
Chapter 19: New Blood 2

"I have made great progress with the blood test."

"Awesome. What did you find out?"

"As we said before, empowerment is a selective substance. With the addition of the new genome, its healing properties are one hundred percent active."

"Does this mean what I think it means?"

"That's how it is. Now we can restore your brother's sight."

"Nice. When do you think we can get the blood transfusion?"

"Well. More than just a blood transfusion, it would be something similar to dialysis. And so on. We can do that tomorrow."

"Great. I will break the news to my family. Thank you very much, Professor."

The call ended, and Lisa jumped for joy.

"Finally, after years, I will be able to regain my brother's sight. Finally, I will be able to correct my mistake."

Already in the afternoon.

bid farewell to the sun and bid farewell to the horizon with its rays for the last time. Gray clouds covered the sky, bringing with them lightning, thunder, and rain.

In a nearby forest, a fight was taking place.

Lincoln's opponent was a muscular man in military clothing. He had a tattoo on his shoulder, indicating that he was part of the Army Special Forces. He was wearing camouflage military pants.

His employer says to him before the fight begins, "Be careful, Will. This kid is not normal. His fighting style is a mixture of judo and boxing. Despite the fact that he is blind, he is undefeated in eight fights. He even killed one of his opponents."

"Don't worry, sir. I'm not like those useless people."

Meanwhile, Lincoln had a talk with his employer.

"What is the dispute in this battle, Professor?"

"Membership in the Association"

"Membership? Don't you already have one?"

"This is a platinum membership. Anyone who has it can be an important member of the Dracoviam Association. You will have the right to fight in the Annihilation Tournament."

"Is there a tournament for this?"

"That's how it is. The Annihilation Tournament is held in Dracoviam every year."

"This is a preliminary battle. With this victory, we will be able to challenge the current applicant. If you beat him, they will grant us that membership, and we can have the right to enter the Annihilation Tournament."

Which piqued Lincoln's curiosity. He never imagined there would be a tournament.

The referee stood in the middle of both fighters and began the presentation.

"Tonight. The right to fight for Platinum Membership is disputed to enter the Annihilation Cycle!!!"

"From this side. Representative of Moro Technology Inc., William Beeson. (Human Arsenal)!!!"

"VS. Representative of Venom Industries. Lincoln Loud. (The White Wolf)!!!"

"The Challengers are ready? Fight!!!"

William struck the first blow, charging toward Lincoln. But the boy dodged, cocked his head to the side, and struck William in the jaw.

He then landed a hook on the liver.

William wiped the blood from his mouth and rushed towards Lincoln again. This time, he was able to connect on two hits. One was blocked by Lincoln. But the other received it in the ribs.

Lincoln flinched back in pain, clutching his side. Which William took advantage of to take Lincoln on a guillotine to the ground.

"You're done, kid. There's no way to escape from this. It's the most stable submission technique."

William was right. Of all the submission techniques practiced in the military, Guillotine is the king.

It is practically impossible to escape from it. But Lincoln did not give up. The boy slapped William's ears, shattering his eardrums, causing him to let go.

William covered his ears. "Damn, brat. I never imagined you would attack my ears."

Lincoln rubbed his neck and regained his breath. This submission technique is commonly used in the military.

So far, I have not encountered anyone with this training. Don't just rely on brute force. Also, use strategy. If that's the case... I'll have to use that.

William recovers from the attack on his ears and goes into attack mode. "I have to admit, you kid are a lot more cunning than I imagined. But you don't stand a chance against me. I know both judo, boxing, and mixed martial arts. No matter what you've got, I can take it. And I won't let myself be surprised again."

"Here I come, kid!!!" William runs to Lincoln. But he revives with a palm strike to the forehead, then a punch to the chest and a kick to the neck, sending him sprawling on the ground.

"What the hell? It wasn't mixed martial arts."

William watched from below as the boy assumed a strange but familiar pose.

"This situation. It's not possible! It's Jeet Kune Do!"

(Jeet Kune Do): "Path of the Intercepting Fist"; it is a martial arts system based on the concept and philosophy of life developed by the master of masters, Bruce Lee.

Venom was astonished to see Lincoln using this fighting style. "This style. Could it be?"

William tries to grab Lincoln, but Lincoln meets him with a knee to the jaw and an elbow to the neck. Then subdues him.

William didn't quite understand what was happening. "What the hell? That knee. And the elbow attack. It's a Lethwei. And that jiu-jitsu submission. What the hell is this kid doing?"

Burmese Boxing: Originally called Lethwei, along with Muay Thai, it is considered one of the most dangerous martial arts in the world. Unlike Muay Thai, Lethwei is more cruel. The use of elbows and knees is permitted. This makes it difficult to block punches effectively.

Venom watches his fighter in amazement and says, "I have no doubt."

