
9-Changes Part 3

Chapter 9: Changes Part 3

-The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

-Dan Milmar-

An echo of a moan was present, and a pair of hands caressed the skin. Beads of sweat fell to the ground, which it absorbed.

Two heavy breaths were heard, accompanied by a sticky sound.

In the basement of the Loud house, there was a scene that, if anyone saw it, would lead to many interpretations. There was a completely naked boy with white hair on his head and a completely naked brown-haired girl like him. She was face down, clutching a towel with her hands and teeth as her brother caressed her body and entered her again and again.

Now you should know what happened. But it is always better to explain such situations in detail.

It all started when Lincoln went downstairs, where he proceeded to subdue his older sister, Lynn.

the reason? There were many reasons why Lincoln would go this far. Among them was the abuse he was subjected to the same morning by the athletic girl. A range of feelings gathered inside the boy, which he let out in the form of what he called the justice of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Lincoln approached Lynn's ear and whispered to her in a dry, cold tone.

"It's your turn to feel what you made me feel this morning."

Lynn rolled her eyes and saw that the one who was subduing her was her brother. The girl came out in astonishment and asked in the most annoyed tone.

"Lincoln? What the hell do you think you're doing?" She said, hiding the tension in her voice, that Lincoln was on top of her, with his chest on her back and his warm breath on her neck. Fortunately for Lynn, the fact that Lincoln was blind was the best thing that could have happened to her at that moment, because she was redder than her jacket.

"Lincoln, what are you going to do?"

Before Lynn could finish her speech, Lincoln took off her jacket, lifted her shirt, revealing her large breasts that were pressed to the floor, and then pulled down her shorts, revealing that she was wearing tight red underwear. The bad thing was that Lincoln couldn't appreciate it. Like this dress

"Lincoln, wait."

Lynn asked her brother, but he lifted Lynn's hip and started licking her vagina through her underwear.

In Lynn's mind, she saw herself in an empty white place slowly filling with warm water; that's how her underwear and vagina felt as she felt her juices flowing and her brother's tongue licking. Lynn was more than high, and her brother, the object of her fantasies, was licking her, and her desire to be able to beat him with a 69 as she saw in some videos on the Internet was enormous, but her brother's strength was greater than her, and he locked her tightly and did not allow her to move, which increased her pleasure...

Lincoln stops licking, which scares Lynn. Fearing that this delicious moment might end, but fortunately for her, it didn't end there. Lincoln pulled down her pants and continued licking them before getting up.

"Lincoln? Why did you stop?" Lynn turned to see her brother, but she wasn't prepared for what was waiting for her. Standing there is her brother, in all his splendor and glory. It showed his well-functioning naked body, and with a noticeable erection, his penis was larger than it should be for a boy of his age, but what caught Lynn's attention most were some scars on her brother's body, many of which he admitted were training and others due to fights, but there were some scratches. Very strange; it almost looked like very deep scratches, like scratches from an animal and some from something sharp, maybe a knife. This was one of the things she didn't notice the night she spied on him when he was taking a shower.

The girl's eyes went up to see that her brother had hidden more surprises. The tattoo was in the form of an animal print adorning his chest as well as his collarbones and shoulders, and as the icing on that cake, her brother had an embroidered necklace that looked like a Native American craft consisting of a green rock pattern with animal tusks and claws along it and a stylized animal skin with more fangs and claws in the center adorning his neck. This trend, this character-everything about him drove her crazy.

Before she could get up, Lincoln knelt and grabbed her thighs. She knew what would happen; her brother was going to rape her, or it would have been if she hadn't waited for this so long. Lynn straightened up when she felt something hard and fleshy enter her vagina.

"Ahhh." Lynn screamed so loudly that if someone had been in the house, they would have heard it. Lincoln pushed his penis deeper until he felt a soft but resistant spot. The boy pressed so hard that he broke his sister's hymen, causing a scream even louder than before, which could be heard even in the street. Fortunately, the neighbors were so accustomed to shouting in that house that they took it as a natural thing and did not suspect what had happened in the cellar of the house.

Lincoln began to move back and forth to insert and remove his dick from Lynn's vagina, which was spurting blood from the ruptured hymen. Lynn felt pain and, at the same time, incomparable happiness. The feeling of flesh going in and out of her and his hands caressing her thighs was exciting. Lincoln increased the speed, causing Lynn to grab the towel she was going to use to wipe off the sweat.

She squeezed it at the same time and bit the towel to drown out her cries of pleasure.

-Present time-

"Oh Lincoln. Oh. Harder. More. Give me more."

Lynn said this with the towel still in her mouth. Lincoln was silent about his revenge not working as expected, and instead of feeling like punishment, it felt flattering. Now he was aware that otherwise he would be a rapist, and losing his virginity in this way wasn't quite a good way, but this wasn't like rape; it was a good feeling, and if Lynn enjoyed it, that also meant that she was doing well.

Lincoln had no experience, guidance, or assistance. Going blind at 12 completely forbade him from watching videos that would instill in him the correct techniques for initiating lovemaking, but that wasn't the case. It was supposed to be something tender, with lots of caresses and kisses. It was just lust for his sister-to possess her, to replicate that feeling he had of her in the kitchen. In that moment, there was no remorse, guilt, shame, or even a word of taboo, just the two of them. His wild passion Their hearts beat together so fast that Lincoln's ear could hear both his and Lynn's.

"Oh, Lynn, ah, I feel like it will come out." Lincoln said, continuing to penetrate his sister.

"Oh, I love you, Lincoln. Wait what? Eh, wait, no, no, no. Not inside?" Lynn asked when Lincoln's words interrupted her happiness.

Lynn no longer gets anything.

Lynn tried to crawl away, but Lincoln's firm grip wouldn't let her go. "No, Lincoln, please, you're not using a condom. Please, no, no."

Lynn screamed when she felt Lincoln fill her with semen. "Noooooooooo"

Lynn wanted to separate, but Lincoln took her legs and separated them as he stood up and penetrated Lynn again, who was going up and down simultaneously with Lincoln's hips.

Lynn's eyes filled with tears of pleasure; her tongue came out of her mouth, dribbling abundantly; her thoughts were absent, leaving herself; the athletic girl felt her head explode with ecstasy.

Lincoln took her head and kissed her, sticking his tongue in her mouth. Lincoln was about to ejaculate again and, without waiting any longer, stuck his cock inside Lynn, leaving all his seeds inside.

Lynn cried out, her lips still glued to her brother's, as she felt how full she was once again. Lincoln finished and put Lynn down carefully. Once she was on the ground, Lincoln was paralyzed with pleasure and then fell to the ground, separated from Lynn.

Lynn tried to get up, but her legs were shaking, so she stayed on her knees for a moment until she regained her sensitivity, then turned around to see Lincoln ferociously.

"Are you a fucking idiot or what? What will happen if you get me pregnant?"

Lynn turned to see Lincoln only to discover that he had passed out, apparently straining his body too much and, no less, leaving Lynn unable to walk.

Lynn crawled up to Lincoln, looked him in the face, rubbed his cheeks, and kissed him on the forehead.

"You're an idiot, but you're my idiot."

After a few minutes, Lynn managed to regain the sensitivity of her legs. She immediately got dressed and proceeded to do the same to Lincoln, then cleaned the part of the floor where they had sex of all traces of Lincoln's semen and her vaginal juices. After they finished, Lynn picked up Lincoln and left him on the couch before going up to take a shower.

