
I Shall Break The Seals

He had a plan: Make money and not die. Plans don't always work out and now he's going to break seals in a novel about sealing celestial things. the protagonist has no problem relating to men and women. men will be much more effeminate and women will be slightly hotter. the chapters with r18 of men, It will be very obvious what will happen there will involve men and the same with women and also with men and women on the same level., don't expect sex full of lines or scripted like a Brazzers movie. the fanfic tag written very large at the top clearly says that I Shall Seal The Heavens does not belong to me.

monzes_maron · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

1 - A strange Meng Hao

Dying was not Antony's idea when he left his country in search of money, good old money, which gives us crumbs of power and momentary pleasure. But he died. Now he was floating in what looked like...water.

"He is a sadder man than normal" Said the voice of the divine being somewhere.

"Why did you take my soul?" Antony questioned.

"You have all the requirements for my plans" He replied.

"What requirements?"

"You are an avid reader, you like to find good stories and live them in your head, you read so much that you forgot the first ones that took you on this path of fantasy, in fact, you threw them very deep in your mind" He said with a laugh of a fat old man at the end.

"Will I be reincarnated?" Anthony asked.

"That's it! You're going to a really cool world"


"I Shall Seal The HEAVENS" He said with booming, epic music in the background.

"Is there going to be a cheat?"

"Hahahahah of course there will be!"

"I can choose?"


"Come on! I want to choose something, you kidnapped me!"

"I saved you from hell boy, don't come and complain to me. I'll give you talent! A lot of talent!"

"Bigger than Meng Hao?"

"Hehehehe... hehehe.... hehehe.... Hahahahahahahahahahahah"

"What joke did I miss?"

"You will be Meng Hao!"

"Ahh no no no no no no"

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes"

"You're going to change history! I like ErGen but it's missing something it never had! It's a lot of philosophy! Where is the sex!? The drinks!? The sins of men that make them alive!?"

"Do you want me to be part of a crackfic?"

"Hahahahahahahahahahahah that's the good thing about being a God!"

"At least I'll have a system?"


Antony was unable to respond, a light enveloped him and he disappeared from there.

Scholar Meng Hao wakes up, Antony wakes up. He is still the worker of the Sect not an outer disciple and despite not feeling headaches from the 17 years of memory along with the memories of the Fang clan. He remembers the Fang clan but nothing comes beyond the memories until the end of the first book and nothing else, that lecherous guy did something to him and limited him to continue the story the way it is.

At this moment, Meng Hao continued to sit, just as he woke up and continued to cultivate, the lecherous guy gave talent and this talent will be used seconds after waking up and Antony will be sure to end his life now if he doesn't have real talent.

"Holy shit," Meng Hao said as he felt himself reach the first level of qi condensation and a nearly infinite ocean of qi fill his dantian. He had more spiritual energy than usual! As if even though he was at the first level he seemed to have reached the second step.

"Almost infinite energy, this lecherous son of a bitch really helped me!" Meng Hao couldn't help but shout in joy, he had something that would help him through this entire hedonistic journey! Such a huge store of spiritual energy will destroy that little piece of shit Zhao Wugang.

1 month after entering the Reliance Sect, young scholar Meng Hao has successfully become an immortal cultivator and his first brick on the road to immortality is in place!

"I have to follow the original script, 4 months is what it took Meng Hao to reach the first level of qi condensation and get that pill, then he gains the immortal's cave and uses the mirror to raise his cultivation level and create conflict in the Sect that attracts the attention of Xu Qing and Wang Tengfei. I need everything to be taken at this pace and follow almost the original story but with the way that hedonistic guy wants. Wuaaaahhh why did I end up here?!" He screams to himself, grabbing his hair and pulling hard while grinding his teeth. Li Fugui still sleeps like a stone on the side.

