
I See the Aura of the Great Emperor in All My Disciples

As everyone knows, there is a power in the southern region that absolutely cannot be provoked—the Grass Hall. The eldest disciple is the Sword Saint of the southern region, with a godly understanding of swords. The second disciple is the Eternal Empress, who ruled an era. The third disciple is a great scholar of the current generation, the reincarnation of the immortal of literature. The fourth disciple is the reincarnation of a demon god, suppressing the Nine Hells. Lu Changsheng: Me? I'm nothing special, just their master.

Don't Let Me Stay Up All Night · Eastern
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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Great Tournament used the points rule.

Starting from the second round of individual battles, defeating one person earned 10 points.

In a situation where no one was defeated, if one person defeated the other four, he would be able to add another 10 points to the 40 points, which was 50 points.

The third round was the finals of The Great Tournament. One would obtain 40 points if one won the team battle.

The rules of the individual battle were the same as the second round.

Heavenly Sword Peak Sect scored: 80 points in the second and third rounds.

Holy Talisman Sect score: 50 points.

Immortal Ape Village score: 50 points.

The Infernal Purgatory scored 90 points in the second and third rounds. (In the second round, the Infernal Purgatory defeated the Xuan Yuan Imperial Sect, and two people went on stage. Therefore, not all of them won, only 40 points.