When she went upstairs, she felt something that made her look at Lisa's bedroom door, feeling the need to see if it was open. Since Lincoln's accident, she hasn't cared what Lisa did or if she had something to hide because the court order was to make all her experiences, projects, and theories public, so if she did something for her family, she'd be sure of it. She was completely forbidden to lock her door, but something caught Lynn's attention; something told her that she had to see what was inside that room. Lynn walked into Lisa's room. When she was in front of the door, she turned the handle and discovered that the door was already locked. Lynn didn't hesitate for a moment and tried to open the door with a kick. But in this non-session, she didn't even get a scratch. Lynn remembered that on the day Lisa's room was rebuilt, the door was also damaged. So they replaced it with one that Lisa had built herself and claimed to be indestructible. In that, she was right; even the attack on the lock and hinges did not give.

Damn, I know she's hiding something, and I'll find out what it is.

Lynn recalled how a few years ago Leni taught her how to open locks after she and Lucy got trapped inside their room. Because the family at the time was going through a financial crisis, they couldn't afford to buy another door, and Lisa no longer had the materials to build one, so to prevent that from happening again, Leni taught Lynn and Lucy how to pick locks.

She quickly went to the garage and pulled out a piece of wire, twisted it, and inserted it into the lock. After a few turns, she heard a click and opened the door.

"Behold, your indestructible door is not safe, Lisa."

Lynn boasted of her achievement and entered the room. At first glance, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Some things were broken by the explosion the other day, but that didn't matter to her. Lynn was walking everywhere, looking for anything suspicious or suggesting that Lisa was conducting experiments that would violate a court order. After searching everywhere and even looking under the bed and not finding anything, she was about to leave, but when she pressed her hand on a part of the carpet, it was actually a big button disguised as part of the carpeted floor, after that part of the carpet had opened. On the other side of the room, Lynn walked over to that hole and saw what was inside. It was a cabin from which emerged a cold, as if frozen, container like those used to transport organs for transplantation.

"I knew you were about to do something crazy."

Lynn took out the container and opened it expecting to find something strange, like a stomach with eyes or a heart beating without sticking to anything, and even some strange animals, the product of her secret experiments, but instead she found about seven test tubes filled with a red liquid that was blood. When she took it out, she read the label and saw that it said Lincoln Loud.

"This goddamn thing was drawing blood from Lincoln for her experiments, and it won't stay that way. When they come back, I'll show everyone what kind of psycho you are."

Lynn got more and more angry when she suddenly saw that there was a drawer in one of the walls of the cabin. She opened it and found two things there. One was some papers and the other a kind of diary, and this surprised Lynn since she had never believed that Lisa was one of those who kept a diary; she always took her notes in a notebook. The diary piqued Lynn's curiosity. Lynn took the papers she had started to read, most of which were words she didn't understand, so she decided to put those aside and start reading the diary.

-Lynn is reading-

Entry number: 1

Since my elder brother left, my family has forced me into a state of seclusion; most of my inventions have been confiscated, and I have been denied any chance of retrieving them. Ordering by the local judicial authorities to perform experiments that may be deemed dangerous to the public is strictly forbidden, so every certain period of time an agent will come to supervise me to ensure that I comply with the stipulated contract.

On the other hand, the isolation imposed by my older sisters could be the only good thing about it or the reason for it. I found some of my brother's blood frozen in a snowdrift near the tree in the front yard, and the cool temperatures and purity of it kept it in a practically sterile state.

Entry #2

The isolation continues; my sisters forbid me from seeing my younger sister, Lily. This may be good now that I can work in an environment free of fears of my sister being infected with any chemicals, although my supply of these materials has been very limited since the accident.

Changing the subject, I was examining the blood sample I found, and it revealed that the explosion released large amounts of a chemical that, when ignored, was absorbed by my brother's red and white blood cells. I don't know what effects it could have on him, but the chemical became unstable, and its effects were unexpected. Now, if I had more blood, I might be able to investigate this matter thoroughly and, in case it was dangerous to my brother's health, find a remedy.

Lynn flipped through the pages until she found another one that talked about Lincoln.

Entry #6

My brother and grandfather arrived for the Christmas delegation. However, my sisters keep me away from him; maybe it's part of the mental torture they're trying to put me through, but it won't stop me.

Entry #7

At night, I managed to extract some blood from my brother, and when I found out the chemical was benign, I wasn't very surprised. It has been done so it wouldn't harm the subject for which it is administered, and yet it does not perform its original function. I see no changes in my brother's attitude, and previous tests have yielded the same result.

Entry #8

My brother will be back to Canada tomorrow, so I'll have to wait for another sample.

Lynn redirects a few pages.

Entry #41

It's celebrating the birth of one of my older sisters with a who's who that is not related to this entry at all. What is surprising is the absence of my elder brother and grandfather, for they were promised that they would be present at every celebration, and I am worried, though it is also a pity that I will not be able to take another sample of his blood for further investigation.

The following chapters have nothing to do with Lincoln, and she was only interested in them; after that, she got to a certain page.

Entry #1066

Today is a happy day for my family. My brother and grandfather are going back to America for Christmas, and that excites me too, and now I can resume the investigation.

The results presented by the new blood sample shocked me. Though I can take nothing for granted, I could be facing the greatest scientific discovery in history, all thanks to my brother.

Entry #1067

Yesterday I was able to draw some blood from my brother without him noticing when he hugged me, thanks to the fact that the needle was soaked with a new patented anesthetic. What I discovered is that the blood could be the key to repairing tissue damage anywhere in the body. Among them is the possibility that my brother will regain his sight.

Yesterday I tried to drip the properties into a serum, but it became unstable and exploded, and as a result, my younger sister, who was around, became an 11-year-old girl. After getting the distillate, I tried to test it on a brain with the same damage, but it was so unpredictable that I ended up melting it. But I'm not giving up yet; I know I'll find a way to cure my brother.

-End of Lynn's reading-

The diary pages ended, leaving Lynn in the unknown.

Hell, only when it's the best part.

Lynn was about to return the diary when she noticed something she hadn't seen when she picked it up. A DVD marked with the words Vlog followed by a single number.

Lynn went downstairs so she could see what was on the disc on the DVD player in the living room, but she remembered Lincoln sleeping there, so when she came downstairs, she slowly picked him up and left him sitting by the front door on the porch.

"Sorry, Link, you have to wait here." She saw one of Lincoln's books lying on the floor and put it in his hands to make it appear as if he had fallen asleep while reading.

When she left Lincoln at his place, she turned on the DVD player and put it on the disc. The video started playing, and Lisa appeared in it.

-Lisa's video-

Video number one

Since my field notes ran out of space and my tape recorder was damaged in the explosion three years ago, I've been able to keep my record on these discs.

Today I made a new discovery regarding my brother's condition.

He and my family believe that the improvement in my brother's sense of hearing, smell, and touch is due to his sojourn in the quiet forest and city environment where he lives, but in fact it was the conditions that allowed the properties of the chemical to evolve in an optimal way.

Free from the scandal of this house and this town, in touch with nature, with nothing else to do, and free from the demands of the sisters specimens, Lincoln was oblivious to the help he received from the chemical now in his veins that had developed "growth capacity." Very sharp hearing and a great sense of touch give him perfect balance and reflexes. In addition to the fact that the chemical was absorbed into his body in the early stages of puberty, it caused an increase in the production of testosterone and GH, which caused an increase in height and muscle mass, but not all of them positive.

Lisa picks up a test tube containing a large amount of white liquid.

What I have here is a core sample from my brother. I won't go into details about how I got it, but that's what worries me. After analyzing whether the traits of the functioning gene could be passed from parents to children, I discovered that these sperm do not have the minimum movement to be able to reach the egg; in other words, my brother is sterile.

Lisa gave a sad expression as she looked at the camera. "Now there are two things I have to deal with."

-end of video-

Lynn didn't understand most of Lisa's words, but she did understand the other parts. Especially the one that said Lincoln couldn't make her pregnant. At first, when she heard her, she was speechless and said her brother would never be able to conceive, but then a smile started to grow on her face, and her eyes filled with luster, followed by a shriek of joy, and she started jumping on the sofa.

