
I See the Aura of the Great Emperor in All My Disciples

As everyone knows, there is a power in the southern region that absolutely cannot be provoked—the Grass Hall. The eldest disciple is the Sword Saint of the southern region, with a godly understanding of swords. The second disciple is the Eternal Empress, who ruled an era. The third disciple is a great scholar of the current generation, the reincarnation of the immortal of literature. The fourth disciple is the reincarnation of a demon god, suppressing the Nine Hells. Lu Changsheng: Me? I'm nothing special, just their master.

Don't Let Me Stay Up All Night · Eastern
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Reason For The Hatred Between The Dragon And Phoenix Clans

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lu Changsheng pointed his bloody finger at the little bird.

Bloodline infusion!

As Lu Changsheng's bloodline was injected, it instantly attracted the attention of the Dragon Phoenix and Divine Phoenix bloodlines!

In a short period of time, the two bloodlines stopped fighting.

The little bird's body also stopped trembling for a moment, and its brows relaxed.

Seeing this, Lu Changsheng was overjoyed.

This situation could prove that his thoughts were correct to a certain extent!

However, in the next moment, the power of the Dragon Emperor Bloodline and the power of the Divine Phoenix Bloodline ignored Lu Changsheng's power of the bloodline and continued to fight.

The little bird's body began to tremble again.

Its relaxed brows continued to knit tightly.

Ignoring me?

Lu Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

He controlled this wisp of bloodline power and headed towards the center of the battlefield.