"Boxing; Judo; Bujutsu; Jiu-Jitsu; Jiu-Jitsu."

"Combining these styles into one martial art means only one thing."

"Lincoln's fighting style is... Dragon Fist!"

(Dragon Fist): A martial art created by the legendary martial arts master and brutal fighter Wang Shu.

A pattern based on the four elements: earth, water, fire, and air. This allows the user to oscillate between techniques.

Fast as the wind. Fluid like water, violent like fire, and firm like rock.

Using a martial arts style that matches these qualities.

Also known as the Infinity Path. You can continue to add more fighting styles. Improve it and take it to new levels.

Venom couldn't stop smiling upon discovering this about his fighter. "I knew I chose Lincoln as my fighter for a reason."

"This boy will take me to the top of the association."

William tries to get Lincoln. But Lincoln delivered a roundhouse kick directly to William's jaw, knocking him to the ground.

But William gave him a sweeping kick, knocked Lincoln down, then got on top of him and started punching him. Which Lincoln prevented, and covered himself with his arms.

The boy finally grabs William by the wrists and rolls on top of him. He then gets up and hits William with his knees in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

The soldier groaned as he gasped for breath.

Lincoln grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up to hit him again in the stomach, putting him a meter away.

The constant attack on his stomach caused William to vomit.

As he squatted to do so, Lincoln ran up to him, kicked him in the face, and lifted him up, causing him to fall onto his back with a broken nose and several teeth knocked out.

William's employer watched in amazement as his fighter was defeated by a boy only fifteen years old. Meanwhile, William was looking at that boy.

"This kid... it's just like him. Such a damned monster," a memory came to William's mind.

Years ago, on a mission he carried out in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he and his team had to eliminate a group of guerrillas. They wanted to stop the secret and creeping invasion of the United States.

His band had to stop the takeover of that country. Unfortunately, they failed. Since there was a mercenary soldier among the fighters with unparalleled strength,

He killed his entire squad and seriously wounded him, just to humiliate the American army.

Finally, the plan was implemented. The invasion stopped. The country could not be claimed, and William was discharged from the army due to his injuries. All because of that man who looked like a monster. His face and name will never be forgotten.

His name was... Muteba Gizenga.

The memory of that shock awakened something in William, giving him the strength to stand up again.

Quickly, William dealt with Lincoln. Once he was on the ground, he climbed onto his back and grabbed him by the neck in a camel clutch submission.

Lincoln twisted a barrel, knocking William off his back. As soon as he reached the ground, he elbowed him in the chest. But the moment he took the hit, he grabbed Lincoln's arm, forcing him to submit.

Suddenly, Lincoln used all his strength, lifted William, and slammed him to the ground. But William kicked him in the face. He then advanced on him and began punching him in the face, which Lincoln prevented.

Suddenly, William started choking Lincoln.

He kicked the boy, holding his wrists, trying to get him free. But William applied more pressure.

Lincoln attempted to enter the dream world so he could drink the crimson liquid. But the strange thing is that he couldn't.

The boy felt like he was losing consciousness. At that moment, when he was about to faint, the boy was still trying to hold on to his victory, thinking about his girlfriends.

I can't lose. They depend on me. I will not go down again. I will never be weak again.

Suddenly, his hair started to turn black and gradually grew until it covered half of it.

Slowly and with effort, Lincoln separated William's hands from his neck. The soldier could not believe that the boy still had the strength to resist.

Once he broke free from William's grip, Lincoln landed a hook to the jaw, then one to the stomach, followed by a knee to the face.

William tried to punch him, but Lincoln dodged, punching him in the ribs and kicking his leg, breaking it.

Because of this, William lost his balance and fell. But before he hit the ground, Lincoln gave him an overhead kick that lifted him three feet off the ground.

The force of this blow caused William to break his remaining teeth and fall out of his mouth.

He finally fell to the ground.

Lincoln prepared to finish him off, stomping him in the face, but at that moment, something happened.

Lincoln was pushed by an invisible force, leaving him lying on the ground. Venom was shocked by that. While William got up,

The referee was about to give William the victory, but Venomus interfered.

"!!!This was illegal. He cheated!!!"

William's employer approached Venomus with a smug face and said, "Calm down, Venomus. Don't throw that tantrum. Just accept that you lost."

"Don't pretend you don't know anything, you idiot! You're a fucking cheater! Your fighter used a gun!"

"Pfft... what? How can I? Sir, did you see my fighter pulling out a gun?"

"No, I just saw the man walking towards him, and then he shut up."

"Did you see that, Venom? It was a clean win."

William approached his boss, but Venomus took a test tube from his lab coat. Then he unfolded it and threw it into William's arm. This started to dissolve because the liquid was acidic.

"What's wrong with you, crazy man?"

