
I Sold My Love Story to The Villain

Gavin looks like one of those hot CEOs from the sexy, romance novels she reads to indulge herself with dopamine. His reality is, however, completely different. When Cece decided to sell one of her stories to Gavin, she didn't realise what she was getting herself into. Now, it is too late for her. She faces troubles and ghosts of her past as she ventures into the writing experience, which she initially considered an adventure. And then she finally understands the problem. She has sold her story, and her soul, to a villain she created. Now Cece has only one way to get rid of this man, complying with each of his demands. It would have been easy, if only Cece could control her heart.

ShadowRose19 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Run, Baby, Run (Part-II)

"Would it freak you out if I say I actually am a little desperate because I couldn't stop thinking about you since I first saw you?"

Cece stopped fidgeting with the strap of her bag. She expected her mind and heart to go crazy with this new development, but nothing as such happened. Her heart beat faster, but not fast enough to make her blush. Not fast enough to make her gulp or her body tremble. Not fast enough for her to blush. Cece stared at Oliver without a blink, while her mind processed the sentence she had just heard.

"It's not what it sounds like." He held the smile on his face probably to guard himself; despite that charming smile of his, somehow his face turned into one of utter sadness. "You still haven't recognised me, have you?"

"What do you mean?" She would have remembered if she had seen this beautiful man before, however she didn't admit that. Instead, her question left a shadow on her eyes.

"We met not once, but at least four to five times before. We met at your university. I was the new kid, and you took me to show around, and then for the orientation. I was there with a bunch of other kids, wide-eyed, I still remember every word that you said on that day. You said that we were in a safe zone and if there is any problem we should ask you for help."

Cece recalled all the times when she did those things. She helped the new kids many times throughout her time at the university, and most of the things she said were repetitive in nature. Being a polite senior, she would go the extra mile and help the juniors as much as she could. She tried to remember this face and failed again.

Guessing her confusion, Oliver said, "In your defence, I looked very different then. I had thick glasses, acne, I was so thin that I looked like a stick. Basically, I was someone completely forgettable. You were the first girl who looked at me compassionately. It was a big deal for me at that time, getting some form of acknowledgement that is not disgust. Later we met at a party too, and we talked properly for the first time."

The food was here. They both focused on eating silently. There were many questions in Cece's head. She could remember all these events, but not the face. She understands now, why he was blushing that day, or why he came forward to help her today. It should make her happy, yet she felt her heart breaking. Did he know about her, or why she erased herself from the social circle she was a part of?

A text landed on her phone. She checked it and grimaced.

—We are ready to review the third chapter of your story, For You, Red Ruby. Please share your work with our editors Lilian and Mes using any of the following contact details. Good Luck!

The text was a reminder of her purpose. Cece replied very fast and started gobbling her food. She raised her eyes to meet Oliver's.

"Sorry, but I am in a rush. Do you think we can talk in the car?" she said with a mouthful of food.

Oliver nodded and followed her instruction quietly. His smile vanished. In its place, the shadow of sadness grew.

Once they finished, Oliver offered to pay the bill. Cece felt her ears warming up. Now that she knew what was the connection between him and her, she didn't feel so great about taking favours from him. She checked the balance in her account once again. Whatever was left, she was going to need it once she found a new place. She still had not touched the advance paid by Gavin and his company. She looked away as he tapped his card and greeted the lady at the counter.

"I never believed it, you know."

They were seated in the car once again. Oliver spoke once the car started rolling down the winding road that took them to the outskirts of the town. Cece always imagined herself in a Studio Ghibli movie every time she passed this road, today was not an exception. In spite of being in a dilemma, she admired the serenity of the road.

When she heard Oliver speaking, she raised her brow. For a moment, she had forgotten about her past herself.

"The rumours, I never believed them. I had seen how caring you were with everybody. I always believed in you. Do you remember Phoenix? The one dyed their hair flaming red, and later became a Youtuber? I heard them talking about you, how you cried once after accidentally running over a stray cat with your car. It's simply impossible that you'd shot your—" Oliver stopped talking, noting the tears brimming in her eyes.

Cece remembered Phoenix. She loved all of the juniors who were close to her in some way or another, but Phoenix was somebody she could never forget.

"I am sorry. My intention was not to remind you of anything bad," he muttered.

"That's alright. These wounds are just too raw, too deep to ignore or cover-up. I guess now you know why I am like this, and not what everybody thought I would be." Cece sniffed. She hated to cry in front of strangers, and right now, with all the information Oliver had shared, and the way she looked at him the first time she sat in his car, everything jumbled up into a big ball of unfamiliar discomfort.

"I will help you with whatever you need. You may not admit it, but I can see you are stressed. Let me help you, I can arrange anything you need." Probably sensing her discomfort, Oliver turned on the air conditioner. He looked at the rearview mirror and allowed space for the car behind them to move forward.

"Thanks, Oliver."

"You're not taking me seriously."

"Because I shouldn't."

"Do you know how frustrating and humiliating it is to not be taken seriously? I am a fucking adult, Celia." Oliver didn't look at her when he spoke. His jaw tightened, ears reddened as a display of his annoyance. Cece felt guilty. It was, in fact, insulting to not be taken seriously.

"Look, Oliver, I am sorry but I don't think it's a good idea. You don't even know what trouble I am in," Cece said and immediately bit her tongue. She shouldn't have said that.

Oliver cast her a sideways glance and sighed. "So my guess was correct. You are in trouble, and you are running away, aren't you?"

"Yes. Are you going to start a speech on how and why I should not run away from my troubles and instead face them?" Cece laughed sarcastically. It sounded more bitter than she intended it to be. "I appreciate your concern, but don't get involved."

"You don't get it, do you? Because of you, I prepared myself. I worked hard and became what I am today. You were my first love, and no, I am not saying this to make you any more uncomfortable than you already are, but I would really appreciate it if you let me help you. I promise I will erase all your troubles," he said in a single breath. His face reddened a shade deeper as he desperately avoided her gaze. Exasperated, Cece sighed.

"And what if this gets you into trouble too, something bigger than you can imagine?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, like an old murder case?"

The case of the mysterious deaths of the Abrams couple was still active. Although she knew she was far away now, she had this inkling that at any given moment the castle of isolation she had built around herself could break down. She didn't want Oliver to become collateral damage.

"You don't know much about me. I am rich, I have connections, I have friends who know friends, who can turn the day into night. Just say the word, Celia."

Cece stumbled internally across the name he took. It had been three years since someone called her Celia. A strange sense of familiarity crept inside her chest, removing the traces of doubt she was garnering about Oliver. If Oliver is right, then he had valid reasons for being stubborn and wanting to help her. The part she forcefully ignored returned to her mind, "You were my first love…"

What if she took help from him to disappear? He was rich and had connections, as he said, and he sounded capable. She looked at him, her heart in the middle of turmoil. She would be taking advantage of him and his admiration for her, if she said 'yes'. She would also be able to protect herself if she said 'yes'.


Oliver's yell hit her eardrums hard. The next shock came as a jerking halt of the car. He pulled over in the middle of the road causing Cece to jolt and panic.

In front of her was a man standing tall and proud on the road. He wore a black suit and a menacing glare.
