
I Signed-In In Tokyo

[DING!- You have acquired a single-family building property right] [DING!- You have acquired “100.000.000” Cherry Dollars] [DING!- You have acquired “Almighty Coffee owner” Title] [DING!- You have acquired “Almighty Musician” Title] Lynn Reincarnated into a two-dimensional world and got the sign-in and check-in system. He was running a Polo coffee shop, going to school, making coffee, and thinking about how to chase the confused detective's beautiful daughter upstairs. ----------------- btw I just translated this novel and it's not mine at all. If you like my translation, please provide support here, $1 is worth more in my country. Buy a Coffee for me: ↪ https://ko-fi.com/otakuakut

RedIsPowerfullHire · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

 A Mansion?

   Lynn didn't know that after Ran separated from him, she experienced such a period of random thoughts. At this time, Lynn solved the job as quickly as possible and then sorted out the raw materials in the kitchen. re-stock run out materials, and prepare such as cakes that need to be fermented. When everything is done, it's almost midnight.

   The work in this coffee shop is more tiring than expected...

   But the relationship with Ran has made great progress...

   With such thoughts in mind, Lynn quickly fell asleep.

  When the first ray of sunlight came into the room, Lynn slowly opened his eyes.

[Ding—The sign-in has been completed.]

[Ding— You get a 180-square-meter mansion]

[Ding— the sign-in rewards have been issued]

   A Mansion?

   Lynn smiled after looking at the real estate certificate that appeared in front of him.

   In this way, besides Café Poirot, he has a second home!

   And different from this lounge, which is less than ten square meters, it is a full 180 square meters mansion! Take a closer look at the real estate certificate. The location of this mansion is a luxury apartment near A TV Station. the estimated value is about 100 million Sakura yuan or more, and this does not include the interior decoration. It can be said that he has one of the most luxurious apartments in Tokyo.

   Compared to the 100 million Sakura Sakura yuan he got yesterday, the value of this mansion is only slightly higher, but fortunately, it does not require Lynn to spend time on various procedures. but, if Lynn were asked to choose between 100 million cherry dollars and a luxury house, he would choose a luxury house.

   Sadly, the distance is a little far away from Café Poirot. If he lives there now, he won't be able to go to school together with ran Ran. Lynn doesn't need to choose between Ran and the mansion, right?

   After all... the mansion doesn't smell like a girl either!

   The relationship between Lynn and Ran has only slightly progressed, and he has not reached the level of officially starting the NTR strategy. If he lives far away from Ran, it will only gradually alienate the relationship between the two. So, although the mansion is good, it can only be temporarily abandoned. If He marry Ran in the future, it would be a good choice But this kind of thing is still too far away.

   Forget it!


   "Good morning, Lynn."

   "Morning, Ran."

   Didn't make Lynn wait long, Ran walked downstairs.

  Lynn and Ran looked at each other, smiled, and the two walked to school side by side.

   With yesterday's experience, Lynn didn't care too much about the rumors. As for Ran, she naturally wouldn't pay attention from the beginning.

   "Good morning, eh! Sonoko? What's wrong with you?"

   After entering the school, Lynn and Ran walked into the classroom and greeted the classmates as always. But Ran saw the Sonoko lying on the table with a tired face. Ran over and asked with concern.

   "Oh... Ran..."

   At Ran's call, Sonoko raised her head with difficulty, and when she saw that it was her best friend, she greeted her vigorously. But after the greeting, she dropped her head on the table again.

   "No... Sonoko, what's wrong with you?"

   But at this moment, Lynn's voice rang in her ears.

   "I guess she's tired from yesterday's work." Lynn had foreseen this scene, so he wouldn't shock to see it today. "Even though Sonoko joined the tennis club, she doesn't practice regularly, so..."

   After hearing Lynn's, Ran suddenly realized. Although she knew that her best friend was weak, she didn't expect it to be her weak.

   "Huh? Is it Lynn's voice?"

   During the conversation between Lynn and Ran, Sonoko, who heard Lynn's voice, raised her head again.

   The moment after seeing Lynn, Sonoko's eyes lit up clearly.

   "Good morning, Lynn."

   As if summoning the strength of his whole body, Sonoko tried her best to put a smile on her face. But, this smile did not last long. all the exhaustion in her body caused Sonoko to lie down again.

  The weak Sonoko makes Lynn dumbfounded.

   "Ran, please help Sonoko massage her muscles so that her body can relax quickly. I'll put Qi into the Sonoko to help her relax the meridians and at least eliminate some tiredness."

   If the teacher sees Sonoko's current state, without a doubt they will ask her to go home. In this case, Lynn can only find a way to help the Sonoko restore some energy as much as possible.

   "Okay! I have no problem."

   "But...Lynn, mad... can you even do this?"

   As a Karateka, Ran is of course very skilled in massage techniques, but the effect of Qi in Lynn's mouth surprised her.

   After returning home, she also practiced Qi, after finishing her homework. She could feel the tiny air currents flowing in her body, but it was not enough to manipulate them. But today, it's good. Lynn used Qi to heal the Sonoko. Isn't that amazing?

   "Don't think too much, this thing is not as capable of curing all diseases as in novels and comics. All I can do is use Qi to stimulate Sonoko's body and help her body quickly restore its function. If you switch to a headache and brain fever, the Qi will be completely useless."

   Seeing that Ran had a misunderstanding, Lynn also explained with a smile. Just like what he said, Qi can speed up body recovery to a certain extent, but it is not too exaggerated.

   "It turned out to be like this, but it's still amazing."

   "But... Isn't Sonoko unable to feel the presence of Qi? Then, can it be effective?"

   After listening to Lynn's explanation, Ran suddenly realized.

  As a martial arts idiot, can they use Qi to heal Sonoko?

   "Don't worry, Sonoko just can't feel Qi, and it doesn't mean that she doesn't have Qi."