William's employer shouted as his fighter's arm melted. But beneath the supposed skin, there was metal.

Venom discovered the trap. William's entire arm was a machine arm.

"He's a fucking cyborg! And look at this!" Venom shouted. Venom took him by the arm, showing that under his hand and on his wrist was a small gun. "This son of a bitch has a gun in his arm!"

"The second article; clause one from the Darkofiam Martial Union."

"The use of firearms or blades in combat is strictly prohibited."

"With the exception of mechanical implants that can aid a fighter's performance, as they are limited to the user's physical capabilities,"

"Failure to respect this rule will result in severe disciplinary sanctions."

The fear on the faces of William and his boss was remarkable, since their ruse was discovered.

The Refree reported this to the Dracoviam Combat High Command via a call. Immediately, a decision was made: "For using a weapon in combat, violating one of the greatest rules of the association, Tekno-Moro Inc. is permanently banned from fighting in Dracoviam. Therefore, the final victory goes to Lincoln Loud and Venomus Industries."

Venom didn't hear that. He was kneeling next to Lincoln, pressing the wound with his robe. "Call the damn ambulance!!"

The specialists took Lincoln to the same hospital where they took Leni.


Venom has always been a man of calculation. He was always ten steps ahead of his competitors. But there was something he did not understand because he did not consider it worthy of his attention. Idiocy. That's why he never imagined that someone would bring a gun to a fight. Since no one is stupid enough to expose themselves like this,

That's why he was so upset. He felt insulted. Also, because he was somehow fond of Lincoln.

In the hospital. Doctors were able to remove the bullet from Lincoln, but he was not out of danger yet. The bullet had penetrated the pancreas and stomach and hit the abdominal aorta, but did not penetrate it.

If it weren't for Lincoln's hard abs slowing it down, the boy would have died by now.

Systematic bleeding resulting from the perforation of this artery is synonymous with certain death.

Doctors sutured Lincoln's internal wounds while giving him blood through an IV.

The hard part is over. Thank God the professor had a blood bag of the same type as the boy. His blood is indeed rare. No one in his family has it.

In Venom's office.

Drink the world straight from a cognac bottle. He's already calmed down, thanks to the liquor.

"This changed all my plans. I didn't have time for a full blood test. Who knows what effects it might have on Lincoln?"

Back to the hospital.

The doctors had already finished treating Lincoln after three hours. The louds learned he had been attacked while leaving work.

The younger sisters were sent home with Lori, in the care of their grandparents. Meanwhile, the elderly and their parents stayed behind to take care of him.

It was one o'clock in the morning.

Lincoln was using a ventilator. When he suddenly started convulsing.

Alarm sirens sounded, and doctors rushed to help him.

"What happens to my son?" Mr. Loud asked.

One of the doctors reassured him, assuring him that everyone who worked there were professionals who knew how to act in these situations.

Meanwhile, doctors took care of Lincoln.

"He's having a heart attack!!! Hurry! Use the defibrillator!"

Doctors placed some patches on Lincoln's chest connected to a machine.


The machine downloaded. But the screen kept showing a horizontal line.

"Again. Burden!!!"

Lincoln's body spasmed again, but the machine still didn't respond.

"Come on, come on, come on, turn the power up. Burden!!!"

With the last spasm caused by the machine's shocks, Lincoln's heart started working again.

The doctor leaned against the wall, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Damn. It was close."

After that, doctors reported that Lincoln was out of danger, which was a great relief to his family.

After that, Lincoln was under observation.

At that time, Venomus told him that he wouldn't have to fight for long. In his despair, the owner of Tekno-Moro Inc. stated that he wasn't the only one who cheated in his battles. He provided a list of the names of the association's members. Therefore, a large-scale investigation was opened to search for these alleged perpetrators.

Therefore, all battles will be suspended indefinitely.

It has already been a week since that incident.

Lisa was working at Venomus Industries, analyzing a blood sample that had recently been taken from Lincoln.

"I don't understand. You said the blood would activate regenerative powers. Why hasn't my brother regained his sight yet?"

"As I told you, empowerment is a selective substance. Apparently his priority at the time was to help heal your brother's damaged organs," Venom, who was working on his computer, replied. The man zooms in on his computer, focusing on the artery. "What you're seeing here is your brother's aorta, thanks to the nanobots I injected into him yesterday. You see, there was a small tear in it, which was eventually going to get your brother into trouble."

"Not only that. The bullet was made of an alloy of lead and mercury. The new antibodies in the blood were responsible for destroying the toxins. Among all that, I think it was a wise choice."

"If you put it that way, it makes sense. Although I was hoping my brother would regain his sight"

"Well. That's not all it did."

"What do you mean by that?"

"My nanobots did a full scan of your brother and found out."

