
I Shall Smile Forever

Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multiverse fell into endless despair... ….. As Fagan was looking at the endless disasters. The endless suffering and pain. The endless monsters and demons. Only a bright smile appeared on his face. Then, as he charged, he laughed widely. "If all living beings are suffering, I shall be their joy, I shall be their happiness, I shall be their hope, I shall be their smile!"

Ran_Ben_Nun · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The First Disaster

Fagan's eyes went blank as he felt himself being swallowed into deep space like some kind of cloth in a washing machine.

After a period of time that seemed long but not too long, Fagan woke up by the touch of water drops falling onto his cheek.

Fagan got up and found himself in a shady stone brick house room that is located in a two-story building. The room only had a bed, a door, and a window. The sun rays shone on his face as he looked outside and to his surprise, he found himself in an ancient 14 century-like city.

Suddenly, a red light curtain popped out in front of him!

[Disaster mission starts!]

[New disaster apostle number 235680 welcome to disaster paradise!]

[Your first mission is about to begin!]


[Disaster name: beast transformation disaster]

[Disaster level: city level inferior]

[Disaster information: disastrous energy causing humans to mutate into half beast half animals endowed with some "special" personality traits]

[World name: Astra continent]

[World background: This is a world of swords and magic, powerful warriors, wise mages, and aloof gods that reside high above in the Kingdom of gods, looking down on all mortal ants.]

[Main mission: investigate and solve the beast transformation disaster!]

[Tip: your time is not unlimited !]


[It is detected that you are a newbie apostle]

[Newbie benefits are activated!]

[All attributes are tripled!]

[Good luck]


[Personal attribute panel is open!]


Name: Fagan

Species: human

Apostle number:235680

Life level: mortal

Soul talent: currently unawakened

Apostle evaluation: an ordinary mortal with a huge smile!


Fagan had a thoughtful look as he looked at the popping panel. Disaster paradise? disaster apostle? interesting! very interesting!!! Fagan thought to himself with a smile.

Then, Fagan felt his overall strength after the enhancement. Power, speed, defense, eyesight, hand speed, perception, wisdom, and even more obscure things like emotional intelligence and natural affinity have been dramatically improved!


"Well, I should better get going," Fagan thought to himself.

Fagan got down the stairs, opened the front door, and came outside, what welcomed him was a small city made of gray stone as he saw through the window beforehand.

Fagan's position was at the center of the city, on a main street surrounded by various stores and buildings. people were walking back and forth like little ants on the ground.

looking at this scene countless memories suddenly flooded his brain.

They are the memories of his arranged identity by disaster paradise in this world.

born as a village man, inheritance in the city, city lord Josh, the white moon church...

It turns out he "allegedly" got an inheritance from his "uncle", so he embarked on a journey to this city which is called "the Gray City" and got the house in which he has awakened.

The two great powers controlling the city are the city lord's mansion and the white moon church.

the city lord is called Josh, he is a Baron of the Orion kingdom and a powerful warrior.

The white moon church is one of the biggest churches in this world, serving the moon goddess.

of course, the white moon church in this small city is just a tiny branch split out from the main church but it should not be underestimated. The moon goddess is one of the three main gods in this world, alongside the ancient sun god and the true lord of the starry sky.

What's more, in his memory, recently there have been a lot of "wild animal" attacks in the Gray City general area...

Fagan obviously understood that "disaster paradise" was hinting at him to investigate those "wild animals cases". So, Fagan went to the city tavern to gather some information with a bright smile on his face while thinking about all the "fun investigation stuff" he was going to do. Don't ask him why, this is usually what he saw happening in those movies.

While on his way to the tavern location he got in his memory, Fagan admired the scenery along the way. The Middle Ages-type buildings, knights and wizards traveling in groups, and exotic animals pulling carriages. All this scenery lit Fagan's smile yet again!

But as everywhere in our world, where there is light, there will also inevitably, be darkness. In the dark corners of the city, you could see homeless orphans, gang members, and young prostitutes with numb faces.

As Fagan saw this his smile didn't diminish for a second. He gave the orphans some food that he found in the house, smiled at the ferocious-looking gang members, and "preached" a little for the prostitutes, even though it didn't seem to work so well.

Fagan didn't waste his time on his way either, he tried to gather some information on the streets as well, but unexpectedly the only information he could gather was already known to him. It seemed this information was deliberately erased...

After 5 minutes of walking Fagan reached the well-known tavern, even though it was a well-known tavern because it is also the only tavern in this city...

Fagan pushed open the two sliding doors at the entrance of the tavern, and immediately a strong smell of alcohol poured into his nose.

What came into his sight was a vast wooden hall full of life! Mercenaries drinking, half-naked waitresses serving the guests, musicians, and performers making the hall full of music and laughter.