"Yes, we can get along without the risk of pregnancy. Yes."

Lynn was bouncing around the room and landing on the couch in a complete trance.

"Lincoln. Ahhh. I love you."

She stopped celebrating when the distinct sound of a vanilla engine sent Lynn into gear. She quickly pulled out the DVD from the player and went up to Lisa's room. The Louds arrived and saw that Lincoln was sleeping in the doorway. Rita ran up to him.

"Oh, my God, Lincoln." Rita gently patted him on the cheeks until Lincoln woke up.

Lincoln awoke, and after a second, he quickly awoke, noticeably frightened. "Mom, Dad, girls, that's not what it looks like."

Rita crossed her arms. "Really? You obviously slept here while reading. Son, if you're tired, go to sleep; you might get sick here and get cold."

Lincoln calmed down when he heard his mother's "Outside? What?" He put his hand to his head in apparent confusion. "Did I sleep here? Was this all a dream?"

Not understanding what Lincoln was muttering to the family, Mr. Loud calmed Lincoln by putting his hands on his shoulders.

"Now, son, it must have been a nightmare to affect you like this."

"Wait, are you still dreaming?" Luna asks.

"Yes, not like you, the thing I see is more sounds and sensations, along with some memories of things I saw when I could still see." Lincoln replied.

"Dreams are mental projections; the brain receives them, not the eyes." Lisa explained

Most of the girls looked down on Lisa, even though they acted better with her. It was only because of Lincoln. They still hadn't forgiven her for the accident three years ago.

Mr. Loud wanted to cut off that tension that even Lincoln could feel.

"Well, how about if I make a delicious hot soup to get rid of that cold?"

The family welcomed Mr. Loud's idea, as it was almost dark and eating a nice soup at this time seemed so good.

Again with Lynn. She took the notes and the box containing the blood samples and put everything in its place, then reached for the key under Lisa's bed until she found the button and the compartment was locked.

Lynn was running down the stairs when her family walked in and saw her coming down very quickly.

"What are you doing, Lynn?" Lori asked, while she was a little angry.

Lynn had to quickly think of an excuse.

"Ninety-eight; ninety-nine; one hundred," he said, going up and down the stairs. "Oh, I'm done."

Luna stood in front of Lynn. "Lynn. Were you exercising while Lincoln was out?"

"Don't you realize he could have become sick?"

Lynn passed Luna as if she weren't there and went over to where Lincoln was. The girl started hugging her brother. While managing to leave the scolding behind.

After Lincoln takes a hot bath at his mother's request, his feet get cold, so he goes to Luna and Luan's room to get dressed.

The window had no curtains because of the huge growth of the tree in the back yard, both in height and in leaves, and Lana was able to build her dream tree house.

The leafy branches of the tree covered a large part of the upper floor, making it impossible to see from below. Lana's tree house was in front of the window, making it impossible for someone to hide. Unfortunately, a certain spy who was "hiding" inside the small wooden building did not know.

Cici was inside the tree house, her grate on the ground covered in military camouflage, looking through binoculars, accompanied by Molly and Christina, who were hiding behind the walls where the door of the house made it impossible for them to see anything.

"Good? Do you see anything?" Molly asked

"No, I can't see anything from where I am. The windows are too high." Cici answered, craning her neck in a vain attempt to see better inside the rooms.

"And what about the kitchen windows?" Christina asked

"Also. I don't know," she glanced into the kitchen, to which Cici replied, pointing her binoculars into the kitchen window.

"Oh, it's useless."

"Of course it's not Lincoln Loud. It just happens to be an albino." Molly said she was frustrated with waiting inside that little house for so many hours.

"But McBride called him Lincoln." Cici said, turning to see Molly.

"Maybe we misunderstood him and called him Niko." Molly is upset. "Look, he's clearly not here. Lincoln Loud is in a correctional facility and should stay there for his crimes."

"We've been here for two hours; I'm hungry, I'm cold, and this place smells like dog food and motor oil. I'm going home to take a shower and eat something." Molly came out of hiding. The height gave her the perfect angle to slightly see through the window of the white-haired boy who had entered the room in an orange robe. "Oh my God. There."

Cici and Christina got up. The windows were still a little out of sight, so they went up to the roof of the tree house, and there Cici used her binoculars to see the boy drying his hair with a towel, revealing his white hair.

"Yeah. No more doubts White hair. He lives in this house. He wears orange. I have no doubts. It's Lincoln Loud."

"Lincoln Loud is in Royal Woods."

The girls were surprised, for he, who was, according to rumors, the worst and most dangerous boy in town, has returned.

"We have to notify the police," Christina said, but she was arrested for a few words Cici said.

"Oh, daddy," said the girl in the green jacket, a drop of her saliva slipping from the corner of her mouth.

"And what happens to you?" Molly asked with her, Grab Cici's binoculars and look at it. Like Cici, an abundant amount of saliva was dripping from Molly's mouth, as if she were looking at the most delicious food in the world.

"This must be a joke. But what a man!" Molly said she was leaning forward to take a closer look.

Christina took out the binoculars from Molly to see what they were mumbling about.

"Hey, I haven't finished watching yet." Molly said defectively.

"I need to see it." Christina took the binoculars, and what she saw left her overwhelmed.

Lincoln was in Luna and Luan's room and had removed the top of his robe, which was still tied at his waist, to reveal his torso, scars, and tattoos. The boy used deodorant and a hair comb that covered his eyes.

Christina saw that boy, and her heart started beating so fast that she felt like it was going to pop out of her chest.

"It can't. It's...it...it's gorgeous."

"Let me see more," said Molly.

"Impossible. These are my binoculars," Cici said.

"I'm the leader, and I decide when you can watch." Christina said, moving the binoculars out of the reach of her friends.

The girls grab the binoculars from each other so they can take a longer look at the boy whose alleged criminal history they've forgotten.

Finally, after nearly falling off the roof of the treehouse, the three manage to make space to see through binoculars. It was small, but the crystal's good scope gave them a fairly clear view of the boy.

Lincoln took his hands to the robe's strap, untied it, and let it fall to the ground, revealing himself in all his glory. Well-shaped legs, strong muscles, and a butt that any female would want to squeeze were what the scene provided for that creature, but there was something else to bring to the show.

A moment of silence ensued between the friends, and a few drops of blood stained the roof of the wooden house. Christina, Cici, and Molly's noses bled as if they had been injured seeing the boy's front. A huge penis, bigger than the one they had ever seen in any sexy magazine or video, was what was hiding behind that boy.

The girls were so absorbed in that male part, without realizing it, they put all their weight towards the edge of the roof and fell off it. Fortunately, an ice bank formed in the last few hours and saved their lives. At least physically.

Lana, who was, like every year, in the backyard setting up a reindeer trap for Santa, saw the three tree girls.

"Hey, who are you, and what were you doing in my tree house?" Lana asked, and she looked upset and confused by the situation.

"Run!" Christina said after getting up. She and her friends ran faster than the wind.

"That was weird," said Lana, returning to her trap.

The girls run to Christina's house and lock themselves in her room. They were almost out of air from running so much and not having enough time to cool themselves down after the fall.

"What the hell just happened?" Cici asked.

"I think we saw a Lincoln Loud naked." Molly, still doubting what she saw, replied.

Christina threw herself onto her bed, looking up at the ceiling. "It was him. Seriously, it was him.

Silence engulfed the room, which was interrupted by a deafening shriek from the three.

"But what a piece of man!" Molly shouted as she covered her cheeks.

"He didn't waste time on that reformatory. Oh my God, did you see that body? I could wash my clothes in that belly." Cici said, rubbing her hands with a perverted face.