Venom gives Lisa a piece of paper. The girl, upon reading it, could not hide her astonishment.

Finally, Lincoln returned home. Doctors have not yet explained how he was able to heal his wounds in such a short time.

For his return, his family throws a party with the help of Clyde, Andy, and McBride.

However, Lori was absent. Well, the girl went out partying again the night before, and now she's asleep in bed with a hangover.

The party has started. Meanwhile, Andy and Clyde talk to Lincoln.

"Dude. You don't know what it was like for Clyde to find out you'd been shot."

"Don't overdo it, Andy. I'm just worried about my friend."

"He started crying. He said, 'Why? Why, my brother, take me in his place! It was hilerious.'"

"Awww. That's very nice of you, Clyde."

At that moment, Howard approached the boys.

"Guys. Come on, let's cut the cake."

"Okay, dad," Clyde and Andy said at the same time.

Which puzzled Lincoln, "Andy. Did you just say Dad to Mr. McBride?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you. Clyde's parents adopted me."


"Yes. It's true. While you were in the hospital, I followed Andy home to return his helmet. It turns out he lived in an abandoned apartment complex. From the gang side."

"What? Really? Now that I think about it, we've never seen what your house looks like, Andy."

"I told my parents. They felt bad for him. Because he was still a minor, they asked him if he wanted to be adopted, and he agreed."

Andy puts his arm around Clyde's shoulder. "That's how it is. From now on, I'm Andy Gervin McBride."

"Wow, that's great. I remember you always wanting to have a brother."

"Yes. And that's great. Especially since I'm the big brother."

"Only three months older; don't think too much."

"Ha-ha-ha. As you say, younger brother."

"Stop, damn it!"

Clyde and Lincoln laughed a little, then Andy followed them.

"Come now. Let's stop the jokes and go eat. How about a slice of that cake?"

In the dining room, Loud and McBride ate the cake that Mr. Loud had prepared. As Leni passed behind Lincoln, she noticed something on his neck.

"Nice tattoo, Linky."

"What?" Lincoln asked.

"What!? Another tattoo!?" Rita dropped her piece of cake, which Lola caught, and ran to her son.

The rest of Lincoln's family and friends came to see the tattoo. This was a small star located below the neck.

"Lincoln Marie Loud. Got tattoos again? What's next? Body modifications?"

"I was very lenient in letting you keep that huge tattoo on your back. But this is the last straw. Now you're going to go get it renewed."

"Mother. This is not a tattoo," Lisa interrupted her mother's anger.

"How can he not have a tattoo?"

"I don't see any signs of the ink pigments being absorbed into the skin. This is not a tattoo. It is a birthmark.

The Louds were shocked by that.

"How? Do I have a birthmark?"

"But we never saw it. How did it appear now?"

"Some signs can appear in the first year of an infant's life. But I have never seen one that manifested itself in mid-adolescence. More is not impossible."

Lisa explained to her family all about birthmarks. But in reality, she knew the real reason for the appearance of that sign.

The rest of the party went normally. Except for the pain in his back muscles that bothered Lincoln. So much so that the boy lay on the couch for a while, and Lynn gave him a massage. But, strangely enough, the muscles were very hard. "Oh my God, Link. You better stop exercising and start doing yoga. You have very tense muscles."

"I can't stand the pain. I'm going to go get a painkiller." Lincoln walked up the stairs to the bathroom. But halfway through, the boy fell to the ground, fainting.

The sound of his body hitting the ground alerted the family surrounding him. When they saw Lincoln lying on the ground, everyone feared it was the result of the bullet he had received.

They quickly took him to the guest room.

Lisa had a medical examination. Fortunately for his family, they found nothing.

To calm them down, I told them that the fainting was due to high blood pressure.

After that, the party's over.

At night, Lincoln would toss and turn on his bed. Meanwhile, he sweated a lot, and the muscles in his back bulged and moved under his skin.

Meanwhile, in his dreams,

Lincoln walked through the Forest of Dreams until he reached the Red Lake. The boy walked across the obsidian bridge to the island of the Black Wolves.

It was silent, and there was no wolf. Or so he thought. Near his throne, there was a black wolf, but this was different from the wolf he saw.

It looked like white fire. But his muscles were more pronounced, and he had battle scars.

The wolf walked towards Lincoln. Despite this, the boy was not intimidated; on the contrary, he talked to the wolf as if it were a habit.

"Who are you?"

The wolf smiled, showing his fangs. Then he approached the boy, rubbing his head with Lincoln's hand, who began petting him.

Suddenly, the wolf's fur began to rise up into Lincoln's hand. The animal appeared as a thick, furry substance that began to absorb Lincoln. The boy moved away to free himself. But the substance absorbed him and swallowed him whole.