Fagan walked toward the bar with a smile and took a sit.

The bartender was a burly man with a beard and a nose ring.

With a cooky smile, the bartender asked: "What can I get for you young man?"

Fagan replied with a smile: "Information."

"Ohoh, I see. but, what you will get depends on how much you are willing to pay...

Fagan asked:" How much is the information about the so-called 'wild animal incidents'?"

The bartender looked at his clothes and said with a mocking smile, "You don't have enough money..."

"How much?", Fagan asked again.

"20 silver.", The bartender replied.

Fagan's face turned into his 'thinking face', he knew that such a sum of money is not easily gained. One silver is equal to a month's work of an ordinary person in this world.

Suddenly, a "source of inspiration " came out of nowhere into Fagan's mind.

"How about this … I will help you with something and in return, you shall help me....", Fagan said with a smile.

The bartender seemed to be a little interested and said:" Oh, I do seem to have some trouble I need someone to help me with."

"While I went hunting not long ago I lost a very important ring to me... if you could find that ring I will give you the information free of charge!"

Fagan said with a smile," I accept this offer!"

As Fagan was walking out of the tavern, he fell into deep thought. 'What was that sudden inspiration? why did I think he will surely have something he needs help with?'

Then Fagan remembered the novice benefit:

[all attributes are tripled!], and immediately understood.

'I see, so even attributes like luck and the "sixth sense" have been theoretically tripled!'

'Well with the power that Disaster Paradise has shown so far, these novice benefits aren't so outrageous!

Fagan then took a piece of paper that the bartender gave him. On the paper, he described his hunting road and what the ring looks like.

The ring was golden with a blue diamond on top dotted with silver stars.

Holding the ring Fagan went to buy some supplies and then set off to his destination, the forest that is known as the "red forest. "

It is called like this mainly because of the many maple trees that constitute the forest, but, also because of the many adventurers never coming back from "that" forest.

On his way to the forest, Fagan looked again at one of his attributes called "soul talent" and clicked on it with his mind.

[soul talent: the reason why you were chosen as an apostle, a very small number of individuals in the multiverse possess soul talent, a soul talent is unique and it contains the essence of detachment, in one word a miracle!]

"detachment? What does it mean?"

[The apostle level is too low to know this information for free]

"I need to pay what exactly?"

[Every time the apostle shall complete a mission he will be rewarded with "disaster points" this is the currency circulating in disaster paradise]

"So, how do I awaken this so-called "soul talent"?

[Well the apostle can awaken naturally as long as his life level reaches the standard. BUT, disaster paradise can also help you awaken for a humble fee!!!]

"How humble?"

[Well the exact price is 100,000 disaster points, but the almighty and kind disaster paradise economic department allows you the humble apostle to pay in installments!]

"But I don't have any disaster points right now."

[That is okay humble apostle, Disaster Paradise economic department also has a very trustworthy loan plan!]


Fagan was speechless, his impression of disaster paradise changed from a mysterious and powerful organization into a multidimensional fraud…

"Well, I want to take a loan...."

Fagan knew that this mission was not a joke and would not be as peaceful as it has been so far, he must try to increase his strength in every way possible.

[Ding! dong! no problem dear apostle! I will immediately connect you with one of the excellent representatives of our economic department!]



[Ding! dong! Hello dear apostle number 235680, speaking artificial intelligence number 2234, I understand that you need a loan, I can reassure you our economic department is very trustworthy!]


Fagan already started to regret this decision...

With a stiff smile, Fagan asked: "Well what is your exact offer?"

[Dear apostle according to your current "life level" we can lend you 1000 disaster points! and the first installment payment in the installment plan I have prepared for you is also by coincidence 1000 disaster points! Dear lucky apostle, I think this is fate!]

'Fate your mothe***r.'

Fagan took a deep breath and said with a laugh, "Well, I agree!"

[Great dear apostle! Now you just have to sign this simple contract!]

As the words fell... A contract that the words "long", "big" or even "huge" weren't worthy enough to describe its size appeared out of thin air in front of Fagan. Fagan couldn't even see the exact end of the contract paper...

[Dear apostle don't worry! this contract is absolutely fair!]




After an hour of reading...

"Okay I agree!" said Fagan as he signed the paper.

[Excellent, artificial intelligence number 2234 was very happy to serve you! If you may have any other needs such as bribe, robbery, kidnapping, war, world invasion, and the such please feel free to contact us !]


Fagan really started to regret this deal...

After this episode, Fagan clicked with his mind on the soul talent column.

A prompt popped out.

[Would you like to pay 100,000 disaster points to awaken your soul talent?]

"Yes," said Fagan.

[Starting awakening!]