
I Spread The Pokemon All Over The World

"Are you crazy about money? You sell this water-sucking bastard for 200,000? Will your conscience not hurt?" The girl pointed at the cute turtle with a big bald head in her arms and said in disbelief. "Miss, let me solemnly declare that it's called Squirtle, not water-sucking bastard." "Even if this little water snake looks cute, you can't sell it for 100 million! You are clearly making black money, you know?!!" "Sir, it's not a small water snake, it's called a mini dragon, it's a dragon! And 100 million is really a conscience price!" Gu Xin traveled to a parallel world, and Gu Xin, who got the Pokemon system, opened a pet shop. Bring magical creatures like Pokémon to the world. Created the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, organized the Pokémon World Championship, and the Pokémon competition has become the most popular event in the world. Guxin becomes the true father of Pokémon!

ylmoll · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 24 Why did I get a fox again!

"It's a good day again, and I hope to have good business today as well."

After a good night's sleep, Gu Xin opened the door of the store and felt the morning sun shining on his body, which was warm and comfortable.

Just as he was about to light a cigarette, out of the corner of Gu Xin's eyes, he saw two people coming from not far away.

"Yo~ Mr. Lin, good morning."

Gu Xin blinked, one of them was Lin Sheng, Gu Xin immediately greeted with a smile.

After all, it is a customer, and obviously, Lin Sheng brought him new customers.

"The boss is early, but your opening time is a bit late."

Lin Sheng also smiled at Gu Xin, then glanced at Lao Gao's sun, it's almost ten o'clock now...

"Ahaha~ I'm sorry, I was a little late last night." Gu Xin smiled awkwardly.

"This is my cousin Chen Yun. He also wants to buy a pet from you today."

Lin Sheng did not continue the topic, after all, the opening time of the store was decided by others.

Lin Sheng introduced Chen Yun to Gu Xin. Today, with the support of his cousin, he can also smoke a Pokémon!

"Good day, boss."

"Hello, since you are here to visit, let's invite you in the store."

Gu Xin smiled and shook hands with Chen Yun. Although he was only wearing casual clothes, his calm and confident temperament showed that this Chen Yun should not be an ordinary person.

Well, a potential client.

The three entered the store, Chen Yun simply glanced around, and his eyes instantly fixed on Diancie at the front desk.

"It's beautiful."

Chen Yun couldn't help sighing, he had never seen such a Contest creature before.

Unfortunately, Lin Sheng mentioned to him last night that Diancie is Gu Xin's Pokémon.

But the problem is not big.

The corners of Chen Yun's mouth raised slightly, and it was enough to smoke one by himself.

"So is Mr. Chen smoking?"

"Xiao Lin smokes first."

Chen Yun was not in a hurry, and asked Lin Sheng to come first, ready to see the process first.

"I went out to wash my hands on purpose today, come out with the best!"

Lin Sheng was not polite either, took the Pokédex from Gu Xin's hand, and wiped it on his pants solemnly, causing Chen Yun's eyelids to jump.

Gu Xin just smiled, the Pokémon is random, do you really believe that stuff?


Lin Sheng clicked on the go, and stared at the dark shadows that kept passing on Pokédex.

Chen Yun also looked at these black shadows curiously, there were big, small, fat and thin, and there were really many.

The speed of the shadows slowly slowed down and finally stopped.

"Boss, what is this?"

Lin Sheng was startled when he saw the Pokémon in Pokédex.

"Huh? This is Fennekin."

Gu Xin glanced at it and was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Lin Sheng strangely, it was a fox again...

"Fire-type fox?"

"Guest, you are really joking, this is already called Fennekin, of course it is a fire-type fox."

"Ah this..." Lin Sheng looked at Pokédex blankly.

This can't be fixed for him! Why did he get a fox again?

And doesn't Fennekin's Attribute completely overlap with his Vulpix little fox?

But looking at the big-eared yellow fox in Pokédex, it's so cute...

"Boss, that's all."

In the end, Lin Sheng made up his mind.

A fox is a fox, he just likes a fox.

"OK, just a second."

Gu Xin nodded with a smile and walked towards the cubicle.

"You'll have company from now on, Vulpix."


Lin Sheng lowered his body and rubbed Vulpix's little head, dotingly said.

Vulpix blinked his eyes and whimpered softly.

"Tsk tsk~ As expected of you, cousin, raising two foxes."

Chen Yun was amazed, and also expressed admiration for Lin Sheng's luck. He was able to smoke two foxes in a row. Who is this?

Does this imply anything?

"Foxes are pretty good too, mainly because they're pretty."

It makes no sense to say this.

Lin Sheng couldn't help but feel helpless, but he still had to be stubborn.

Chen Yun shrugged, but just judging from the picture, the Fennekin seems to be pretty good-looking.

"Fennekin is here."

Lin Sheng and Chen Yun hurriedly looked at Gu Xin's voice.

I saw behind Gu Xin, a petite and cute big-eared fox looked up curiously and followed behind Gu Xin step by step.

"so cute!"

Lin Sheng's eyes lit up instantly.

He has a roughly yellow coat, a pair of Ruby-like red-orange vertical pupils, large ears and red fur on a fluffy tail.

Very cute and even gives a natural innocence.

'Drip~ Fennekin, Fire Type, Fox Pokémon


Tricks: Catch, Tail Whip, Ember

Carry twigs with you, crunch as a snack, and intimidate Rival with the Spit Up heat from your ears. '

Lin Sheng took out Pokédex to check Fennekin's profile, a fox that eats branches? emmm...

Energy cubes must be eaten at every meal in the future!

"Mr. Lin, your luck is actually very good. Fennekin is a very smart Pokémon, and its potential is very good. As long as Breeder is good, it will definitely become one of your main players."

Gu Xin smiled at Lin Sheng, after all, Fennekin is the fire master of the three families in Kalos Region.

As long as it's the three royal families, none of them are bad.

"Fennekin, he will be your Trainer in the future, so be obedient."

Then Gu Xin bent down and rubbed Fennekin's soft hair, and said warmly to him.

"Woo~" Fennekin hummed softly, staring at Lin Sheng curiously with big clear and beautiful eyes.

"A lot of advice, Fennekin."

Those eyes are so beautiful!

Lin Sheng approached Fennekin cautiously and said warmly to him.

It has to be said that Fennekin's appearance is no worse than Vulpix, and even better in terms of cuteness.

Vulpix was also curiously leaning over to Fennekin, wiggling his little nose and sniffing on Fennekin.

Chen Yun looked at the two Pokémon with envy in his eyes!

"It seems that Mr. Lin is very satisfied. The price of Fennekin is 200,000 yuan. Is it a credit card or cash?"

Seeing that Lin Sheng liked it very much, Gu Xin said with a smile.

"Swipe the card, but pay with mine later, boss, can I draw it now?"

Before Lin Sheng could speak, Chen Yun said.

"Of course, please Mr. Chen to try which cutie you can win."

Of course, Gu Xin would not refuse, and handed the store manager Pokédex, who returned Lin Sheng, to Chen Yun.


Taking over the store manager Pokédex, Chen Yun breathed a sigh of relief, he actually felt a little nervous.

This is something that I haven't felt since I left the school and started my business.

Lightly tapped on Pokédex's go, Chen Yun stared at the black shadow spinning on Pokédex.

The two little foxes seemed to be having a good time. Lin Sheng approached Chen Yun. He was also curious about what his cousin could get.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The speed of the shadow's rotation slowed down and finally stopped, and a green Pokémon appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

"Hey? Is this a little dinosaur?"