The furry mass was compressed, stretched, flattened, and twisted until it finally took the shape of a ball. Its furry texture was gone, and it was soft and shiny as crimson. He then took on human form and slowly retreated, freeing Lincoln. The substance got into Lincoln's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

The boy suddenly woke up. The rooster's crow warned him that it was already Sunday morning. His back pain disappeared. What's more, he felt better than ever. So much so that he flipped forward and did a handstand. He had never felt so energetic.

After showering, he went down to the kitchen and slid down the stair railing. Except for the severe pain in his eyes that Lincoln put some shampoo in.

The smell of breakfast and the noise of various chatter and discussions indicated that his family had woken up.

Lincoln entered the kitchen waving happily and saying, "Good morning, family. What a beautiful morning to be alive."

His father turned to greet him, carrying a tray of dishes. "Good morning, son. Are you feel…?"

Mr. Loud interrupted his question and dropped the tray on the floor. The rest of his family also dropped their forks and coffee cups. Which surprised Lincoln.

"Everyone, are you okay?" Lincoln asked.

But no one answered. They just stared at him with shocked faces. Except for Lucy, who saw him with a sparkle in her eyes and a wide smile.

Finally, it was Rita who broke the silence: "Lincoln. What happened to your hair?"

"We already talked about that, mom."

"No, I mean it. It's all black."


Lincoln placed his hand on his side and raised it instinctively. But the surprise is not over yet. For once, the hair rose from his face. First, he saw blurred silhouettes in the fog. Then blurry and gray images. Finally, a strong glare disturbed the boy's eyes.

"Wait... I-I can... I can see... I can see. Haha, I can see you now! Mom. Dad, girls. I can see. I can see again!"

Lincoln turned to see his family, but when they saw him, they fell out of their chairs.

"What happened to you? It looks like you saw a dead man."

Mr. Loud stood trembling. The fear was noticeable in his face and in his voice. "Lin-Lincoln. Your... Your eyes," he said, pointing at his son.

"Ha? What do my eyes have?" Lincoln walks to the mirror and looks at himself for the first time in a long time. But what should have been an emotional moment turned into something terrifying. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh"" Lincoln looked into his eyes. Its structure turned black. And a white iris.

"My little eyes! What happened to my eyes!?"

Rita approached Lincoln and said, "Calm down, baby. You don't look that bad."

"Not that bad? Not that bad!? I look like a fucking alien!"

"Watch your language, young man."

Lincoln looked in the mirror and said, "Fuck, fuck, fuck! This is the first time I've seen myself in three years, and I'm like that!"

Leni walked up to her brother and took a comb out of her pocket. Then you comb it, leaving it with the classic "this is better."

Lincoln sees his reflection. He now had less hair covering his eyes. Which sees through them, "Thank you, Leni."

For her part, Lisa was now becoming more interested as she was thinking, "What could that blood do to his body?"

It's been a few weeks since then.

The event was on the local news, and no one could explain how the boy, past the point of no return, was able to regain his sight. This increased the popularity of Royal Woods. Which became called the "City of Miracles."

The latter was supported by Venomus Industries. Who curiously financed the construction of a miraculous fountain, and after drinking its water, the disabled walked, and the sick were healed. But sure. That wasn't a miracle. But it was science. Well, Venom has developed a harmless version of the active compound. Which he mixed with water flowing from his company's water tank to the source. Tourism promoted by believers has led to increased consumption of venom products. Increasing his monthly earnings, as he earns three times what he earns in a year in one month.

For his part, Lincoln's life also improved.

The video they recorded of him and his friends beating Chandler's gang went viral. At school, no one dares to bully anymore, for fear of angering the three weak mother-in-laws, Andy, Clyde, and Lincoln. Which everyone called the "monstrous trio."

Meanwhile, at the Loud house,

The sisters, who had an affair with Lincoln, were in Lisa's laboratory room at her request.

Three of them were not happy with it. Well, for a few weeks, they had no relations with the albino. Well, Lisa interrupted them whenever they wanted to.

"Are you going to say why you called us, Lisa?" Lynn asked.

"Yes, I have more important things to do. For example, how to practice for my next concert."

"Very well. First, I must assume that you realize that I am aware of the incestuous relationship you have with our brother."

"Yes. Lucy told us."

"Good. This saves us time. That being the case, I'll get straight to the point."

"As you may have noticed, for the past few days, I've been avoiding any kind of physical action between you and Lincoln."

"Yes, we noticed that," Luna said in an annoyed tone.

"Clearly, I did this for a reason. Or rather, two."

"The first was to study the side effects of the blood transfusion that Lincoln experienced on the day he was shot."

Lynn narrowed her eyes at Lisa. "Why? What was that blood?"

Lisa sighs, "Okay. I'll tell you, you can't tell anyone. Especially you, Leni."

"Okay. I'll keep the secret."

