
I Sold My Love Story to The Villain

Gavin looks like one of those hot CEOs from the sexy, romance novels she reads to indulge herself with dopamine. His reality is, however, completely different. When Cece decided to sell one of her stories to Gavin, she didn't realise what she was getting herself into. Now, it is too late for her. She faces troubles and ghosts of her past as she ventures into the writing experience, which she initially considered an adventure. And then she finally understands the problem. She has sold her story, and her soul, to a villain she created. Now Cece has only one way to get rid of this man, complying with each of his demands. It would have been easy, if only Cece could control her heart.

ShadowRose19 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Choices (Part-I)

"Gav, I really think I am adopted." 

"That is ridiculous." Gavin looked at her incredulously. He had brought her to the garden. They sat in the early morning quietude. Gavin was still watching the letter placed on the table suspiciously. 

"Well, you have not read the letter. I have, and the sender, whoever it is, blames my mother for bringing me home. They say that I am an anomaly and I shouldn't have been born. Gavin, are you not interested at all?" 

Gavin rubbed his face with his hand and said, "Don't you think you have crossed a line, stealing her letter, reading it, and then bringing it here? If what you're saying is true, then Grace will look for it now or later, and when she finds out what you've done, she will be hurt."

"She never told me anything about it. I am so much like them. How can I be adopted? And what the hell did they mean, that I shouldn't have been born?"