"But we still hand him over to the police, right?" Christina said as she hugged a large teddy bear and covered the lower half of her face with it to hide the blush.

The girls looked at each other and then at Christina.

"Ah, yes, of course," they both said in unison with a note of doubt.

"good." Christina got out of bed and headed to her bathroom, locking herself there. The girl sat on the floor, leaning against the door. "I don't care how good you got, Loud. I'll hand you over to justice," said the girl, hugging her knees.

-back to Loud's house-

Lincoln dressed. He was wearing black jeans and a red hoodie over a gray camouflage T-shirt.

The boy was leaving the room he was sharing with Luna and Luan when he heard someone calling out to him; it was Leni. The boy was still ashamed, for he had not forgotten the first contact he had with his sister on the day he returned. He could still feel his sister's soft breasts pressing against his chest, but he controlled himself and, in a calm tone, answered.

"What's up, Leni?"

Leni turned the truck keys with her finger. "I got my driver's license a year ago, but I can't drive unless someone accompanies me. I'm going to the mall, and I need you to help me carry the bags in Vanzilla. Are you with me?"

"Sure," Lincoln replied.

Leni had put on her winter clothes, which were similar to the clothes she had worn when she was sixteen, but this highlighted her sensual figure even more.

They both went to the garage to pick up the van and headed to the mall. The day passed quietly, and they bought new clothes for themselves and some for their families. Money was no problem because, thanks to Leni's work in the clothes shop near the university, she had enough money that they even gave her a credit card of her own.

Leni was so excited that, after three years, she was finally able to spend time with her little brother again. Despite the fact that the boy was blind, with the help of Leni and his trusty cane and acute senses, he could easily move around the building. Three years later, Royal Woods' huge economic bubble had expanded to the point of having its own cinema and amusement park.

After they finished shopping, they headed to the food court, where they both ordered large coffees.

In the same area were Leni's friends. Fiona, Mandy, Miguel, and Jackie The group of three girls and a boy saw how their friend sat at the same table with a boy they didn't know.

"My dear, is that Leni?" Fiona asked.

"Heh, yes, it is, but who is the boy with her?" Mandy asked.

"I don't know. But yeah, he's very tasty," Jackie said, looking up with desire.

"Yes, it is," answered Miguel with the same look. The boy realized what he said and quickly corrected himself.

"I mean. He might be her boyfriend." He said this as he took a sip of the soda and looked away.

After finishing their coffee, Leni and Lincoln left the mall, pushing a cart full of bags of clothes.

"Thank you for joining me, Linky. You'll look so elegant in your new clothes." Leni said it excitedly.

"You have to describe to me how elegant I look." Lincoln said playfully.

"Sorry... I still can't get used to the fact that you... well, you know." Leni was embarrassed by her comment.

"Don't worry, Leni. You haven't seen me in three years, and it's still a new concept for you and our whole family." Lincoln answered, giving Leni a warm smile.

"Thank you, Linky." Leni said as she hugged her brother.

Finally, both of them were about to get into the family van, but it wasn't there.

"Oh no, the vanzilla is invisible." Leni said as she was scared.

"What?" Lincoln asked, using his cane to feel the empty parking space. "Are you sure you stopped her here, Leni?"

"Yeah, I'm sure it was the blue space with a drawing of a seated man." The confused girl answered.

Lincoln fell silent when recounting what had happened. "Leni, you parked in a handicap lot. You can't do that."

"But you are disabled," Leni said.

"This is only for those who drive. Not for passengers. Plus, the card has to be hanging from the mirror or they'll pull it off."

"Oh no, I didn't know. Now what are we going to do?" Leni asked, worried because it was almost night and the mall was far from their house.

"Well, we only have one choice left. Walk home." Lincoln said.

"But we carry a lot of stuff." Leni replied, frustrated.

"Don't worry, luckily we bought this." Remembering that among the many things they bought, Lincoln asked Leni to go to a camp store. When he was eleven, he didn't like the idea of going camping, but when he moved with his grandfather to Canada, he did. In particular to a specific place called Glacier Lake. A place of tranquility, with the scent of trees and frozen water filling the air. Remembering this made the white-haired boy feel nostalgic.

Lincoln took out the duffel bag containing the large camping backpack, and with Leni's help, they arranged the clothes and accessories they had bought. Once they were done, Lincoln slung the backpack over his shoulders and set off for the house.

On the way, Leni and Lincoln talk about how to explain to their parents where Vanzella is. Night had almost already fallen; twilight gave a few faint rays of light, and the street lamps began to go out.

The Loud Siblings had taken a shortcut through part of the garden that had been reconfigured, so no one was passing by. However, even though Royal Woods had become a near-perfect place where culture, economy, and new technologies crowned it as the city of the future, crime was still present, which is a huge bump in the way the city is developing.

In the garden, three of the men of about forty see potential prey: a pretty blonde girl like Leni and a poor blind boy like Lincoln, the latter betraying his condition with the cane he used to guide himself. Soon, the three men greeted them under the bridge.

"Hey. What are you doing here at this hour?" asked one of the men, a tall man with an '80s Mueller hairstyle, Alenia jeans, and a brown trench coat that looked as if it had never been washed before.

"Right Bill. Especially a pretty girl like you," said a man with bad hair and gold teeth, who was wearing green slacks equally worn and a gray shirt equally soiled with alcohol and stains from what looked like he had vomited.

Suddenly, a large, fat, hairless man approached the two men. The man was wearing only dark red long pants and a gray sleeveless shirt. It seemed that his accumulated fat had made him immune to the cold. Upon seeing Leni, he began to drool and showed a huge, terrifying grin, revealing his yellow teeth, leftover food, and brown gums.

"Bill, Cletus, grab the boy," the giant commanded, and his comrades obeyed and seized Lincoln by one arm each. Leni wanted to help him, but the big man was holding her in her arms, his breathing heavy because of his obesity. Leni could smell the stink of beer and cigarette breath mixed with bad breath and days of sweat. The man definitely didn't care about his hygiene.

The giant began to lick Leni's cheek and then took his hands to her shirt and, with a single jerk, tore off her clothes, leaving her bare torso exposed to her breasts.

"Mm, what a treat." The man said this while licking and suckling on Leni's breasts like he was a baby.

"No. Please. No. Enough." Leni cried. The girl could feel those dirty teeth combing her tits and his sticky tongue filling her breasts with sticky saline.

The fat man broke away from Leni and unzipped it, letting Leni see his dick. It was the most disgusting thing she had ever seen in her life. The stench of rotten fish and sweat escaped from that pockmarked penis of venereal infection.

'It's sticky but delicious, sweetie,' said the man, who slowly ran his hand into Leni's pants.

Lincoln heard his sister beg this abominable man not to put that awful thing in her, while Bell whispered into Lincoln's ear.

"When the boss is done with your sister, we'll have fun."

Hearing those words, Lincoln felt anger growing inside of him.

"Here it is," said the fat man in a sarcastic tone, bringing his cock closer to Leni's vagina, which tore her pants in her intimate area.

The sound of pain broke the tranquility of that part of the park, and an abundant amount of blood stained the snow and cobblestones. The fat man raised his hand to the left side of his face, which was oozing blood.

"DAMN." He let out a shriek of pain as he removed his hand, revealing a wound that covered his forehead, passed through his eye, and ended on his chin.

Lincoln freed himself from his captors, who were on the ground, Bill holding his stomach and Cletus his face, as a result of the kick and knee they received from the albino boy. The boss slowly opened his eye until a piece of his eye, cut off, fell out of the socket.

Lincoln was holding his cane, which was stained with blood, and quickly approached Leni, standing in front of her. "Stay behind me," Lincoln said, getting into a fighting stance.