Lisa didn't know whether to trust her sister's words. But she didn't have time for that. So she proceeded to tell them all about her discovery of the potency and the blood they used on Lincoln.

"That is why, in three years, he has become stronger and more agile, and his senses have sharpened."

The sisters had a surprised expression.

"Are you saying Lincoln has some weird stimulant in his system?"

"Basically, yes."

"What will that blood do to his body?"

"Currently, we have seen three results: the production of melanin in his hair, the black color in his sclera, and the most important of them: his eyes have been healed."

"This doesn't look so bad."

"It's just positive effects. I still have to find out if there are any side effects."

"That's why you didn't let us have sex with him."

"That's not true. That's for another reason."

"And which one is it?"

"Answer me this. Did any of you plan to use protection?"

"Pfft. Why? He's sterile, isn't he?"

"Yeah... about that..."

the next day.

It was already February 1st. The month of love.

Cupid's tools took over the streets and homes.

Couples have already thought about what to give their loved ones, and stores have raised the price of cards, clothing, perfumes, and dolls. Cosmetics and chocolate. For lovers, the scent of love is in the air. And for companies, it smells like money.

But to a certain twenty-one-year-old girl, she just smelled of alcohol.

It was almost midnight. Drunks were leaving the local bar, leaving a blonde college girl who had picked up the bad habit of alcoholism.

Lori took a beer, then called the bartender.

"Another glass!" Lori's words were slurred from all that she was drinking.

The bartender watched Lori sway in her seat. "I think you've had enough already."

"I'll tell you when I've had enough! Give me another beer!"

"Look girl. It's closing time. So get out, or I'll kick you out."

"Whoa, wait. Come on, boring old man."

Lori gets up and almost falls, but she grabs the bar and straightens up as best she can. She then takes a large, unopened bottle of beer from the bar and throws the bill at the bartender before finally leaving.

Lori staggered down the streets of Royal Woods, sipping from her bottle.

An hour later, she arrived at the door, but her key didn't fit. The girl struggled with the key, but the door wouldn't budge. So I started screaming.

"Come on. Open, Fuck!"

The key sound opened the door, and Lori was alert. But on the other side was Lincoln.


"Hic. Hey Linky, Hic. You've stayed over again. Hic. To sleep at home?"

"Lori, this is our grandparents home."

"So? Come on. Why do all the houses stop so often? And why don't they stop turning? And why are there three Lincolns? Hey... isn't this our grandparents house?"

"Lori, are you drunk?"

"Eh. Just a little, but I can still…" The girl takes one last drink from the bottle and throws it away. broke it in the street.

Lincoln supports Lori on his shoulder and helps her walk. "I'll give you a glass of water."

"With plenty of scotch, please."

"None of that. Lori, I'm worried about you. You've been drinking nonstop for a month."

"Aww. Are you worried about your sister? Come on. You're so cute."

"I'm worried about all of you."

Lincoln takes Lori to the couch and lays her down on it. But at the moment of doing so, Lori lost her balance and fell onto the couch. Reflexively, she grabbed the chest of Lincoln's pajamas, causing the first two buttons to come undone, revealing the boy's chest.

Lori stared at him. The girl's eyes were so big when they were shining.

"Stay here. I'll go get you water." Lincoln walks into the kitchen and, a minute later, comes out with a glass of water.

Lori takes it in one gulp, then collapses on the couch.

"Lori, you can't go on like this anymore. This is hurting you."

"I am fine; do not worry."

"No, Lori. You're not feeling well. You've been drinking nonstop since Bobby's funeral."

Lori turns her back on Lincoln.

"Lori. I miss him too. But this isn't the way to deal with it."

The sound of Lori crying was present.

"He was my world, Lincoln. I will never love someone like him again. And no one will ever love me again like him," Lori said between tears.

"Don't say that, Lori. You're young and beautiful. You'll definitely find someone one day."

"The road will be long and difficult. But in time, you will return to resume your life."

"I need it, Lincoln. I need to feel love now."

This was not unusual. Lincoln knew that Lori suffered from severe emotional dependency problems. One example was when she tried to sabotage Leni so she wouldn't pass her driving test, to make sure she was still the only one her sisters could depend on. Also when she almost killed him by throwing a piece of furniture when she and Bobby temporarily broke up, when Lincoln insulted Ronnie-Anne.

Or even when Leni started spending more time with Clyde. Lori even went so far as to dress like her.

When she feels that she is going to lose someone's love, she often does crazy things. But now that she's lost her emotional support forever, Lincoln worries she'll do something she might regret later.

The boy helped her sit, then wiped her tears and hugged her, putting her ear to his chest.

"Lori. I understand how you feel."

"Is that true?"