The days passed without much trouble and with Meng Hao's high control of his enormous reserve of spiritual energy, he displayed his first level aura of qi condensation 4 months later. He also helped the fat man Li Fugui with cultivation using the thoughts of a woman and money to encourage the fat man: "Look here, you ball of lard with shark teeth. I will teach you how to cultivate like a man! You can leave here one day , you know how I know?! That silver hottie Senior Sister Xu who brought us to this place left the Sect didn't she? So you can leave too! But don't leave without weak cultivation, I'm cultivating almost every day and rest assured something: My sexual performance is at the level of a demon! I can barely make the one-eyed bald man cry and I even go as far as lard from those wild chickens to give me more wet pleasure. Pay attention to the teachings of this master, fat man, his wife waits for you patiently and she didn't give herself to anyone! You know how she will want pure and strong yang and only you! An immortal cultivator! It will be the pure yang that she dreams of so much on the coldest nights and loneliest days" From that day on, Li Fugui took the Red Pill, an alchemical pill containing the truths of the earth and women.

Finally it is the day that Meng Hao left the field of servants and became a true outer disciple of the Reliance Sect. Meng Hao also took the mirror containing Lord Fifth and knowing the things inside he said as a way of pleasing the bird, "What a beautiful mirror I found! Only a genius would create it, look at these details and even the wear and tear of time "That day Meng Hao went to meet hairy wild beasts and killed almost 20 years until he encountered a furry demonic beast, killed it and ate its core, solidifying his cultivation and making him more powerful, even his spiritual energy reserves increased.

38 days passed until the day arrived when Meng Hao would become a true protagonist and watched by the Reliance Sect. In these 38 days, Meng Hao became a true Kraven-style hunter in the forests surrounding the mountains of the Reliance Sect, wherever he went he killed more and more beasts, from those brave enough to taste human flesh to the unlucky demonic beasts that had their cores taken to consolidate cultivation and increase Meng Hao's cultivation. He is now at the second level of qi condensation with his foundation completely firm and strong as steel.

While hunting and cultivating yet another demonic beast magic core, Meng Hao heard the bells that he so longed to hear these days, it was the day of the pill distribution and from his immortal cave, Chen Fan and Xu Qing will be there and like a good scoundrel he will use all his charm as a Chinese scholar with a face like a kpop singer and Gyaru-oh, gained by using spiritual energy to purify his skin and muscles and accentuate the little beauty he had. Meng Hao let out the powerful aura of a cultivator at the second level of qi condensation and headed to his destination to find his precious immortal cave.

Upon arriving in the courtyard with all the dragons and the colored mist, Antony finally understood the greatness of the demon sealers and how they had fallen to the level of allowing themselves to be taken over by a turtle with Smaug syndrome. Thinking about what the Sect was like in its times of glory and respect was like seeing the castles of England and thinking about how the Kings built a kingdom that would later bear the fruit of the greatest colonial empire in the world, riches and glory, domination and victories created both of these examples of power. The Reliance Sect today is a pariah on the continent, it cannot even open a process of evaluation and acceptance of disciples and resorts to kidnappings and closing its doors while in Antony's world England lost its territories and was a vassal of its most prosperous colonies. It was funny to see how mediocre leaders destroy great achievements and ruin names that previously caused dread and fear but were now synonymous with complacency and living in a distant past.

The Reliance Sect's outer courtyard was barely full, not a tenth was occupied, and more than a hundred people were present for the pill distribution ceremony or commonly called pill day. When everyone was ready, the multicolored cloud dissipated revealing elder Shangguan Xiu, Chen Fan, and Xu Qing. Xu Qing like every female protagonist was as beautiful as ever, with the lack of women in the Sect, Xu Qing was like gold in dry mines and everyone admired her. Meng Hao was a little distant from everyone there, almost standing out from the gathered crowd, and this slightly attracted Xu Qing's attention, both because of the two-level jump in his cultivation and because of his more beautiful, dark appearance, not a dull tan but those that looked Meet the protagonists Gyaru-oh from Doujinshis. There was also Meng Hao's more masculine posture and form, like a soldier and former police officer, a veteran of his country's elite troops, Antony was standing as he always had, legs open and defensive guard with a closed countenance and With closed arms and a studious face and calm eyes, Meng Hao lightly attracted Xu Qing, who became ice-cold again after the small surprise.

