This would help him build some courage.

Adrian lifted his sword and intercepted his chosen target.

Peterman was the leader of the human trafficking gang that kidnapped Mermaid Camie and sold people to the auction house. Their group was called the Hound Pet.