"Yes, I found out a few months ago that three people I knew in Canada had died. They were my teachers. They were the ones who helped me overcome my disability. When I found out, I was angry. I wanted to get justice. I was filled with hate."

"How did you get rid of suffering?"

Lincoln remembered when he broke Hideki's neck. He felt good. But not as much as he expected. "I didn't. I'm still suffering in silence. But you don't have to. If you need comfort, or... talking. Or anything you need. Come find me."

Lincoln noticed that his sister was asleep on the couch. He just laughed lightly. Then he covered her with a blanket and went up to his room.

After half an hour,

Lincoln was sleeping peacefully when suddenly the door to his room slowly opened, waking him up.

Lincoln was still sleepy. He could only notice in the moonlight a blonde hair.

"Leni?" Lincoln asked. The person went down to his bed and kissed him. When he turned on the flashlight, he discovered that it was Lori. "Lori!? What are you?" Before he could finish, he was silenced by Lori with another kiss.

The girl stuck her tongue into Lincoln's mouth while she put her hand under his shirt, caressing his abs. Finally, Lori pulled away from Lincoln's lips. Her cheeks were red from the heat and alcohol, and she was breathing hard.

The girl was wearing only her shirt and panties. Without her pants.

Before she could kiss him again, Lincoln pulled her away from him. "Lori! What do you think you're doing!?"

"You said if I need anything, I'll come to you. What I need is you... inside me."

"That's not what I meant, when..."

Lincoln couldn't finish speaking as Lori lifted her shirt and bra, revealing her breasts, which bounced due to their large size.

Lincoln swallowed upon seeing her breasts sticking out.

"Hmm. Apparently, you like what you see. Your little friend has become hard."

From Lincoln's pajama bottoms, like a tower stuck in Lori's ass. The girl started moving her ass, stimulating Lincoln.

The thin fabric of her pajamas and underwear made her feel good.

Lori... please... E-enough... We can't..." Although Lincoln had been in relationships with four of his sisters, he had never thought of Lori as a potential partner.

Lori hugged Lincoln, placing his face between her breasts. "Pleasing Lincoln. I need it. I need to feel loved."

"But we love you, Lori."

"No! Not like this. I want love. I want passion. Like the only thing Bobby can give me. I don't want a stranger. Please."

Lincoln saw one of the black wolves behind Lori talking to him, "Protect your pack."

After hearing this, Lincoln took his hands to Lori's breasts and began massaging them while kissing her neck.

Lori separated him and took him by the chin while grabbing one of her breasts with her other hand. She then brought it to his mouth, and Lincoln proceeded to suck it.

Lori pushed her panties aside to massage Lincoln's glans, who was bathing in Lori's juices.

Slowly, the girl lowered herself, inserting Lincoln's dick into her vagina, until her hips were touching.

Lori began moving her hips in all directions rhythmically, as if she were doing an Arabic dance. This gave Lincoln great pleasure.

Neither Leni nor Luna could do those movements. No doubt it was the previous experience of having sex with her boyfriend several times.

Lori hugged Lincoln, then said something that surprised the boy.

"Bobby... hmm. I love you."

Lincoln tried to break away from Lori's chest, but she grabbed him by the neck, increasing the intensity of her movements in addition to those delicious ones. Without stopping talking.

"Oh Bobby. Hmm. Give me everything. Give me all that love juice. Make me feel loved, Bobby."

Lincoln tried to break away, hitting with his palm, but only managed to hit Lori's ass, causing the girl even more pleasure.

"Oh Bobby. Hhha, I love it when you're rude. Go on. I've been a bad girl. Punish me."

Lincoln was almost done. He tried to separate from Lori, but he couldn't. As before, his strength left him in the same circumstance.

With one final stroke, Lincoln shot a large amount of his seed into Lori. She felt her womb fill with warm, sticky fluid, causing an orgasm.

"Oh God, Bobby. Yes. Give me your love." Lori's orgasm caused her brain to short circuit, resulting in a powerful orgasm.

It was already morning.

Sunlight enters through the window.

Lori squeezed her eyelids to reduce the light entering her eyes. The girl covered herself with sheets up to her head.

"Uhm. Fucking light." Lori got up to close the curtains on the window. But the moment she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was not in her room. "Where the hell am I?"

Lori saw that on the table there was a glass of water and two aspirins. The morning headache didn't make her hesitate, so she took the medicine and went back to bed.

Once she felt better, she started to remember what happened the night before.

"Oh. Oh, my God. What have I done!!!"

The door suddenly opened. Lincoln had entered the room with a tray in one hand and a bunch of folded clothes in the other.

Examining the clothes more closely made her realize that they were hers. Because of the previous situations, Lori didn't realize that she was only wearing her panties and bra. So she covered herself. Her face was red with embarrassment.

Lincoln placed the tray on the bed and the clothes on the table.