"Kill that blind shit," said the giant, pulling up his pants.

Bill and Cletus launch themselves against the boy, who returns with a kick in Cletus' face, who has already taken one of Lincoln's blows and ends up breaking his nose. Cletus writhes in pain as Bill pulls out a knife, ready to kill Lincoln. The blind boy used his cane to defend himself. It looked like a duel until Lincoln cut his hand, but he responded with another powerful attack with his cane on Bill's chest.

Blood gushed out of him as the force of the whip broke his raincoat and shirt, as well as much of the skin and flesh of his chest, partially exposing Bill's rib cage.

"Ahhhh. Fuck you, brat." Bell cried as he felt a burning pain in his exposed body.

Cletus joins in and hangs Lincoln from behind in a bear hug when Bill approaches with his knife, but Lincoln raises his legs and kicks Bill into a gash in his chest, causing Bill to kneel in pain. He then releases himself from Cletus' grasp and uses his cane to slap Cletus' thighs, causing profuse bleeding and forcing The man had to stoop to stabilize his injured legs, and Lincoln took the opportunity to give him another kick to Cletus' nose and then another and final kick in the same spot, mutilating his nose and knocking out eight of his gold teeth in the process, which Cletus could not take and passed out in pain.

But Lincoln forgot Bill, who again shot himself at Lincoln, brandishing his knife, causing a gash in the boy's stomach and then another, only this time through his jacket. Lincoln took the opportunity to grab Bell by the arm and, in a swift motion, snapped it to finish with a hook to the jaw and a spinning right kick that ruined his eye.

Lincoln was tired, but there was still one last opponent to go.

The boss grabbed Lincoln by the neck and choked him. Lincoln punched and kicked his arm and stomach, but his huge reserves of fat softened his blows. Lincoln felt his fists tighten and slowly began to lose consciousness. Before losing consciousness, he heard Leni cry, giving him the strength to breathe his last.

He caught his cane, and in one fell swoop, a piece fell from the fat man's arm like a piece of beef succumbed to the butcher's axe, leaving his shoulder bone and spleen exposed, and the pain compelled the man to release Lincoln, who had removed the edge of his face. and whose dull eyes indicated an unprecedented fury.

"Nobody touches my Leni." Lincoln lunged at the giant with a series of blows with his cane, which covered the man, but he tore the flesh to the bone and tore off the lumps. Lincoln also kicked and punched parts where fat did not accumulate, such as the knees, face, and skull, causing fractures.

The man tried to escape punishment from the demon boy who had already terrorized him, but Lincoln attacked the tendons in his knees and feet with his deadly staff, severing them and dropping the man to the ground.

Hearing how that person's weight hit the ground, the boy stopped attacking.

Cletus and Bell, who had just recovered, saw their boss fall, quickly ran towards him, and with great effort helped the big man up and thus managed to get away from that white demon.

Lincoln was breathing hard; his stomach was bleeding from the wound Bill had made, and he felt dizzy from the lack of air being suffocated by their boss, but it didn't matter to him; he ran to where Leni was crying. The girl covered her breasts with her arms and pressed her legs to hide her exposed lower part due to the ripping of her pants.

Lincoln touched Leni's head, which shook when she felt it. She started screaming and slapping the air, but then calmed down when she saw her brother.

"Are you okay, Leni?" Lincoln asked.

Leni pounced on the boy, hugging his chest, and started crying, "I was so scared. He was going to..." Leni couldn't finish her sentence when she started to cry again.

"He didn't do it, right?" Lincoln asked, worried.

"No, you saved me just in time." Leni said, her voice broken by tears.

Lincoln knelt beside his sister. The boy felt Leni's breasts crushing against his chest, but this time he didn't feel ashamed or uncomfortable; moreover, he didn't care; he only cared about comforting his sister and making her feel safe.

Suddenly Lincoln felt that Leni was shivering, but not from fear but from the cold of a winter's night.

"Leni, put on some of the clothes we bought." Lincoln said, reaching for the backpack.

Leni took off her ripped pants and put on one of the ones they had bought and a new shirt. But remembering that they had not bought anything warm, Lincoln, who already knew that, took off his jacket and gave it to Leni.

"Here, put it on." Lincoln said, giving her the jacket.

"But Lincoln, you'll get sick." Leni replied, worried about her brother.

"I don't mind," Lincoln replied.

Leni took the jacket and put it on, and suddenly she smelled it. It was a strange but pleasant perfume, smelling of pine and oak, and that was the deodorant Lincoln used. The fragrance of the deodorant combined with the boy's body odor, which was not as unpleasant as that man's but softer and sweeter.

The warmth and smell of that jacket made her forget the terrible moment that had happened and made her feel safe.

"Hmm. It smells like little bunnies." She smelled her brother's dress, Leni said.

"Seriously? Pop Pop told me that deodorant was forest perfume." Lincoln was ignoring what Leni really meant.

The siblings grabbed the backpack and headed home as fast as they could, unaware that a mysterious figure had been watching them the entire time.

Lincoln was trembling when they finally got to his house, and everyone saw that Leni was dressed differently than the one she had been wearing when she left, plus Lincoln's jacket, and the latter was wearing only his camouflage short-sleeved shirt in the middle of the night in the middle of winter, plus bleeding from his hand and stomach. This raised many questions that Lincoln set out to answer after his sisters treated his wounds with Lisa's help.

Lincoln told them the unpleasant story, with Leni helping with the details while ignoring some of the things it's batter not to remember. When Rita was getting angrier, she sent her little girls to their rooms. The rest of the family felt as angry as Lincoln was. Hearing what those animals wanted to do to Leni, but that was replaced by rage and pride knowing that Lincoln had not only risked his life to save her from what could have been the worst experience of her life, but that he had achieved his goal, beating up Leni's abusers and also omitting the bad parts.

"My little hero," said Rita, hugging her son.

"I didn't know you knew martial arts, Link." Lynn said fondly:

"I can't believe it; it's amazing that we have such animals in our city. Let's go to the police station now to report these bastards." said Mr. Loud, banging his fist on the table.

-in the late hours of the night-

It was one o'clock in the morning, and everyone was resting from the day they had had, especially Leni, who, after her parents had taken her to the police headquarters to denounce those who would attack her, had gone to her room to rest, and she did not even want to eat supper. The twenty-year-old awakened from a nightmare in which she was assaulted by the three men in the park, rose in a sweat, and nearly cried when she saw the jacket that Lincoln had lent her on a chair where she was sitting. Because of all the hustle and bustle of the night, she had forgotten to give it back to Lincoln.

The night was cold, and the nightgown she was wearing didn't keep her warm enough. Leni took her jacket and put it on. The moment the cloth touched her skin, a sense of security returned to Leni-a peace and quiet she had never experienced before. It wrapped her up and returned with her to the dream.

Leni went to bed again, sheltered from that sweet-smelling tunic her brother carried. She didn't know why, but that garment made her feel so warm and safe. She fell asleep slowly, and that night she dreamed that she and her brother were walking together on a golden road to a castle filled with the most elegant clothes she had ever seen.


While on the outskirts of town, in an old ruined workshop, the three attackers tend to the wounds inflicted by the white-haired man as best they can.

"Ahhhh, My nose, you blind bastard." Cletus was in front of a mirror, straightening his nose, which was crooked from Lincoln's many kicks and blows that practically hit him.

"This bastard-I will kill him when I find him." Bell said as he finished putting gauze on his chest to cover the wound, which was kind of hard for him because his rounded arm made it hard for him to do that.

While in the other room, he heard painful screams. It was the boss who was lying in bed with bandages all over his body. The man looked like a mummy, and on his shoulder was a large amount of cotton as well as bloody gauze where there was a piece of flesh that Lincoln cut from his body.

