
I Shall Smile Forever

Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multiverse fell into endless despair... ….. As Fagan was looking at the endless disasters. The endless suffering and pain. The endless monsters and demons. Only a bright smile appeared on his face. Then, as he charged, he laughed widely. "If all living beings are suffering, I shall be their joy, I shall be their happiness, I shall be their hope, I shall be their smile!"

Ran_Ben_Nun · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Do All Villains Have Some Tragic Back Story???!

The night turned into day and the sun replaced the moon, It was sunrise!

Fagan yawned and opened his teary eyes. He felt a little dazed, what happened to him seemed too ridiculous to be true, but Fagan always adapted quickly in his life, if he hadn't, he would have had a mental breakdown long ago!

Fagan sat cross-legged on the tree and started practicing the " basic warrior training manual".






Fagan's breathing became mysterious and unpredictable. Suddenly, Fagan's body began to shake uncontrollably, and black blood was extracted from his cells.

'Rank one warrior! '

Fagan smiled widely, finally he had entered the extraordinary path! Now that he is a level one warrior, ordinary people without weapons cannot even scratch him with normal punching and kicking. Not only that, Fagan felt a certain force flowing through his blood vessels, this force is called by warriors - fighting qi! Fighting qi is the combination of life force and mana, it is the foundation on which the warrior profession is built.

Fagan jumped off the tree which was 6 meters high with ease and prepared to investigate the foxes' territory. The "fire tail foxes" territory is located in the eastern part of the Red Forest, this part is decorated with a lot of rockery and caves. But, the way there isn't so simple, aside from the normal wandering beasts such as wolves and tigers there are other strong magical beasts wandering in the forest....

The sun started to turn red and the moon faintly appeared in the sky, it was sunset!

A lonely figure sat on a big rock, panting heavily. It is our hero Fagan! Even though Fagan now is officially beyond mortals! An extraordinary warrior! What he needed to face in this forest were wild beasts and weak extraordinary beasts, but, even them are extremely dangerous for the current Fagan.

All day long he spent fighting and running, running and hiding, hiding and cursing. And only now at sunset did he finally set foot at the "fire tail fox" home ground. It is a large mountain range full of caves, big and small. In the information he got from the bartender, these foxes are split into "tribes". when the bartender went hunting, he attacked a certain Tribe by surprise as they returned from hunting and he managed to bring back two fox corpses,but he was injured as well and he had to run for his life.

Only after escaping, he finally noticed that he had lost his ring. From this anyone can clearly see that the bartender is not an ordinary person, yet, he still has to run in the face of those foxes. The bartender said that a fox bit his palm during the fight, The ring must have been taken away from him at that moment!

"it must have fallen somewhere or was swallowed by the fox ", Fagan thought. 


After some searching(and running for his life from more animals), Fagan finally found the specific fox layer. It was a huge cave embedded in the mountain range, in front of its entrance, there was an open space surrounded by trees and bushes.

Fagan hid behind a bush and scouted the surroundings, it was already night time and the stars dotted the sky like silver jewelry. At this time, the foxes started to return from hunting with their prey.

'In the description of the bartender, the fox that bit him was a medium-sized fox', Fagan thought to himself while looking at the many medium-sized foxes around...

'This doesn't help so much'...

When all the foxes entered deep into the cave, Fagan started searching near the cave entrance for the ring, but even so, he couldn't find the slightest thing that resembles a ring, all he could find was poop and sand...

Fagan understood that the worst-case scenario might have happened...

The stupid fox swallowed the ring!

Now Fagan needs to find the ring in his stomach or in his poop...

'Great', Fagan thought to himself.

'Let's sneak into the deadly fox cave..'


In the cave...

Fagan was hiding behind a big rock, looking at the open space where the foxes gathered with an intense gaze.

To Fagan's surprise this cave is the entrance to a maze made of many tunnels, this "maze" was decorated with strange red glowing plants that gave a creepy light in the endless darkness.

After searching for some time he found the gathering place of the foxes. The "cave" they live in is filled with rich red vegetation Shaped like corals.  The foxes Were spread across the cave, some on the floor, some on rocks, some on those weird plants. But, Fagan felt off a little when Looking at this scene for some reason. 

'Why there are so many foxes here?'

In this cave, there were at the very least 50 foxes! A normal fox pack has at most twenty foxes, if there are more, then it means something very unusual has happened!

While feeling bad about the situation, Fagan scanned the surroundings and found one fox that did not look normal, he was trembling constantly and his fur had less luster than other foxes.

Fagan understood that this fox may have eaten something that was not very easy to digest! Of course, Fagan couldn't be sure that he "found" the ring but in any case, this is his only lead for now.

But it is easier said than done...

Fagan needs to isolate this fox somehow and then come back and "check" the poor fox...

But Fagan couldn't think of a quick way to do so right now, this kind of operation needs to be planned very carefully and he didn't want to waste too much time here Unless he used the moon goddess's "gifts", and that would most likely cause a great mess and probably alarm all the foxes in the territory...

Flame-attribute magical creatures are very sensitive to "yin attribute sources", at least in this world. In simple words, they despise anything that has to do with "cold" or "water".