"Lincoln... I..." Lori had to say something to break the awkward silence.

Before she could finish, Lincoln raised his hand, motioning for her to stop.

"Lori. Don't say anything. I know. You were drunk, and you didn't know what you were doing. It doesn't matter."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? Lincoln, I raped you."

Once again, Lincoln stopped Lori. "No, don't say anything else. Nothing happened last night, okay? Let's pretend it didn't happen."

"How can you take it so calmly?"

"Well, let's say I'm already hardened against various shocks."

Lori was confused. But she decided not to take that seriously.

"I won't tell anyone in exchange for you doing me a favor."

"Yes, yes. As you tell me."

"I want you to stop drinking. I also want you to go to therapy to overcome your grief and your dependency problem."

"What are you talking about? I don't have dependency issues."

"It didn't seem like it last night when you rode me like a mechanical bull and called me your dead boyfriend's name."

Lori looked embarrassed.

"I had breakfast and then took a shower. I took the initiative to wash your clothes. They smell of liquor and... other things."

"How come the grandparents didn't wake up? I wasn't very discreet last night."

"They sleep without their hearing aids. When they take them off, they don't even hear an explosion."

He said that as he left the room, leaving Lori to have her breakfast.

After breakfast and a shower, Lori returned home.

Lincoln gave her Dr. Lopez's number, which he got thanks to Clyde.

The girl was attending therapy and meetings for a week. Until one morning, she woke up wanting to vomit.

Her parents told her that the alcohol was leaving her system.

She stayed like this for three days, until she finally decided to go to the doctor.

Lori was waiting in the doctor's office for the results of her medical tests.

Finally, the doctor came in with some papers in his hand.

"Okay, Miss Loud. We've run all the tests. We haven't found anything wrong. Your symptoms are not a withdrawal syndrome, nor is the alcohol out of your system."

"So why do I vomit so much?"

The doctor smiled warmly at her and replied, "Congratulations, Miss Loud. You are pregnant."

These words made Lori pale: "What am I what!?"

1 week ago

"Answer me this. Do any of you plan on using protection or medications?"

"Pfft. Why? He's sterile, right?"

"Yeah... about that... not anymore."

Once again, the sisters could not hide their astonishment.

"Another effect of the blood is that it was able to cure his problem. Now, if there's a chance, it could make you pregnant. Well. One in ten chances."

For a while, they didn't say anything. Suddenly, Leni stood up and immediately started jumping, clapping her hands.

"Yes. I will be able to have a baby. I will go find Linky now."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Leni," said Lisa, adjusting her glasses. "You know."

Lisa's explanation was interrupted by a cloth covering her head. Looking at it better, she saw that it was Leni's dress. She got rid of it, and then she saw Leni completely naked.

"Finally, I'll be able to have my baby." Leni ran towards the doors but was stopped by Luna, Lynn, and Lucy, who jumped on her.

After a while, Leni was putting on her dress while being scolded by Lisa.

"Don't do that again! What will our parents say if they see you searching for our brother naked?"

"Also. How do you explain to them that you are pregnant when they ask about the father?"

"I'm sorry, Lisa."

"That's what I wanted to tell you. Aside from now, if you want to be intimate with Lincoln, you have to use protection."

"Understood," the four girls said in unison.


A week has passed since this announcement.

At first, the family didn't take the news of Lori's pregnancy well. Even Lincoln and Mr. Loud fainted. Not to mention Rita. But when they calmed down, they talked seriously with Lori.

Fortunately, they haven't investigated much on this topic. As far as they knew, the one-night pregnancy was due to her depression and drunkenness. Which was technically correct.

Once it all sunk in, the news that a new family member was on the way was cause for joy.

Rita and Myrtle spent their time knitting shoes and buying clothes for their future grandson or granddaughter.

For his part, Mr. Loud put up barriers everywhere. The news that he was going to be a grandfather had awakened his parental instincts to the next level. Who hasn't been active since Lily was a baby.

While Lincoln still can't believe he's going to be a father, the worst part is that he will be with one of his sisters, with whom he did not even have a relationship. But he can't say. He could never call that child his own. This was what hurt him the most.

At noon, Rita, Myrtle, and Lori enjoyed tea as they chatted.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a great grandmother," Myrtle exclaimed with great emotion.

"And I will have a child to spoil again." Rita put her hands on her cheeks, flashing a big smile. "Have you thought about what it will be called?"

Lori gently touched her stomach. Even though she knew how she got pregnant with her child, it didn't matter to her. She promised that she would love and protect her child.

"I want her name to start with L to keep the family tradition. And I want it to be a name I can use regardless of whether it's a boy or a girl. I've already chosen that."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense, darling. Tell us."

Lori smiled and answered.

"Loan. The baby's name will be Loan Loud."

Next chapter