"I'll find him, and I'll make him pay for this. But first I'll go back to that girl and her mother and whatever sisters that bitch has, and then I'll kill them." The fat man rode very carefully so as not to open his wounds further on an old motorized cart, which he sometimes used to carry himself around his 'house' when his legs could not bear the weight of his enormous body.

The criminals drink vodka directly to relieve the pain of their injuries.

A blizzard had broken out outside. The wind seemed to rip the steel sheets of the roof and shake the old workshop to its foundations when suddenly the door opened, but it was not because of the wind.

The criminals turned to look at the door, and there they saw a boy who appeared to be about Lincoln's age, with waist-length black hair and a pale complexion. He wore a cloak that wrapped him from his neck to his feet, part of which formed a covering.

The criminals looked confused when the mysterious boy decided to speak.

"You dared to harm my God. And for that, you will pay the price."

The boy entered the old workshop and shut the door behind him, and the last thing that could be heard in that desolate part of town were the shrieks of terror and agony of the three men lost in the storm wind.

The next morning, the Louds enjoyed another delicious breakfast consisting of a feast of hot scones prepared by Lincoln, only this time the albino was surrounded by his sisters Luna, Lynn, and Lucy. "Hey girls, I don't think it's necessary." His three sisters helped him eat The Rock, who cut up the fluffy breakfast to put in Lincoln's mouth. Lucy wiped the drink from the corner of his lips with a napkin, and Lynn brought him a latte bought in the cafeteria, where Clyde had previously invited him. The athlete placed it near Lincoln's mouth for him to drink.

"Of course it is," Luna said, feeding him another piece of pie.

"Your brave spirit shone before the shadow of Cernia over our sister's purity." Lucy said, sitting on Lincoln's lap and wiping his syrup-stained bottom lip.

"You also have to eat well, because we are going to do a little karate like when we were kids, because if you are able to kick these guys butts, that means you can fight at a hundred percent level." Lynn said this as she was bringing the cup closer to Lincoln so he could drink his coffee.

Lynn feels a blow to the head; it was Lori who hit her with a folded magazine.

"Don't do too much trouble for our little hero," said Rita, pressing Lincoln's cheeks.

Meanwhile, in Lori and Leni's room, the seamstress was lying on her back. That day, Lori, Lola, and Lily promised to spend the day with her and encouraged her to forget the traumatic event she had to go through the previous night, saying that if it weren't for her little brother, it would have been the worst experience any girl could go through.

Leni had eaten her pancakes in bed with a side of crispy bacon and a cup of coffee. The tray was put away as soon as Leni finished eating. The girl was wearing a bathrobe and a towel on her head. After a relaxing bath, she put on a mask while her sisters painted their nails.

Leni stared at the ceiling, remembering the moment of the attack. More specifically, when Lincoln fell between her and these men, even with his useless eyes and their overwhelming numbers, he was willing to protect her with his life.

At that moment, a specific part of the memory recalled five words said by the albino that resounded at that moment like thunder in the middle of the desert.

[⚡No one touches my Leni⚡.]

The girl repeated that memory in her head like an endless cycle of "My Leni."

"My Leni. Does he consider me his?"

Leni pulled out her cell phone and looked through her gallery for a picture of Lincoln when he was eleven. Memories of Lincoln helping her and always being by her side came into her head, and her little brother was always a very helpful person, even if he helped her sisters many times just for the sake of self-interest. She wasn't exempt from this situation either. Even when he had free time, he helped them, and the volunteer spirit that poured out of him the last three years confirmed it. Had it not been for the fact that they decided to help each other, they might not have come one step closer to achieving their dreams, but it was not as easy as when her little brother helped them. By comparison, you could say they had to work twice as hard.

Once again, those words echoed in her head. "My Leni."

"I'm his Leni," the girl said to herself, squeezing her cell phone with Lincoln's portrait even more firmly across her chest.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Lincoln was sitting on the couch reading from his latest book with Luna, Lynn, and Lucy. The latter paid attention because it was about the heart; one of her favorites is titled The Black Cat. Lynn fell asleep before completing the first page, while Luna preferred to watch the news on a low note so that Lincoln would not be disturbed when a last-minute report caught the rocker's attention.

This is Katherine Mulligan reporting from the outskirts of town, where a group of teens discover a scene that can only be compared to a gory horror movie last night. I'm here at Edward's Old Car 24 Hour Shop, where a group of young men arriving in Royal Woods in the middle of the night stopped at this place to inquire for directions. They never expected to find a scene that, in their own words, was more than terrifying. I'm with the director of the investigation, Officer Gordon O'Shaughnessy.

Thank you, Catherine. We have confirmed that there are three victims, including garage owner Edward Doyle and two of his acquaintances. Cletus McAfee and William Valuer, age forty-four and forty-three years in a row

Leni went down to get some water as pictures of the victims, which Leni was able to recognize, were shown on the TV screen, falling on her back, which alerted the family.

"Leni, what's wrong with you?" Lori asked.

"It's them," Leni said in a broken voice. "The ones who tried to attack me last night."

The Louds heard this and gathered to watch the news; even Lincoln, though he could not see, could hear what the report said.

"What can you tell us about this brutal crime?"

"Officially, the press knows as much as we do. But I'll tell you something. Somebody doesn't want them."

"Can this be explained?"

"I think it would be better if I showed you."

"Attention viewers, the scenes below are very brutal and can offend the sensibilities of some. If you have a problem with this or you have children, we recommend that you change the channel."

Katherine and the officer entered the workshop, and the forensic team recovered the bodies hours earlier. In this, the ceiling and various implements or chains were covered in blood, and bits of flesh and leather hung from the hooks and chains. The scene was so brutal that the team of reporters and officers had to don special suits to avoid being stained by drops from the ceiling and bits of flesh still stuck there.

"We found Messrs. McAfee and Fleur were fastened to the ceiling with metal rods and restrained on their belly sides by a chain, but Mr. Edward was worse off. He was hung upside down, open along his empty belly just like butchered beef, and the worst thing was that the Highwayman revealed that in the course of doing so, they were still alive."

The transmission was interrupted for a moment as the cameraman vomited upon hearing the officer's graphic narration. Once he recovered, they resumed the interview.

"Have you found any justification for this brutality?" Katherine asked.

"We have reason to believe it was for revenge."

"What makes you think that?"

As you can see, Katherine, in Mr. Edward's closet, we found a secret room full of pictures of girls between the ages of fifteen and twenty. In all the pictures, the girls were naked, and in others, they were depicted in a state of rape, and next to the pictures were underwears, perhaps of the victims. Mr. Edward was a serial rapist, and then we can relate it to the cases of attacks on girls in recent years. These attacks became less frequent after the expansion and lighting of the city."

"I think this was twisted revenge."

"Everything seems to point to it. But that's what leaves us baffled."

The officer pointed at the wall with a message written in blood: "They do not deserve my God. I am his sword, and my hand is his justice."

We believe that this was not revenge but rather a kind of ritual performed by some sick sect.

Katherine stares into the camera. "Here's you, ladies and gentlemen. Private justice? Or a human massacre of torture and sadism? Katherine Mulligan spoke to you."

The report ends, and the Loud family is left in a state of shock.

Leni did not dare to watch TV for fear of seeing the faces of her attackers again. The rest of the family had mixed feelings; on one hand, they felt that justice had been done, and on the other hand, they dreaded learning that instead of a rapist on the loose in town, there was now a murderous psychopath.

In the afternoon, Lincoln was out on the lawn again, this time with his sister, Lynn. That day, there were more police since they took heed of Mr. Loud's complaint, and after seeing the morning news, the security in the city was fortified.

"Come on, Lincoln, just fifteen more laps in the park." She was wearing a red tracksuit, Lynn said as she ran without moving forward so as not to lose pace.