The treasures he got possess an extremely powerful aura of "yin" and will start a commotion in this forest that was "peaceful for a long time".

Firetail foxes like all animals don't appreciate very much intruders, so even with the moon goddess treasures, he may not be able to survive the endless waves of angry foxes and different fire attribute magical beasts.

'Well, why not try to use my soul talent, after all, it is supposed to create "hope", isn't it?'

Fagan acted immediately, he closed his eyes and meditated in his heart. He came back to the dark space in his soul and saw a spot of bright light, shining like a star. He touched the spot of light with his mind and immediately felt like he was connected to many "strange entities" such as the long river of fate, the origin of time, the world core, the mighty power of cause and effect, and more such "entities" he couldn't quite describe.

Then a mechanical voice which you couldn't quite tell where it came from sounded in his ears.

[Please determine objective]

Fagan was quite surprised.

'is this how his soul talent is presented in a form I can understand?'

Fagan understood that his "talent" is a sort of an ultra-advanced "computer" that can calculate how to achieve a certain goal and see "hope" in endless despair.

The "computer "calculation abilities depend on his strength and the cool-down period of the talent is determined by how complicated the objective is, what he wants to accomplish, and of course his life level as well.

Fagan said in his heart, 'How do I separate this fox from his pack?'

Instantly, Fagan's viewpoint changed and countless lines were presented in front of him connecting everything and anything. Most of the lines were white and colorless, but one line was red, bright red!

Fagan understood these were the " lines of cause and effect "!

If there is a cause there is an effect! Basically, everything in our world is more or less connected to each other directly or indirectly.

Fagan focused on the red line that was positioned vertically to the ground and was connected to many white lines that were scattered into the mountain walls and saw a "vision".

Deep underground there is a boiling lake of hot red magma! This mountain is actually an inactive volcano! Then, he saw the way leading into the burning lake and an inconspicuous stone lying next to it.

Fagan instinctively understood that by kicking this stone at a certain angle he could cause a chain reaction that would lead to a volcanic eruption!

The picture changed again, Fagan "saw" magma starting to slip between the crack of the walls, and stones falling from the mountain ceiling as the foxes were running for their lives!

Only a single lonely fox is slowly limping after the other foxes...

The vision slowly dissipated and the mechanical sounded in Fagan's ears again.

[Objective completed successfully]

[Cool down period: 1 month]


After a couple of seconds of shock, Fagan became excited! What a wonderful talent!

Fagan didn't waste more time and acted quickly, he followed the way his talent showed him into the underground magma lake, found the specific stone, kicked it, and immediately started to run away.

A couple of seconds after that, Fagan only heard the sound of "boom" and his ears started bleeding. Ignoring the pain, Fagan quickly returned to the foxes' gathering place and saw the unusual fox running very slowly.

Immediately, he attacked, he used a basic fist technique that came along with the" basic warrior training manual" and punched the fox's jaw brutally. The fox flew straight away upwards, hit the cave ceiling, and fell!

Fagan took a knife, cut his belly, and started "Searching"...

after some horrible and disgusting moments which are better not to describe. Fagan finally found the ring!

Fagan started running quickly toward the entrance while the sound of burning magma and falling rocks followed him like a beast, wishing to swallow him at any given time.

Reaching the entrance, Fagan breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was dangerous"

While panting slightly, Fagan saw the mountain behind him collapsing like a domino tower.

'well I should now go back and get the information from that damn bartender'


A couple of hours later Fagan reached the exit of the forest, this time it took only a short amount of time because of his previous "exciting forest adventure" in which he had "learned" a lot about not bothering other kind creatures! (Hiding, running, and more...)

Just as Fagan was about to leave and live happily ever after(at least for a few hours),

Rustling sounds started to be heard from his surroundings, and as those sounds continued to grow, Fagan understood something was very wrong...

"whosh whosh!"

Fagan only heard The sound of cutting through the air and countless foxes jumped out of the surrounding bushes. Their eyes were red and their fur was spiky, they looked at Fagan like he had some blood feud with them, and maybe he did...

"Human how dare invade our sacred territory and even kill our kin, your sins are unforgivable!"

As Fagan heard these words the apostle panel popped out!

[Detected the aura of disaster! Detected the aura of disaster!]

[Distance from target, 50 meters, 40, 30!]

While the reminders kept popping out, Fagan saw a half-human half-fox walking slowly towards him. He had a human body, red fur, a fox tail, and a fox face! His claws were so sharp that the sound of cutting through the air was evident every time he took a step forward.

According to his aura, Fagan estimated that he had at least the strength of a level 3 professional!

'He must have been affected by the beast transformation disaster, he must be the reason why this fox tribe is so big!

As Fagan was looking at the 'creature ' the creature started laughing.

"Hahaha humans you are all despicable scum, only animals are being that are truly loyal to each other!"

"Human beings are awful and selfish beings that should be exterminated!", the fox man screamed.

Fagan's mouth corner twitched.

'Don't tell me this guy has some standard villain back story...'

The fox man continued:" It all began five months ago..."

Fagan thought at that moment was only: ' This is going to be great...'