The original script now followed normally: "It seems that Uncle Master Shangguan is distributing the pills himself, along with the Inner Sect disciples Senior Sister Xu and Senior Brother Chen. They all came. You don't see that very often. Don't tell me this time there is an individual distribution of pills?" Meng Hao let out a smile upon hearing these words, chapters 1 to 98 are engraved in his mind as if the instinct to breathe, nothing unusual but incredible that the extras didn't. if they look like ugly people like in manhuas but real human beings, he didn't have much time to rest or meet with disciples, he is just a stranger in the middle of everything.

"It must be. Look, senior brother Han Zong is here. He is the second disciple of the Outer Sect. His cultivation base has reached the fifth level of Qi Condensation. If he manages to reach the seventh level, then he will automatically become an Inner Sect disciple. It's a pity that big brother Wang Tengfei isn't here." Wang Lin's extremely distant relative, Antony remembers Wang Lin, he was one of the best protagonists I had ever read in webnovels, his journey of stealing a cultivation from the foundation establishment and destroying a servant's plans was simply perfect and unique. by Su Ming, another good protagonist.

"Considering Senior Brother Wang Tengfei's abilities, he wouldn't care about medicinal pills at all. The year he joined the sect, he caused quite a sensation among the sect elders. He probably doesn't want to violate the Sect's etiquette, so he will only rely on himself to enter the Inner Sect. Then there will finally be a third Inner Sect disciple." 'Let's say this number won't exceed 2 hahahahahaha'

"Heh heh, this is going to be fun. With Individual Pill Dispensing, there is a twenty-four hour sealing period during which the pill cannot be used. Every two hours, the pill glows brightly. Whoever wants to fight for it will be able to determine its location. Even if you take the pill and run, you won't be able to keep it hidden for twenty-four hours." Meng Hao, who was trying to hide a mocking smile, almost snorted and choked on his own laughter upon hearing the extra's last sentence.

"Still!" said old Shangguan Xiu. His voice was cold as he stood on the platform, and although he didn't speak loudly, his voice reverberated like rumbling thunder. The cultivators below him were deeply shocked. His ears were ringing. Meng Hao was the most shocked of all and it took him some time to recover. He didn't feel the power behind Shangguan Xiu's voice and it shocked him greatly and made him whisper to himself, "Am I really that strong?" He hadn't fought much and had only used the mirror to kill wild beasts and demonic beasts.

"I am Shangguan Xiu. Today, everyone present will receive a Spirit Condensation Pill and half a Spirit Stone." Shangguan Xiu shook his right arm and immediately hundreds of medicinal pills and Spiritual Stones flew in all directions. They landed perfectly in front of everyone present. Seeing this Meng Hao smiled, it was time to display his power and make use of the cultivation world's law of the jungle.

Send stones, this could help me a lot. try it. you have to at least read the original to understand this fic because I'm not a teacher to teach you, I'm the guy who loves to cause chaos.

ISSTH has the easiest start of ErGen's novels because it's his third and he's already a professional at writing. read the original because it is very good. expect many things, with men and women.....

Antony will follow the original script because every xianxia novel revolves around the protagonist and it is very easy to make a xianxia fanfic. Writing is not about having inspiration but having HABILITY. Daddy Brandon Sanderson said it and he's not wrong. If I take a while it's because I'm finishing my classes and in my country it starts in January and ends in December. I'll probably finish it at the beginning of December and there will be good, many chapters there but that's not a promise. Before the insults about my age, I am a high school graduate.

some names will be different from the English version because I am using the translation that good men from my country made with a lot of effort and dedication (without irony)

the translation is done by artificial intelligence and as always it is not perfect, if you want to insult me, please show the errors, don't be a crybaby who doesn't accept fics of your favorite novel

monzes_maroncreators' thoughts