"Wait. It's hard to run if you can't see." Lincoln responded by wearing Lynn's uniform, which was only orange.

He was a little further out, so he had to be careful not to bump into anyone; the echolocation, as he called it, didn't work in places he didn't know, at least fifty percent less if it was a crowded place like a park. In places like this, he had his trusty cane, but in the heat of the race, he couldn't hit pedestrians with his cane to avoid running into them.

Fifteen laps later, Lynn and Lincoln sat on a bench far enough away to be at peace but not far enough to have nowhere to go for help if something should happen.

Fresh snow and icy wind cooled the air and soothed their bodies after strenuous exercise.

"Oh, it was good." Lincoln said, drinking water from his bottle.

Lynn finished taking her last sip from her already empty water bottle and stared at Lincoln. Do you know something, Link? I'm glad to have my workout partner again.

"Really?." Lincoln asked, putting the bottle in his pack.

"Yes." Lynn answered and approached Lincoln. "I really missed you." She came closer, keeping her eyes on her brother's thighs. "And now that you're back with me, I can be myself with you." Lynn's hand moved closer to Lincoln's pants. Her heart was beating so fast, her breathing was turbulent, her face was red, her mouth was drooling, and her tongue licked her lips greedily as she tried again to eat the delicious meat that was hidden in Those pants. "And no one can stop me." The moisture in her crotch was like a waterfall soaking her pants, gushing from her swollen and pulsating vaginal lips, eager to receive Lincoln's dick.

Suddenly, the march toward Lynn's pleasure came to a halt when a water bottle hit her face. It was the bottle of Lincoln he gave her with a quiet smile on his face. Lynn froze as she removed the container from her face.

"You looked very restless, and your heart was beating really fast. So I thought you were really thirsty," said Lincoln, smiling broadly and innocently with his eyes closed.

"You... do you hear that?" Lynn asked puzzledly and shyly.

Lincoln smiled and replied. "Didn't you hear anything I said to Lucy the day I came back? My sense of hearing is sharper." He said this while tapping his ear three times with his right index finger.

Lynn snatches the water bottle and returns to her seat, her face redder than her clothes, as she comes to her senses about what she was about to do in a public place.

Lynn got up from her seat and stretched out. "Are you ready to go home?" she asked.

"Actually, I would like to practice some punches." The white-haired man replied.

"Wonderful. I will help you." Lynn was so excited that she forgot the embarrassing moment that had just occurred, but her moment of activity was interrupted by the growling in her stomach. "Heh heh. I'll go get a hot dog, and then I'll show you some real bangs. Lincoln's stomach growled too."

"Can you bring me one?" Lincoln asked slightly shyly.

"Sure...erm..ahem..." Lynn cleared her throat and reached out to move her fingers up and down in submission.

Lincoln sighed. He didn't need his eyesight to know that his sister hadn't gone out for hot dogs yet. "Yes, I understand." The boy looked into his bag and pulled out some bills that had Braille printed on the numbers.

Lynn ran to the nearest hot dog vendor while Lincoln moved up a bit and started kicking and punching the air. The heat came again, so Lincoln took off his jacket and shirt and left him bare-chested. His feet and palms caused gusts of wind with each stroke that moved the leaves of the nearby bushes and trees like a breeze, and at last he lay on his back in the snow, ready to take back some energy when Lynn returned. When he suddenly felt a breath in front of his face, the boy thought it was his sister, but a male voice pulled him out of his delusion.

"Who are you?" Lincoln said as he got into a fighting stance.

The mysterious stranger stood still and quiet. It was a boy of Asian descent; his waist-length hair hid one eye, and he was wearing a tight-fitting white long-sleeved shirt that showed off musculature just like Lincoln's. He was also wearing black slacks and dress shoes.

The boy laughed sweetly and replied. "You don't remember me? Two years ago in the MMA rookie finals. I'm Kurohana Hideki."

Lincoln knew that name and that sound. A soft, slightly effeminate voice but with a dreadful tone, "You!" Lincoln was about to attack, but the boy approached, leaning his face forward and stroking his chest.

"Hmm. Your muscles have grown a lot since the last time I saw you."

Lincoln violently pushed the boy away from him. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see you again. Remember Alexa, Jean-Paul, and Edenshaw?"

Lincoln remembered these three that his grandfather had brought together and helped him overcome his disability and teach him the skills that prepared him to face life and people. "What is their relationship to you?" Lincoln asked, already ready to respond with violence to any answer that bothered him.

Hideki smiled broadly with a sarcastic tone and said, "Well, I killed them."

Hearing him say that, Lincoln clenches his fists. "You're lying."

"You don't know the pleasure I have when I take the lives of these three. Although I haven't found the other one yet."

"Don't you dare touch my grandfather." Lincoln shouted so loudly that the snow that had piled on the trees fell.

"Oh, darling Lincoln. I didn't mean your grandfather; I meant the other one. Your fourth teacher And just in case you don't believe me," Hideki laughed again. The boy walked over to a suitcase and pulled out three packages, which he threw at Lincoln's feet. They smelled of blood and flesh.

Lincoln gently touched the blocks, then backed away in horror. They were the severed heads of Jean-Paul, Alexa, and Edenshaw.

Lincoln exploded into a rage and launched himself into attacking his teacher's killer, but the boy leapt to a tree branch and said, "Don't get impatient, my dear. Wait a month, then you can unleash that pent-up rage on me. Well, just thinking about it makes my body turn on. Our bodies are held together by an insatiable death desire.

Lincoln could no longer listen to this lunatic's babbling: "Listen to me carefully, you damned degenerate; I'm going to find you and break you to pieces!"

Lincoln shouted out with all his indignation, waiting for an answer but hearing nothing. He remained silent and indulged, trying to sense the madman's presence, but there was nothing. He's no longer there; the same thing happened with the heads of the three people he killed.

The white-haired boy was so angry that he stopped forcefully on the bench where he had been sitting with his sister and tore it off the ground on which it had been stretched.

Once he had calmed down, a doubt arose in Lincoln's mind. "What did he mean by waiting a month?"

He decided not to give the madman's words more importance than they deserved.

Then get ready to leave the park. He briskly walked over to the food stall where Lynn was. It wasn't hard to find; he just had to track down the smell of spicy hot dogs and deodorant. Lincoln was sometimes cursed to have that hound nose because it was sharper and could perceive smells imperceptible to humans, let alone those that were particularly unpleasant, but he has to admit that he found that very helpful when it came to cooking. He found Lynn, which was in front of people walking dogs and a flock of geese flying low on their way south. The girl was in front of the food stand with a tray of two hot dogs, one with extra chili and the other with mustard and cheese, and two soft drinks while she was texting on her cell phone when she saw Lincoln arrive.

"Hey bro. Calm down. I was going to go back there." Lynn said when she saw her brother arrive.

"Come on, Lynn." Lincoln said, taking his sister by the arm, to which Lynn responded by moving away from his grasp.

"What is your problem now?" she asked the athlete.

"I just want to go home; it's already getting cold." Lincoln responded by concealing the real, troubling reason for wanting to leave.

At that moment, Lynn's mobile phone rang with an incoming message.

"You're right. We should be back. I have an important event tomorrow, and I better rest."

Lynn and Lincoln come home while eating hot dogs. What they don't know is that someone else has been spying on them. No, it wasn't Hideki; it was Cici, who had been spying on the white-haired boy from afar with binoculars on Christina's orders since he left his house until he reached the garden, except for the moments when Lynn wanted to touch Lincoln. And the unpleasant moment between Lincoln and Hideki. Well, since it was so far away and hidden, she had to keep warm with the seven cups of triple espresso she had drunk, the effect of which was that she lost a good part of the watch to go to the bathroom, and suddenly Cici's mobile phone started ringing.

