

What limits, born as a human, are you shackled by? Throughout history Scholars say "Your own mind", Peasants say "The Noble", Nobles say "The Royalty", and the Royalty say "The limitless people above the normal world, the Cultivators". And what do these supposed "limitless existences" say restrict them? Simple, "The Heavens and Fate itself." So, knowing this, what would our MC think? "Fate? Please, I'll Eclipse even Fate itself. The Villainous Heavens? Laughable, if the Heavens could stop me, I would long since be dead." What will be his goal? What will he decide to do, his options are, well, limitless. His potential is endless. And his will, it's unbreakable. Let's see where this goes.

ImperialSkyGod · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Founding Ancestor

Takashi walked alone down an exceedingly long Hall. Darkness pervaded everything, the only things that could be made out, were Ancient Glyphs and pictures slightly glowing on all of the walls. From beginning to the end of the hall a story seemed to be told along the walls. A story of one person, the Founder of the Hoshinomori Clan. Of course, Takashi could only understand that much. He had no knowledge of the Ancient Languages or Glyphs. All he came to understand was from the art itself.

Throughout the entire story, 3 things remained the same. White hair, Gold eyes, and a majestic Sword. All else seemed to constantly change, whether that be the Era or the People around the Founder, it all changed. Seemingly leaving the Founder alone to travel, constantly losing those he held close. 

A story of Heroism, Tragedy, War, Love, and Ascension. The life of the Founder seemed to be quite the grand story, laced with an endless rage.

Reaching the end of the Hall, after 3 hours of moving at his max speed, Takashi sighed in awe at the massive doors.

It should be mentioned, Takashi's max speed could cross the entire Plane in under a month, this was an area that is Trillions of miles from one end to the other. His speed was no joke, yet, this Hall took him hours to reach the end of. This alone spoke for how long the Hall was, and how much of the Founder's story is told along the walls.

Kneeling down and pressing a bloody finger against the doors that seemed to be an entrance to the Heavens themselves Takashi spoke out, "My Grand Ancestor, Founder of the Hoshinomori Clan, I request an Audience, I am Takashi Hoshinomori, current Head of the Clan. I wish to speak about my Son and his situation. I believe it to be of major importance to our clan, and possibly the plane as a whole."

Going on a spile about Ryu and his situation, Takashi seemed to quite literally be talking to a door...of course he was, hoping his Ancestor was listening. The Ancestor is question was only listening slightly, not quite worried about anything in particular. This was not the first time a Clan Head came to seek his audience about his Heir and their future, hell, Takashi's own father did the same, of course, none besides himself knew this. However, the Ancestor's demeanor changed the moment he heard Ryu was born with multiple Primordial Grade Talents. Especially when he heard they could not understand the Title of every one of his talents besides his Sword Heart Talent.

Usually, a talent sends its name to the person it resides in, and to the people viewing the talent from the outside in. Meaning, every talent had a name, being unable to decipher this name was near impossible unless...it was named in a Language lost to time, an Ancient Language.


The Grand Doors blasted open and Takashi was sucked inside, peering through the crack in the doors one could only see endless stars and nebulae.


Inside a plain room with only a bed, desk, and couch Takashi sat nervously before finally steeling himself and looking at his Ancestor. He immediately noticed, his hair was not white and his eyes were not gold.

A voice that seemed to contain all of the profundities of the Universe within spoke softly, "I am not the founder of the Hoshinomori Clan. I merely founded our branch in this place."

Realizing his thoughts must have been seen through Takashi nodded, "Then-"

"Our Founder is someone you cannot comprehend, and of course, why would he be here in this backwater Universe? This Universe is the newest in all of existence. Meaning, its energy density is the lowest, its average strength the lowest, and its highest realms capped. Of course, this means none can enter this Universe from the outside until the time is right. So we don't have to worry about attack from other 'stronger' universes in our vicinity." The Ancestor blabbed before realizing he said a little too much, "Ahh never mind any of that...what Heart Talent did you say Ryu had?"

Taking in all the information thrown at him at once Takashi responded as calmly as possible "If I comprehended it correctly, it is called the Divine Heart of the Sword, and is of the Primordial Grade."

The Ancestor sucked in a cold breath. This, this means, damn. It's happening. The time is near...

"I see, was he forced to face a Heavenly Tribulation of the 9th Tier when he was born?"

"9th Tier? What? The Heavens changed his Fate, Fating him to die young on a battlefield." Takashi laughed sadly.

"Fate, who cares about such a small thing?" The Ancestor said aloud as if it was of no importance.