Cici: What's up, Christina?

Christina: Cici, how's the investigation going? You didn't lose sight of him, did you?

Cici: No, I didn't unfollow him.

She decided not to mention the time she spent in the bathroom.

Christina: Did you notice anything fishy about him?

Cici: No, he hasn't done anything wrong yet.

Christina: Be careful not to be found out.

Cici: Yes, I'll be careful.

Christina: What is he doing now?

Cici: He's coming from the park with his sister.

Christina: Well, follow them and watch them; we're afraid we'll have to gather enough evidence for the police to catch him.

Cici: I know Kristi. I will do that.

Christina: Oh, and Cici, I know it can be annoying to have to tell you that over and over again, but seriously, be very careful. Remember, we are dealing with a dangerous criminal.

Cici: I know Christina; I'll get him, and I have the police number on speed dial if I have an emergency.

Christina: All right, Agent Cici, keep watching.

Cici: Yes, changed and out.

Cici hung up and continued observing the blind boy.

The girl moved with a subtle cat-like speed, but there was something that caught Cici's attention, and it was the fact that Lincoln and his sister were walking hand in hand.

Cici followed them until they came a few blocks before their house, and the girl quickly climbed a tree to avoid being seen. Lincoln turned several times when he felt and heard someone following them, which was not unusual since they were on a public road, but after his unpleasant encounter with Hideki, he was more alert.

Cici pulled out her cell phone and took no-flash photos of the boy for her investigation.

"Hehehe, I'm so close to him, and he doesn't realize it. Silent as a shadow, agile as a cat, and unparalleled courage. This is Agent Cici." The girl hailed herself as if she were narrating the introduction to a series of supernatural spies, while now she was filming Lincoln from the branch of the tree where she was hiding when suddenly a squirrel that didn't want to sleep entered his slumber. Mid-launch photography

"Hey, long fluffy-tailed mouse." Cici tried to whack it away, but the squirrel escaped from Cici's hand, which began to sway from the misalignment caused by that motion and quickly made itself up by holding on to the branch she was sitting on with one hand. Suddenly, the squirrel spit an acorn in her face, causing her to lose her balance again. This time she fell, but the girl managed to catch the branch with one hanging hand. "Like I said, no squirrel can stand up to the Super Agent." The dark-haired girl's monologue was interrupted by the sound of something breaking. It was the bough she was hanging from that could not bear her weight and ended up breaking in two and making Cici fall. It was four meters from the fall until she was covered in snow, "silent as a shadow, graceful as a cat, and brave. Like.... Super Agent Cici hates squirrels." Lying on the snowy ground, Sissy could see the squirrel standing on what was left of the branch, pointing at her and mocking her, when suddenly an older squirrel approached the younger one. The latter received a series of shrieks that could be interpreted as a scolding before the older squirrel grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to a hole in the tree.

"I heard it here, Lynn." A male voice approached the lying girl. Cici was so dizzy from the fall. that she didn't notice. Suddenly she saw that boy's face, with his long white hair covering his eyes. Cici was paralyzed by her proximity to the alleged criminal Lincoln Loud, and the worst thing was that he discovered her. The girl tried to get up or escape, but the pain in her ankle made her fall again, as she saw her ankle seem to swell. It seemed that the fall was worse than she thought, causing a sprain in her foot.

"What is it, Lincoln?" Lynn went to see the cause of that sound and saw a girl lying on the ground. "Girl, you should be more careful when you watch the birds."

Cici was at a loss as to what the girl in red had told her, but seeing that the binoculars were next to her, she quickly put them away.

"Birds? But at this time, there are no birds here." Lincoln said.

Lynn notices a swelling on the girl's ankle. "Dear friend, that sprain is bad."

Lincoln started to touch Cici's ankle. The girl tried to get away, but the pain wouldn't let her. Lincoln put his hands under her waist, followed by the sound of a zipper opening. "Don't worry. It won't hurt."

Cici's eyes shrank with fear. 'Oh no, this bastard is going to rape me,' thought the girl. She tried to escape by crawling, but Lincoln grabbed her by the calf tightly.

"Don't be so afraid. I'll be careful." Lincoln tried to immobilize the girl. "Ugh, that's impossible. Lynn will help me hold her." Lynn obeys and takes her by the shoulders, immobilizing her.

"No. Please, I'm not ready yet. I don't want my first time to be like this." Cici closed her eyes and screamed, leaving Lincoln and Lynn confused.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Lynn asked, puzzled.

Cici opened her eyes and saw Lincoln with a tube of ointment and a roll of bandages in his hands.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Lincoln said. He poured some ointment on his hand and smeared it on Cici's ankle. The ointment was cold and smelled of mint, and at last he bandaged Cici's ankle.

"Cool, Do you see? It wasn't that bad," Lincoln said with a good smile. "Good girl. Take this biscuit." He pulls out one of those biscuits he used to give his younger sisters. "take it. I baked them myself."

Cici was a little hesitant to take the biscuit. She slowly reached out and took the biscuit.

Once Lynn released her, Cici tried to get up, but the pain in her ankle made her fall over.

She quickly grabbed hold of the first thing that came close to her, which was Lincoln, and looked at the boy because he was helping her, not noticing that he was taller than boys who must be his age. He should be similar in height to her father. Plus, she can feel his steadiness and his chest through his orange tracksuit. She quickly broke away from Lincoln with a noticeable blush on her face. Even more than the ones she had when she thought he was going to rape her.

"Thank you... Thank you for your help, but I have to go now." She tried again to walk, but her ankle prevented her; luckily, this time she was caught by Lynn.

"Hey girl, you better take it easy, or at this rate you'll end up like a mummy." The athlete said she was lending her shoulder to lean on.

Lincoln put his hand on his chin in a measured gesture, then walked toward the tree where Cici fell, his palm caressing the trunk until he found a thick branch sticking out of the trunk. With a strong fist, he snatched it from the tree in one fell swoop.

Cici and Lynn were shocked at the boy's strength.

Lincoln used cotton wool and grease to cushion the branch, making an improvised cane.

"Take it," said Lincoln, extending the crutch to Cici.

Cici took the crutch, though it was rustic and offhand, but it was good, and it carried her well.

"Thanks again for helping me." The girl in the green jacket thanked him.

"You're welcome. Just be extra careful; let your foot rest, and in a few days it will be as good as new."

Lincoln and Lynn are back on their way, leaving Cici alone.

The girl had mixed feelings. On one hand, he helped her, and on the other hand, those rumors that were circulating about Lincoln, which she ignored, seemed to still haunt her head. Cici was lost in this sea of thoughts when she reflexively took a morsel of the biscuit that pulled her out of her thoughts. In a second, the biscuit was gone. The girl's eyes were wide open, her eyes big and bright, and her mouth full of crumbs. She had never tasted anything so delicious as that and was so amazed at its taste that she had not listened to the twenty messages and ten missed calls Christina had sent her.

Back at the Loud house, Lynn and Lincoln entered the house, and there was a sign on the stairs that read, Happy Fourth Annual Reunion.

Lynn snored. "Ah, not again, this ridiculous encounter."

"What's the reunion?" Lincoln asked.

Lynn proceeded to explain. "Once a year, Lori and Leni organize a get-together with their high school friends. Kind of nostalgic."

Lorii approaches Lincoln with various cooking ingredients in her hands. "Since we're busy, you'll take care of the snacks." She said this as she handed things over to Lincoln.

Nostalgia conquered the boy. His older sister hadn't changed even a bit after so many years.

"Ok Lori. I promise this will be the most memorable meeting Leni and her friends have ever had," said the boy in the kitchen with the apron on. "Let's do it."


Lincoln Marie Loud

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