Shit, if Fate was a problem, the Hoshinomori Clan would not even existence. Hell, their founder would never have survived to be strong enough to create a small Clan, let alone such a Hegemon of a Clan. Shaking his head the Ancestor looked into Takashi's bloodline. Pure, very pure, it reaches the standards needed. So, the stars have aligned to such a degree have they? Soon...

"NO IMPORTANCE!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO-" Takashi boomed before being cut off my the Ancestor's calm yet powerful voice that seemed to enrapture all things.

"The act of Cultivating itself, defies the Heavens, why do you think you face tribulations past a certain Cultivation Realm? If one cannot defy the Heavens, they do not deserve to take the journey of cultivation."

Takashi's eyes lost focus, beginning to believe this Ancestor had completely lost his mind after spending so long in this room.

"Your comprehension of the Heavenly Dao is too shallow, your comprehension of the Laws of Existence is nearly non-existent. Do not act as if all is as it seems, the Heavens love to play games, especially with the lives of those that live beneath it."

Takashi's eyes seemed to regain focus at the Ancestors astounding words. Some of the things said were things he had never even heard of, Laws of Existence? The hell was that? The Heavens loved to play games? What a joke, who would believe that? Though Takashi faced the Ancestors profound knowledge, he did not despair. He believed the Ancestors words had some degree of truth to them. Especially thinking, what would the Ancestor lie about? He was practically an all powerful existence in this Universe.

The Ancestor smiled and decided to ask a particularly interesting question, "Do you know why I am in this separate world, rather than within the Universe's bounds?"

Takashi's eyes sharpened, now that he thought about it, this room was in a very unique position in existence, not quite within a Universe, yet not in the void itself. It was simply too complicated to think of, the best way to look at it was by looking at it as a sperate 'pocket' universe.


The Ancestor's smile deepened, "It's simple really, the Heavens would not allow me to exist within your Universe as your Universe is too weak. The Heavenly Dao is weak and immature, the Laws of Existence are not as firm, and maybe most importantly, my realm of cultivation has yet to be reached by your Universe. If I were allowed to enter your Universe, I could theoretically wipe it out completely, alone."

The gravity of the Ancestor's words hit Takashi all at once. The Heavenly Dao was weak? The Laws of Existence, whatever the hell that was, were not as firm? We hadn't reached his cultivation realm yet? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ANCESTOR SPOUTING NOW?! For the first time in Takashi's life he felt small, so small that he seemed to be an ant facing an elephant, alone.

"You mean Dao Lord is not the Peak?" Takashi squeaked out.

"Dao Lord? You should all focus on completing your Dao's first before taking the Lofty title of Lord." The Ancestor scoffed as though he found something extremely funny, "In fact, if you were anywhere else in Existence and said you were a Dao Lord you'd die without a burial."

The Realms of Cultivation are quite profound, and near the absolute Apex stood existences that formed their own Dao. Dao Formation, is the realm where you begin forming your Dao and it enters its infant stages. Dao Completion, the realm where your Dao has evolved and 'matured' becoming complete. Dao Lord, an existence that could rule trillions, strength so unfathomable that hundreds of Dao Completion experts could not compete against such an existence's single finger. Dao God...Dao - ...

Takashi's eyes became muddled, everything he knew up to this point seemed to be worth nothing. He strode across the Plane believing he was some lofty existence, when in reality he could barely be considered strong to the rest of Existence. To think he dared take the Title of Lord when he had in fact, not had a mature Dao, meaning he was still within the Dao Completion Realm.

Noticing Takashi's Dao Heart had taken a major hit the Ancestor snapped his fingers. A soothing, yet powerful sound washed over Takashi shaking him to his very core.

"Do not worry too much, its only natural, your Universe is still in its infant stages, very young in comparison to the rest of Existence. Especially trying to compare yourself to Universes that have existed for Trillions, Quadrillions, even Quintillions of years. There are even a few Universe's that have survived from the Founding Era, though they have declined greatly due to many circumstances...that's besides the point...What is your son's name again?"

Looking up at his Ancestor with eyes that seemed to be slowly regaining their vigor Takashi responded softly, yet, how could he know his words would set off a rumbling that caused the very fabric of reality to tremble as if about to shatter? 

"Ryuto Amatsukaze Hoshinomori."

Takashi shook scared by the grand power that descended, seemingly wanting to destroy everything in the general vicinity. The Ancestor however smiled, his eyes glowing to such a degree they seemed to become blinding stars peering through all of reality towards a little boy sitting in a quite study, reading a solid red book that seemed to be thousands of years old.